General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Interesting mental phenomenon?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) May 21st, 2013

So I am currently sinking into depression as I do every now and then, and realizing that my life is pointless, and there is really no point continuing to live, and killing myself would be easy and end it, but killing myself also seems pointless. Why bother with living or dying when its all just pointless?

What’s the deal with that?

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20 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

I’m depressed right now too…and I don’t know what is keeping me going. Hang in there…

XOIIO's avatar

@yankeetooter yeah thats whats weird. I have no reason to live, but no reason to kill myself.

I don’t get it.

Coloma's avatar

Life is about being, period.
Do squirrels and sea turtles and crows and goldfish ponder the meaning of their lives? No. They just live, eat, breathe, sleep, make baby squirrels and watch out for predators.

Not much different than us ey?

You are a life form, nothing more, nothing less, but, I am all for self euthanasia if one cannot sustain a decent quality of life without undo suffering.
Do you have food, shelter, eyes to see with, a nose to smell with, a tongue to taste with, fingers to touch with? Well then….maybe start noticing the beauty of the world around you and get out of your head and into your being.

Adopt a duck, a cat, a donkey a Chia Pet. haha
Grow a garden, make your neighbor a pizza, take your grandmother out for ice cream.
Do SOMETHING to get out of your head and the miserable ego stories you are telling yourself.
Yeah sure….all life forms die, eventually, but most of them find some joy in living.

Be glad you were not born a fucking Redwood tree….less than a 100 years is much easier to assimilate than 2,000 and you are not stuck in one place forever either, better than a trees life although you won’t provide nearly as much oxygen to the planet. lol

Unbroken's avatar

You have too much time on your hands get involved in something. Create, learn discover fill the senses.

Not that I minimizing your feelings. I have felt them too. Or feelings as you have described. No doubt not exactly the same.

Be fruitful and multiply. If there is no purpose create one. Or simply enjoy.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr, my moment wasn’t corn under the fridge. It was smelling mud. Same thing, only different. I hope you are at least looking for the corn under the fridge. @XOIIO, I’m waiting to see the motor on the bike. I thought you were working on that project.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr That was amazing. I’m still digesting it but thank you for posting that.

XOIIO's avatar

@bkcunningham Eh, I’m not sure how I can hook it on, I need to find some chunks of metal somewhere or something, but I can’t do that when I’m asleep during the day :/

bkcunningham's avatar

Did you see the video I posted on the other thread? He used bed frames and some other things like “L” brackets for shelving?

Anyway, when you say you sink into depression every now and then, it is a bluesy kind of feeling?

josie's avatar

Sorry you are feeling bad.
Not really trying to be hard core for the sake of it, but…
I suggest you go to the nearest children’s hospital burn unit or leukemia ward.
Tell one of the kids there that it all seems pointless and you are thinking about killing yourself.

XOIIO's avatar

Well, I’ve hit my limit, going to sleep, maybe I won’t wake up

mattbrowne's avatar

@XOIIO – Who are the three people in your real life you feel very close to?

bkcunningham's avatar

I sure hope you wake up, @XOIIO. You are interesting and an important part of this world.

serenade's avatar

What works for me is to recognize that there is thinking from the mind and thinking from the heart. When I am caught up in despairing, I say “that’s just what the mind says, but what does the heart say?”

Another useful tidbit. Look up “Mooji die before you die.” (Mooji is a guru, and “die before you die” is a topic of one of his videos.) From personal experience, I can say that once you truly say “fuck it all” from the core of your being, suddenly you are free to do what you like, because nothing really matters too much. You can drop obligations that you didn’t even know we’re obligations. Also, you’re kind of free to regard all of “this” a little differently. If none of it matters too much, then you’re kind of free to satisfy your whims. Take a casual look around and move in the direction of the easiest, least unpleasant thing.

heymomma's avatar

I’ve never really suffered from depression, so I don’t know what you’re going through. But if the big problem is pointlessness, I feel like sticking around is preferable. It might get interesting, who knows.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@heymomma Welcome to fluther .GA.

XOIIO's avatar

Argh, had an alarm set for 1, I woke up and shut it off and sat down, and now it’s 8:30 :(

@mattbrowne I don’t have any I can name. I guess my dog, but that’s it.

mattbrowne's avatar

@XOIIO – What could you do to find such three people? Think about it.

Seek's avatar

@XOIIO I found mine on Fluther. No lie.

Sometimes meatspace is overrated. People here are real as well. They stick by me through my lows, and I for one will be there for you, too.

I find it helpful to have a distraction. Something you can do where you’re not thinking about what you’re feeling, or whether you’re capable of feeling anything at all. I paint. I’m not particularly good at it, but I find the motions comforting. And then when you’re done there’s something there, something you can look at and see the results of your actions. Instant gratification.

Here are some idle-work ideas:

Furniture refinishing: I do this, too. Best part? Almost free. Find throwaway wood furniture on the side of the road, take a scraper and some sandpaper to it (this can take as long as you need it to), then hit it with a new coat of poly or paint it if you prefer. If you’re having a really bad day, sand down a table with an orbital sander. Power tools for the win.

Cooking: Baking preferably. Bread is good because you get to beat the shit out of it a couple of times. And then you get to eat it. And there’s nothing in the world quite so delicious as warm, fresh bread you made yourself.

Sometimes, it’s nice to have something that requires a good deal of close focus. Hand sewing, jewelry making, beading (I don’t know what your gender identity is, but I know some very manly men who make fabulous Native American style beaded artwork that blows my mind-hole.) Leatherwork (specifically leather carving and stamping) is a good one. Wood burning (You can get a craft wood burner for $10 at any arts and crafts store).

Sometimes staring at a glowing screen just isn’t enough, y’know?

bkcunningham's avatar

If you are feeling blue, try all of @Seek_Kolinahr‘s and other suggestions that have been offered here. If you are suicidal and clinically depressed, you need to seek professional help and get yourself on the path to good health my friend. It isn’t something to play around with.

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