Is there any sort of discussion I should have with my dog, before abandoning him to the evil surgeon?
He’s getting snipped and chipped on Friday.
How does one calmly discuss these things with a pet? I’d write him a note so I don’t have to say it out loud, but I think he may be illiterate.
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21 Answers
You need to sit him down and tell him what is about to happen.
He deserves the truth.
“Sweetie, I’m taking you in to get your manhood removed. You will never have guy urges again. I’m doing this mainly so you won’t hunch everything in sight. They will put you under, whack off your balls and after that, you won’t have anything to lick down there.”
I’m very grateful that this will decrease his urges, as I woke from a nap this afternoon because he was humping me. Pervert.
Tell him you love him and that you are really doing this for his own good. Tell him it is going to hurt you more than it hurts him. Then promise you’ll buy him a pair of these. Give Fido our best and keep us posted on the outcome.
OMG, I’m rolling at the thought of nut implants, bahahaha!
@SuperMouse Never tell a woman about nut implants. There will be guys waking up all over the place with small slices in their scrotums and no idea of what happened until their testosterone starts declining.
@WillWorkForChocolate Just let your dog know you love them.
Heres what I think, as the leader you need to remain calm, no speaking. I have 2 dogs one has anxiety and I have babied him more than the other I think at inappropriate times, like going to the vet, talking to him and inadvertently I think I have made it worse to the point the vet would have to muzzle him and it was a whole ordeal and he still has plenty of issues which I don’t know how to overcome or even if it is neurological.
All I can say is at 10yrs he still gives me issues with just today knocking an older gentleman down. Not too long ago it was a very young and strong female :/
Then there is my other dog who has always been more balanced and when her time came to go to the vet I just passed her off to the vet I didn’t say a word and they actually told me that she was so sweet during her stay & did I actually have to come and pick her up because they will miss her! :/ When I picked her up after 3 weeks of ICU she was so happy to see me and I was happy to see her. I did not freak out I just greeted her like I do when I get home.
When she goes to the vet now there is no sign of stress or anxiety & she will get needles, get checked, have her nails clipped, and if she is waiting while I am calming down the Shepard will just lay down, its quite awesome actually.
Dogs read body language and can hear your tone of voice and one little mistake and the dogs just know something is not good. My girl is actually quite good at reading emotions so if my bipolar gets out of hand before I know it she will sit on my foot and let me know she does it with humans and animals, I guess she just wants balance.
So, I am all for writing the letter and maybe slipping it in one of those little ID collar things that hold paper, small note but efficient for you to say “I love you. Be safe.” Or something similar. ;)
Oh, BTW Good luck. :)
Tell him you love him and believe you’re doing what’s best for him, and give him a big kiss on the nose and a treat. I bet he’ll be just fine.
Have your husband take him in so you can be the hero with treats when you go pick him up.
^^ that’s good advice. I told you in FB my husband still tells our dog ‘she took you to have your balls cut off’.
You tell him not to be scared and that you will be waiting for him with lots of love and popsicles. Oh, wait that is for tonsils.
Ah, maybe it will work. Both could be considered worthless sacks by some. LOL
@Pandora As a guy, let me say that is so so so cold.
@Pandora Lmao. But I’m thinking twice before I give you an opening like that again.:)
Tell him you are saving him from playing a part in the production of possibly dozens of children. Children who for the most part could end up abandoned, unwanted and unloved. And he will be a better member of society for it. And congrats to you for your responsible behaviour. We have such a problem here with feral dogs and cats and so little emphasis on desexing our pets.
No, let it be a surprise. Like at Christmas.
Tell him that all the females in the area will appreciate his sacrifice and will become more willing and relaxed sex partners.
That’s what they told me before my vasectomy.
You guys are great. I often really appreciate the sense of humor from fellow jellies!
BTW, he’s doing great, so far. He’s doing so well, in fact, that his e-collar has been off, most of the day. We’re all keeping an eye on stitch-licking, but he hasn’t messed with them much. He’ll have to wear it at night though, when I can’t watch him, poor thing.
He seems to have already forgiven me, especially since I bought him some of those yummy, filet mignon flavored, chewy treats. And he swallows his pain pills like a champ! There was one moment, though, in the middle of the night, when he woke me by cursing at me to take him out. Demanding little patient, he is. :D
I didn’t need a collar.
I couldn’t reach it. Darn!
@LuckyGuy Obviously you aren’t very flexible.
@chyna If I could reach it, I’d never leave the house. :-)
Um…send good thoughts to him. They translate into dog-speak. Spoken English, not so much!
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