Social Question

Am I the only one who is pissed off with how the news are reporting the UK beheading incident?
I am sure that by now, most of you will have heard about the beheading incident in the UK recently.
If you have heard and seen the news on it, stick around. If not, then watch sky news at the top of the hour or take a look at this link and come back to join in.
I am just wondering, if anyone is as pissed off with how the news are reporting the story and the kind of language that they are using. Personally, it is bringing my piss to a boil with rage.
According to the news…
There are some “terror suspects” in the UK, who have “brutally beheaded” a “drummer of the second fusiliers” by the name of Lee Rigby, while shouting “Allah”.
The victims family, said that Lee was _“a loving son, husband, father, brother and uncle, and a friend to many.”
Lee is said to be a “distinguished member of the second fusiliers” who had “served” in several countries.
Defense secretary Philip Hammond said “everyone had been saddened and shocked by drummey Rigby’s death”
The prime minister said that “One of the best ways to defeat terrorism is to go about our normal lives” and that “we will not be shaken by terror” (or some similar noise, I forget exactly)
So… Lets get started.
First, I would like to know, how the news differentiate between a “brutal beheading”, a regular beheading, and a kind gentle beheading.
Also… This “drummer” they keep talking about, just seems to me a lot like someone who voluntarily takes part in war, in exchange for money, or in other words, a mercenary, so, not so much a drummer really.
Also, these “terror suspects” seem a lot to me like stupid and crazy violent maniacs, who are at best guilty of 1 murder with a sharp object. (Given the UK’s knife crime statistics, I think there must be A LOT of terrorists in the UK.)
Also, in regards to that list of things that Lee Rigby was, such as a loving husband, father, brother and friend to many, does it not seem like it is missing the words “mercenary” and “enemy to many.”
Also, is it just me, or does “served” sound a lot like “killed/helped to kill” and “distinguished” sounds a bit like “killed lots and lots and lots”.
I also have to wonder, just how un-shaken by terror the prime minister would be, if he was being chased down the street by two maniacs with butcher knives.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it was wrong that this soldier/mercenary was killed, but also his being a soldier is really just as bad, if you are being objective, then being a soldier is maybe even worse than beheading just 1 guy, when you consider what soldiers do.
Even if he was just drumming, he would still be boosting the morale of all the other killers, but, he was not just a drummer was he, he was also a distinguished machine gun operator.
I am not really trying to say he deserved it or asked for it, I just think the language the news are using is cheap and manipulative bullshit.
What do you all think?