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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you ever see things in your travels that remind you of fellow Jellies?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 24th, 2013

Guess who!

And later that day, at auction You want it, baby I got it!

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19 Answers

picante's avatar

My penguin sightings (yes, I’ve had those) always remind me of janbb; gourmet chocolates remind of the woman who’ll work for them; and any British comic brings ucme to mind.

Judi's avatar

I think if @YARNLADY whenever I am driving down a Californua freeway and there is a gray haired woman driving slow in the fast lane.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Judi!!! Lol! Why would you think that??

Judi's avatar

Because we have arguments all the time about it. I always wonder if its her. She likes to drive in the fast lanes because the ride is smoother. I argue that one slow car in the fast lane paralleling the cars in the right lanes causes traffic jams for miles behind them. I think her and I have had the argument several times on fluther. I thought I got her to concede a few years ago but a recent answer made me think maybe she didn’t. Poor @YARNLADY’s image appears every time my road rage rears its ugly head.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OIC. You are totally right.
I used to date a guy who did that. He said, “I drive there because no other cars are there!”
I said, “Um…why do you think that is?”
He said, “I don’t know.”
I said, “Do people ever honk at you?”
He said, “Well, come to think of it, yeah. But I don’t know why.”
Hopefully he changed his way.

OpryLeigh's avatar

When I was in America last year I drove through @Coloma’s neck of the woods and the mountains in the area made me think of her straight away. I really wanted to stop in and say hi!

Cupcake's avatar

I thought of @Adirondackwannabe while I was in the Adirondacks.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Speaking of @Adirondackwannabe I wish I had a picture of them, but in my town there are these 2 giant red adirondack chairs in my city and I think of him everytime I see them. I would seriously look like a mini me tackling one of those. I will have to get a pic soon!!!

My city must like things big I guess because there is also a giant shopping cart holding a smart car at a local auto dealer.

augustlan's avatar

I don’t travel, but I see things online that remind me of certain jellies all the time. Sometimes I’ll send a link to the jelly (I sent one to FutureMemory just last night!), or drop a line on their Facebook page. It always makes me smile.

Berserker's avatar

Well not really, but sometimes I walk into my living room, and zenzen is just there, sitting on the couch. Then I’m like, what are you doing in here? And he’s all like, just chillin’ man.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hah! The key words in your post were “used to date”. Why would anyone date someone so clueless? It’s a data point. That behavior might spill over into other aspects of their lives. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, it did @LuckyGuy! It did. I knew a serious relationship was not in the cards, but I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship, either. What we had worked just fine at the time. Very little emotion invested in it.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III There used to be a yarn store in Laguna Beach called Yarnlany, but that isn’t where I got my name.

@Judi Ha, ha. You should see me in the carpool lane. The speed limit is the same in that lane as well, despite the misconception that you can go as fast as you want. I have seen cars cross over the double yellow line to pass me.

Let it be known to one and all that I don’t consider 70 miles per hour, the legal speed limit in some places, to be slow. I often travel for miles and miles at that speed when it is legal.

I think of @Dutchess III when I see news from Kansas or the plains states. There are fleeting moments when I wonder if I might see @AstroChuck anywhere, since he lives in my area.

I don’t usually think of specific people, but often relate some things I hear or see to something I have read on Fluther. And, of course, this

Dutchess_III's avatar

No one is saying it’s slow. That lane is there for a specific purpose and cruising in it isn’t it.

Judi's avatar

@YARNLADY, that was me. :-)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Now this is a great reminder of @Adirondackwannabe. Its not the chair here but its not far from me.

Ontario likes big roadside attractions I guess. I can think of a few fluther friends when I see some of these. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes! Today I passed Goose crossing sign and thought of @Coloma. I was at the liquor store to buy wine for a party and saw Little Penguin Wine from Australia which reminded me of @janbb.
About a month ago on the radio I heard “Country road” and thought of @chyna.
It is surprising how often this stuff happens.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’m going to meet up with a bunch of 1976 graduates at a sports bar in Derby Kansas (where we all graduated from.) I’m doing the retro-hippie thing. I asked my husband how I looked and he said, “Ya look like an old hippie!” I started to grin and say, “That’s my poi….WAIT! WHAT did you just say????”
“Um…you…you look like a sexy hippie!”
“That’s better.”

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