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talljasperman's avatar

What score would you get if you took your home countries practice citizenship test?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) May 24th, 2013

From your home country… I took the online practice one for Canada and I got 38% because I couldn’t sit through the whole test… I was exhausted from taking the whole 140 multiple choice questions so I stopped around 50 and then I hit enter.

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18 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

Last time I took the practice test I got one wrong.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I took this test in one of my US history classes. It was pathetic, there were only five of us in the class that passed the test. Personally I thought most of the questions were ridiculously easy. There was one girl in the class that didn’t know who was on the 1 or 5 dollar bills….

YARNLADY's avatar

I score very high on tests, including general knowledge.

JLeslie's avatar

What practice citizenship test? I know many many people who have become citizens and the tests they took were super easy. Many of them were asked the colors of the US flag. But, I did flip through the book my husband studied from. Do you mean there is a test online regarding the information in the book that is used to study for the verbal test?

Inspired_2write's avatar

I did the practice test and got one wrong.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@JLeslie Here is a link to a US Naturalization Self-Test.

For you Brits, here is a link to the proper UK test.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I did several pages, did well for what I did, just missed a few. From what I can tell you have to check your answers after each four questions, is that correct? And, they ask the same questions twice sometimes. Weird online test.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@JLeslie It’s a study tool designed for self-testing. Since it is put together by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, it seems plausible that the questions might be on the final test. If one or more are missed during the self-test, the correct answers are given, and then they are repeated at a later point in the practice.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, I hadn’t noticed it was the ones I missed that were repeated. Makes sense.

Pandora's avatar

Wow, I did great! I had to stop after a few pages. Especially since I went through about 60 questions and then decided to check and saw it would only do it for 4 at a time. So I had to do another 60 or so. Ha, at least I know I’m not a dumb American. LOL I was rusty on some of the names involved in the constitution. But it has been more than 30 years since I’ve looked at a history book. I was really solid on current names.
This was fun. Great Question.

rojo's avatar

Don’t think I would do very well without studying. The kind of things that the nationalistic, patriotic crowd hold so dear are not that important to me. I have always viewed that kind of thing as a form of mind control or way of separating the sheep from the rams.
And, as for things like who the f*ck is on a $20.00 I really don’t give a rats ass. I can read the number and that is all that is important.

JLeslie's avatar

@rojo Try it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how much you know.

Plucky's avatar

I took the same practice one @talljasperman took. I answered all of them and scored 89%. I thought I’d fail; guess I knew more than I realised.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I am not sure how to answer. I was born in the UK, but I live in Spain, and have lived here more or less since I was 6 months old, except for a few years I spent away.

If I took the test for the UK, I would probably do quite badly, because I while I know who the current prime minister is, and who he is in coalition with, and who the other parties are and what not, I have no idea about the history.

I could not care less about what king married who and invaded what and made what deals with whoever. So for the UK test, I would probably get about 50% or so.

As for Spain, I would flat out fail, I don’t even know who the current president is, or even what party is in charge at the moment, or if they are liberal or conservative or what, they are just too insignificant on a global scale for me to care.

I would probably do much better on the USA test, maybe even scoring higher than some who actually live in the USA, even though I have never even been to the USA.

I know who it is that can never tell a lie, what the 1st and 2nd amendments are about, I know about independence day, the Boston tea party, the tea party movement, and loads of other stuff in between.

I can probably even name all the presidents in order since Nixon, even though I was not born then.

The USA are simply more important on a global scale to me, so I pay more attention. The USA is also more interesting to me for some reason, so I am naturally more curious anyway.

Personally, I think this kind of test should be abolished, I think they are against our fundamental human rights, and silly.

I would probably do much better, tested on the USA, Australia, Russia or China, than the country I live in or the one I am from.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

C’mon @poisonedantidote Please take the UK quiz I linked to up above. The questions were voted for by Brits on Twitter.

ucme's avatar

I took the test for Brits provided by @Pied_Pfeffer & scored 10/10…for what it’s worth.

Seek's avatar

Did a US test with 10 questions. Killed it.

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