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ragingloli's avatar

Has anyone ever had a dream where you get shot in the head and everything slowly fades to black around you?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) May 25th, 2013

because i have

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21 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Someone somewhere probably has.

I’ve died in dreams twice that I remember (quite vividly, even many years later): once by drowning and once by a sword through the throat.

Coloma's avatar

Hahaha, no. Better lay off the kraut before bed.
I did dream once that a bug came out of my nose, it was awful. lol

augustlan's avatar

No, but I did have a zombie nightmare the other night. Scary.

serenade's avatar

I was shot in the head in a dream, but it was followed by searing pain and then I woke up.

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan What was it?

I once dreamt that I got shot in the abdomen by some guy dressed in a suit. He shot me with a shotgun, and what happened in the dream is that I fell to my knees. (even though I believe that at close range, a shotgun would send me flying a few feet)
As I fell, everything turned bright and white, then I woke up. Was some fucked up shit.

augustlan's avatar

@Symbeline I can’t remember all the details, but it definitely involved my family members being eaten/turning into zombies and me being helpless to stop it. It kept waking me up all night. I’d be terrified, then realize it was just a dream and fall back asleep…only to slip right back into the dream again. Over and over and over. Ugh.

Berserker's avatar

That’s annoying…slipping in back and forth into a sucky dream. Rarely happens to me, but when it does, of course it has to be a shitty dream. Lol.

augustlan's avatar

That is so true. I almost never spend all night in a good dream. Boo.

Bellatrix's avatar

Not that exactly. I remember having a dream as a teenager – it’s stuck with me that long – where I was shot. I woke up straight away and felt highly anxious.

I had a weird dream the other day where someone shot at me but I had some weird power and could influence the bullet to hit the window and then ricorchet back and hit the shooter in the head. Weird!

downtide's avatar

Not from being shot but I once dreamed that I drowned and everything faded to black, then I woke up.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Usually when I get shot in a dream, I don’t see where I was shot, then I get the loading screen a respawn.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I got bit by a poisonous snake a few days ago.

bookish1's avatar

I’ve never dreamt that I was shot, but I’ve had dreams where I died. The most dramatic was driving off a broken bridge into the ocean. Everything faded to black for a while and then I woke up. It was memorable enough to recall over 10 years later.

Also far more frequently, I have dreams where my teeth fall out, which I have heard is a symbol of death in dreams.

Mariah's avatar

I get “shot in the head” dreams strangely frequently and I imagine the sensation involved in those dreams is fairly realistic. Not that I would know, having never been shot, but I always recall a sensation of my head being too “crowded” with the bullet in it. Moreso that than pain.

It never kills me in the dreams. I fall and I’m helpless and my vision disappears, like you said, but I’m not dead.

But I have died in a dream and I’m still here to talk about it (referring to your tag).

Coloma's avatar

To everyone…too many action movies methinks. lol
The other night I watched a lion documentary where a young lion dies having a seizure after being bitten by another lion. I dreamed a person I know had a seizure. haha

Inspired_2write's avatar

@bookish1 I had heard of that too ( from India ). About having a dream of your teeth falling out means that in 6 weeks you will hear of a death.
It happened to me years ago and 6 – 8 weeks my father suddenly passed away.
It almost is a warning to get ready for the shock?
Some also say that IF one dies in a dream it means that something that bothered you dies.
( like an end of an arguement,relationship etc).
Interesting .

Argonon's avatar

I had a few dreams like that. I even felt the warm blood gushing out of my head. It’s rather disturbing..

Mariah's avatar

@Inspired_2write If that were true I’d have no family left…I have those dreams all the time.

talljasperman's avatar

Yes.. and it wasn’t a dream.

JLeslie's avatar

I have been shot many times in dreams, but never in the head. I hope you didn’t give me that dream now, it’s bad enough already. I never die in my dreams, not that I remember.

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