Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you like to join me in a facebook experiment?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) May 26th, 2013

I posted a patently ridiculous Onion article on my fb just to see what happens—see if anyone takes it seriously. Maybe ya’ll could do it too and we can record our findings here!

This question of mine inspired this idea. :)

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6 Answers

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Humour is common on Onion. Fake articles are in my opinion, undignified and I prefer not to participate in that.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I read the Onion and get a kick out of it. The study that showed babies were stupid was great. Sadly some people can’t tell the difference or can’t take a joke. It happens here too. Look how often @Adironcdcakwannabe has to preface, or follow, his Q’s with a disclaimer. It is obvious to most that he is kidding but some folks don’t see it.
I feel bad for them when they miss the joke. It might mean they misread it or are even on the Autism /Asperger’s spectrum. It is not funny to them and it calls unwarranted attention to them.
On a similar note I watched the show Punked and didn’t like it at all. “Hey dude I borrowed and crashed your car.” “What??? I need my car to go to work!!! My kid was in there!!!” “Hah hah you’ve just been “Punked!”. How are the victims supposed to act? Not be angry? Should be angry? Either way they lose.

That said, the OK praying incident article was hilarious. Thanks for passing it on!

livelaughlove21's avatar

People have been doing this for quite awhile now. At first it’s funny how gullible people are, but then it just becomes sad.

harangutan's avatar

This wouldn’t work with my friends because they aren’t pea-brained.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not working with any of my fb friends either, although some of them ARE pea brained!

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