Social Question

Do you find these demographics of prisoners staggering?
A jelly made a comment on another Q about Republicans wanting to punish anyone who doesn’t look like them. It had to do with not allowing felons to receive food stamps. It sparked me to look up the demographics of prisoners in the US, because I would have guessed the majority of prisoners are white, even though I know black people are more likely to get prison sentences compared to white people.
Check out this link, I am curious what you think about the stats. Even if minorities are sometimes unfairly convicted or given harsher sentences, still the stats seem very extreme to me. The amount of crime is hard to ignore.
It says even stats for non-citizens. Generally I think non-citizens should be stripped of their legal documentation if they are legal, possibly thrown out of the country. Although, when my exboyfriend’s cousin was killed by her Syrian boyfriend (he had been married to a different cousin and left her for this other one) he was sentenced and jailed in the US and we were glad, because we had no confidence he would be imprisoned in Syria. He was in the US legally, I think he was green card status at the time of his crime. This comment has nothing to do with how I feel about a path to citizenship, we are talking about criminals here.