Meta Question

chyna's avatar

What Supermouse has flown into the 30K mansion?

Asked by chyna (51732points) May 27th, 2013

Our very own Supermouse has landed 30K!

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71 Answers

chyna's avatar

Yay @Supermouse! You were one of my first friends on here. I am very proud and honered to call you my friend. Thank you for all the advice and help you have given me over the years.
Now lets get down to the food line and party!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!!!!

tedibear's avatar

YAY!!!!!! CONGRATULAITIONS, SUPERMOUSE!!!!! Love you avatar and your answers. You’re a super jelly!

bhec10's avatar


PhiNotPi's avatar


janbb's avatar

Smart, inquisitive, helpful, courageous, spiritual – what’s not to love about you?

Not just any ordinary Mouse, you are a SuperMouse!

Mazel Tov on the 30K!!

glacial's avatar

Squeeeaak!!! Congratulations, @SuperMouse!

bkcunningham's avatar


cookieman's avatar

Fabulous!! Nice work @Supermouse!

This accomplishment surely earns you the title of Mega Mouse !!

whitenoise's avatar


mangeons's avatar

Congrats, Supermouse! You’re an awesome member of the community and I always appreciate reading your well-thought out and helpful answers. :-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Super Congratulations!

Unbroken's avatar

Na na na na Nananana SUPERMOUSE… It’s a bird It’s a plane….

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations to one of the pillars of Fluther! 30K yeah!

mazingerz88's avatar

WOOOOOOW just WOW-! Happy Day-! CONGRATS-! : )

Coloma's avatar

Cheers and congratulations!

When navigating the maze of fluther bypass the mouse traps, moldy chunks of humanity and you will find your cheesey reward in the Havaheart, stockpiled with gourmet cheese to accommodate your relocation and release into the top floor of the mansion. :-p

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Congratulations! I have not been on for ages…just heard the news!! Well done!!

Mariah's avatar

Yay for SuperMouse! I always love hearing your voice of reason. You bring an interesting perspective to every debate and I love that.

jca's avatar

Super-duper SuperMouse! Congrats on the awesome achievement!

syz's avatar


wilma's avatar


Judi's avatar

Congratulations! So glad you’re here!

Seaofclouds's avatar

Congratulations! You are a wonderful member of Fluther and a great mod!

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Yay! Congrats!

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; O boyoboyoboy, have I been waiting for this day, having dieted off a few ounces in preparation. Yummy.Oh, mousie, come into my parlor. Tea is being served at 4:30 (with special hors-d’oeuvres).

janbb's avatar

^^^ @SuperMouse Be careful with whom you celebrate! I smell a rat behind the arras!

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb,“To thine ownself be true.”

Or, if you prefer, “Give every man thine ear but few thy voice.” Ears are also very tasty.

janbb's avatar

“What fools these mousies be!”

Or is it – “What foods these mousies be?”

Sunny2's avatar

30K shows an amazing amount of sticktoitiveness. Congratulations!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Break out the cheese for everyone, extra big piece for @Supermouse ! !
Congratulations – - :>)

augustlan's avatar

Oh yay! I lurve you, mousie! Congrats. :)

linguaphile's avatar


I’ll leave my Speedy avatar up in your honor this week :D

flutherother's avatar

30Kongratulations @SuperMouse I have left a present for you.

tinyfaery's avatar

It’s about time. It’s been lonely here without you. You are one of my favorite Jellies. Congrats!

laineybug's avatar

Congratualions @Supermouse!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS * * * GOOD WORK * * * Y * A * Y * * *

ETpro's avatar

Well, @SuperMouse, it’s about time you used your super powers to fly up a level in the mansion. Congratulations and keep up the awesome work. I even love you when you bite.

Kardamom's avatar

Congratulations my dear!

With a little change of pace, we decided to set up a Fluther property on the West Coast, because we know you miss California. So we got some folks at the movie studios to build you your own Hogwarts Castle, but instead of it being in some cold, dark English countryside, it’s situated on Malibu Beach

On a clear day you can see The Mountains

You may not want to drive on the freeways, but sometimes they sure look Pretty at Night And not to worry, while all of us Jellies are staying at Fluther West with you, we shall take them by Bus on a tour of Southern California.

We will have breakfast Here and later on we shall have lunch Here and if anyone wants a snack, we’ll stop by This Place. When it’s time for dinner, I’ve managed to make reservations for all of us at This Restaurant. ‘Course we should also try to stop by Here for a cocktail while we’re in L.A.

Since we’ll be there for a whole week, we definitely need to take everybody Here for some of These

I’ve also arranged for a 2 night camping trip Up Here

Of course we have to go and see some shows, so we’ll be going Here for a symphony, and Here for some rock and roll, and Here to see a live taping of The Big Bang Theory.

I’ve prepared a couple of side ventures for anyone who is up for them. First on the list is This Place, and no trip to L.A. would be complete without a tour down This Street and we’re going to get a private behind the scenes tour of This Place.

If anyone is still hungry and we’re in the downtown area, we can go Here or if anyone is craving hot pastrami we can check out This Deli or if we happen to be in Pasadena, we can go Here

Even though you have your own castle, I thought it would be fun for all of us to spend one night Here

When you get back home you can give you lousy ex husband This T-shirt He doesn’t need to know where you’ve been ; – )

Blondesjon's avatar

we lurve you stuart. dontcha ever go changin’ . . .

SuperMouse's avatar

Thank you everyone! It was a lllooooonnnngggg road and I am very happy to be here wit such great company!!

Plucky's avatar

Congratulations to one of the cutest avatars on Fluther, @SuperMouse!

flutherother's avatar

@SuperMouse Did you get the cheese?

janbb's avatar

Or cut it?

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats to the Mouse! WTG!

Cupcake's avatar

Congrats @SuperMouse. I think you’re super.

Plucky's avatar

I smell cheese!

rooeytoo's avatar

Sorry I’m late, but congrats to a supermouse from the superdog!!!

AmWiser's avatar

Super 30K Congrats!

bookish1's avatar

Hooray @SuperMouse! What an achievement. Thank you for your presence here, and for being a mod!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations @SuperMouse. You broke the drought and got to 30K! Well done. You are a great mod and a great jelly.

Buttonstc's avatar

Yay ! A fellow cheese lover is at 30K. That’s a terrific accomplishment for one of my favorite jellies. Congrats to you!

LuckyGuy's avatar

You’re not only a SuperMouse but you’re a SuperJelly Mod, too! Fantastic!.
A Question of yours is one of my favorites and is still has me pondering.
Thanks for being here and doing all you do!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Supermousations to you!!!!!!!!!!!!

dabbler's avatar

Hip hip hooray for @SuperMouse !

majorrich's avatar

Squeeker squeek squeek. Squeekity squeek. (mouse for Congrats!)

Pachy's avatar

News about your hitting 30K is as big as an elephant. Congratulations, @Supermouse, from my little corner in the zoo.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I really like you! Congratulations (not congratulations that I really like you, congratulations on the 30k!!!)

picante's avatar

Congratulations, SuperMouse. I’m late but eager to keep the party going; I appreciate your wonderful contributions to the community.

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go Sup :)

rojo's avatar

SuperCongratulations @SuperMouse !

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Huge, magnificent, SUPER congratulations!

Sorry I’m so late! I didn’t see the ticker, and only found out about your party because there’s a rumor going around that you’ve been running around naked, throwing pancakes at everyone.

There’s an even more sordid rumor going around, that two jellies were “bumping tentacles” in the frizzer, and they got trapped in there.

chyna's avatar

Brr, it was cold in there… er, um, so guys, the party’s still going full swing!

SuperMouse's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I resemble that remark! Fortunately I throw like a girl mouse so there have been no pancake related injuries.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats @SuperMouse . Sorry I’m late. And many thanks for your mod work. You guys are amazing and you usually get vilified rather than thanked. You make this site mouseable. :)

thorninmud's avatar

Surely I’m not the only one who has noticed that the letters of SuperMouse can be rearranged to spell Puree Sumos? I mean, I love your posts, but I just can’t get that image out of my mind.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Well, I refuse to eat puréed sumo, no matter whose party it is!

bookish1's avatar

@thorninmud: That’s pretty gross, but I still want to roll you up into my katamari.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations to a wonderful Jelly on a terrific accomplishment! Well done!!

blueiiznh's avatar

DAMNED I am late.. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!

mattbrowne's avatar

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deiner −243.15° C Traumvilla !

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