Social Question

Unbroken's avatar

NSFW Why are crazy people better at this or are they?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) May 27th, 2013

It seems to be an accepted truth among single people that crazy people are crazy good at sex.

I have heard countless ancedotal tales and have one experience with it myself. Since that time I have given the theory more credibility and have heard several more tales.

But when I ask why no one seems to really know. I have speculated that they have less inhibitions. Then someone pointed out to me that drug or alcohol users also have lowered inhibitions but that is no indication of prowess.

Now let me also say that being sane or not on drugs doesn’t mean you can’t have great sex.
For which I am insanely grateful for.

So thoughts, stories, refutation? Come one, come all.

And by the way I realize this question is not politically correct. It is not my desire to offend either the crazy, sane, or the drug users… or those not so fantastic at sex. Practice people!

Labels are used because they are helpful at clarifying my question so others can understand it and agree or disagree howsoever they choose.

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23 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

How exactly would you define “being better (or fantastic) at sex”?

Judi's avatar

My only experience is with someone who was bipolar. I think that the passion that was so scary when he was angry came from the same place in his brain that made him passionate in the bedroom.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I take offense at the terminology. We freaks are not crazy. We’re very sane. Don’t hate us because we’re freaky.

Unbroken's avatar

@gailcalled That is a difficult question to answer. I thought about it while writing the question and can’t help but feel that if I knew the answer to that I would not need to ask the question.

I will try to explain please understand that I feel like I am missing the essence of it.

How can so many different people with different opinions of great still use the the phrasing and agree when not in the same room or have done anything but volunteer that vague stamp.

My experience was that there was instant familairity. A lack of self conciousness. A primalness that had less then normal restrictions on it. It wasn’t about technique or emotional closeness it was instinct.

@Judi I think I understand what you are saying. I wondered the same thing to. On that premise funneling that energy should relieve the pressure that builds up before an explosion, shouldn’t it?

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Then be offended, freak. K ) But this an opportunity to educate the less informed are you seriously going to pass.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Look… Just because I find it difficult to hold my cock, and the noose, at the same time, doesn’t make me a bad person.

Unbroken's avatar

Did I at any time associate crazy, freak or bad person?

At no point in time did I mention morals or good and evil.

I can totally see where you might have difficulties with a noose and your cock. However I have faith that if you want it badly enough you can figure out how to get your autoerotic fix.. hopefully without damage to self or another.

augustlan's avatar

I can see where people with certain kinds of ‘crazy’ might have fewer inhibitions, which often makes for better sex. But I think it’s entirely possible to have fewer inhibitions without the crazy, too.

livelaughlove21's avatar

It seems to be an accepted truth among single people that crazy people are crazy good at sex.

Really? I’ve never heard such a thing. It must not be that much of an accepted truth.

And what exactly is crazy?

Unbroken's avatar

@augustlan True. Can it really be so simple?

@gailcalled Upon further thought I want to add intensity, focus and I never understood the term “wild with abandonment,” heck I still don’t, what is the person abandoning and why does it make them wild. But this is the closest I have come to feeling I might understand it. A lack of need for intimacy or just an assumed instant intimacy maybe. I am not sure there either. The ability to instantly attach.

Also I want to add an addendum to “better.” Imo sex is overall better with people one has a real connection to. It can take a while to learn and develop intimacy, build trust and emotion push boundaries imo this sex has the best future. Also there are the people who are technically amazing.

@livelaughlove21 Fair enough you can question. I don’t have data points to offer. What I can rebut is that you are quite younger then me and didn’t spend much time in the single world. In fact if I remember correctly lost your virginity to your husband. Nothing wrong with that, for some it’s admirable. But I did preface my assumption/question with in the world of single people.

I can think of dozens of stories from single friends over the years. It can’t all be regional because my friends are scattered. And I don’t solicit this info just noticed. So in my observation the statement is correct.

As to crazy well I didn’t meet these people or most of them. But usually people notice if a person is “off.” I people watch on occasion and it is funny to see how people subtly shun a person or treat them with kid gloves. In the case of my situation I had a niggling but I couldn’t put my finger on it so I dismissed it. Later I saw it but most of the time he could pass for normal. I found out later he had PTSD and had been diagnosed with bipolar at one place and schizophrenia in another.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve never heard such a thing, but I can imagine men saying it about women. Bipolar is mentioned above, and people in a manic state often are hyper sexual. Not that I don’t think both sexes are hypersexual during a manic episode, they are. But, men we usually think of as being hypersexual anyway. As far as being better at it, maybe they are just so into it they go the extra mile. So much in a state of arousal both sexually and needing less sleep (well, they have trouble sleeping) they have the energy, while others of us enjoy the sex, but also are exhausted from our life and happy for a quicky and some sleep. LOL

Men will say women are freaks or freaky when the women are into sex. I guess maybe the idea or stereotype come from that.

Just thinking out loud. Again, I never heard anyone really make the generalization you put forth.

serenade's avatar

#3 FWIW. Also, the comments.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@rosehips I may be married, but I’m far from immune to the “single world.” Quite the opposite, actually. However, I agree with @JLeslie that I can more easily picture men saying this about women than vise versa.

I don’t put much weight on the word “crazy” – it means nothing. If you mean mentally ill people, I don’t think there’s any actual correlation between amount of “craziness” and sexual skill.

Perhaps this is in the same ballpark as the belief that all black men have big penises.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Well, I have been told that I am awesome in bed, so it seems your theory is gaining some ground.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t think being crazy helps them be better at sex. If it did, you wouldn’t hear so much about “my crazy ex-girlfriend”.

marinelife's avatar

I imagine that the mentally ill run the same gamut that the “normal” do: some are good at sex some are average and some are bad.

bossob's avatar

I’ve heard that opinion now and again. I think I’ve experienced it with one woman. I wouldn’t use the word crazy, but more of a ‘devil may care’ approach to everything in life. I appreciated it in the bedroom, but it was self-destructive in the rest of her life.

Remember Lorena Bobbit? At the time, I heard a lot of men joking that she would have to be crazy good in bed because she was a little bit crazy.

Coloma's avatar

Because many people with personality and mental health issues are all about drama and the more intense and theatrical and drama oriented an unhealthy person is, the more sex is about putting on a performance. Everything they do is carefully acted out for effect rather than intimacy. They are not really present with the sex partner and are only focused on the theatrics and intensity, carefully watching for feedback and looking for acclaim and ego strokes and to create a sexual/emotional dependence in the partner.

Judi's avatar

@Coloma, nailed it. Sounds like the voice of experience.

Coloma's avatar

@Judi more like education, and knowing a lot of drama kings/queens over the years. lol

Plucky's avatar

Can you define crazy, please? Is it anyone with a mental illness? Or more eccentric people?

Unbroken's avatar

@JLeslie Bipolar is a good example. Of course that seems the nature of their upswing.
As to more males then females, I will give you that. But the freaks in bed is different from crazy as in stalker drama crazy.

Any rate thanks for the thoughts.

@livelaughlove21 You are entitled to disagree with me as I am with you. I don’t think I can change your mind as I am sure you can’t change mine. But thank you for your input. As to black men with big penises bit. Everyone knows that is a myth.

@serenade thanks for the link. It gives me a tiny bit of credibility that I am not making this up. The comments one or two I felt worth reading as well hopefully we can do better.

@poisonedantidote Lol.

@filmfann re serenade’s link. Bad drama; i.e. stalker, yelling matches, paranois, irrational jeaousy, the fact the earth revolves around them. Hard to want to stick around.

@marinelife Mentally ill is really general. As such I do agree with that statement but I also think certain mental illnesses i.e. bipolar give an individual a +5 as in some times of emotionally damaged people.

@bossob Exactly not necessarily diagnosable or if they were they sure didn’t want any help but a firecracker.

@Coloma Brillaint GA. Exactly what I was looking for and missing. Thanks for helping me out there.

@Plucky Thanks for asking this question again after a night to think on it I can be more specific.

Crazy-Could mean mentally ill or emotionally damaged but not necessarily all inclusive. People who run away from help, cause drama and damage themselves and people around them with no intention of doing more then slightly pretending they might work on it when cornered only to fall back to destructive habits almost immediately.

ETpro's avatar

Being completely uninhibited and not put off by the fluids, smells, tastes and actions of human bodies makes one WAY better at sex. Given current culture, with all its tropes that corporate consciousness sells us about smells only being acceptable when they are produced by carcinogenic chemicals corporate chemists provide at a handy profit, etc.; iconoclasts are way more sexy than conformists. If they choose to label the iconoclast as crazy, all that demonstrates is how stark raving mad the new normal is.

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