General Question

wrestlemaniac's avatar

What happened to the mayans?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) June 16th, 2008

Many people speculate that the mayans either were conquered, they were wiped out with disease or simply migrated somewhere else. what do you think fluthers? holla.

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6 Answers

soundedfury's avatar

I’m swayed by the theory that drought is the primary thing caused their decline, but when you ask what happened, they were technically conquered by the Spanish. They were in decline long before then, and there were many factors.

I’ve read and seen a lot of solid scientific evidence that a significant drought occurred that precipitated the decline in their power. It just seems so likely to me, I can’t imagine any other principal reason.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

they lived in the rain forest, jungle, something and they were the smartest people of the day how come they couldn’t reason their way to greatness

Harp's avatar

Still there! In the Yucatan peninsula, there are people who still speak dialects very similar to the Mayan languages. In Guatamala, the Kaqchiquel, Tx’utujil, K’iche, Mam, Q’eqchi and Achi cultures are all descendants of the Maya.

Knotmyday's avatar

Some (who have studied the subject more than I) believe that the Mayan civilization collapsed due to to overpopulation, which led to an eventual decimation of their natuaral resources. That and bureaucratic mismanagement, wars, peasant revolts et cetera.
By the 9th century, the Mayan empire had fallen. That was long before the conquistadores spread Christianity and syphilis across mesoamerica…
But @Harp, the mayans are still with us.

playthebanjo's avatar

I thought that the Mayans boarded their spaceships and evacuated. I must have misunderstood that chapter.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

What Spaceships?!

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