Career advice for Michele Bachmann?
Asked by
filmfann (
May 29th, 2013
Madame Crazy Pants has decided not to run for Congress again.
What do you think she should do for a living?
Why do you think she isn’t running again?
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13 Answers
Fox “news” commentator.
I think that she may have had a moment of clarity, realized that the GOP has enough of a credibility deficit that no sane, intelligent person could vote Republican unless they are stuck in the past, and decided to go out on top.
I think it was because she barely won last time, and her presidential campaign is being investigated for campaign finance irregularities.
I heard that someone stumbled upon her harem of Mexican boytoys she kept hidden in the saferoom off of her boudoir. Illegal aliens all. Hung like horses.
I’d love to see her flipping burgers at McDonalds or doing yard work. She can finally see what the other 40% lives like.
I believe that she will ‘come out’ and announce her lesbian lover, divorce her husband, and disavow that horrible “conversion therapy” that she and her husband have been touting.
She may also end up in jail
Good riddance to her. She’s suited for only one thing: non-public speaking.
Spokeswoman for the Tea Party.
@rebbel that’s the same answer @jerv gave. ~ ~ ~
Move to Alaska and look at Russia. Somebody else did that ? ? ?
She will go on the speaking circuit for a while then she will become a lobbyist.
For someone who’s statements were “true” or “mostly true” only 15% of the time, she seems uniquely suited for politics. Who else would put up with her? Oh, yeah, Faux News.
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Because of her incredible rain, she’ll be invited to join a very conservative think tank . .
not. She’s wealthy enough to not need to work. Perhaps she’ll write fiction of brain-decapped children.
^^^ Left out the b in b-rain. I was being facetious.
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