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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you, or anyone you know, stash your / their cell phone in their bra?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) May 29th, 2013

Just saw this on fb. Apparently a 21 year old girl developed breast cancer and the doctors think it’s because she carried her cell phone in her bra. Who the hell would carry their cell phone in their bra? (But it would explain why Lilly Tomlin was always digging around in her bra! One ringy dingy….) It seems to me that it would be AWKward when your boob rang, and even more awkward to retrieve the phone.

I saw a woman once who carried her cigarette pack in her bra,up front and center. As a result, she had one round boob and one square boob. It was REALLY weird lookin’!

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27 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Well, if it is on Facebook, it has to be true. Right?

ucme's avatar

Be funny if women kept them in their knickers though, especially when set to vibrate…now that’s a booty call.

tups's avatar

I have actually done so a couple of times at parties where I had no purse or pockets. But don’t tell anyone.

Berserker's avatar

Ringing boobs, booty call…I lulzinate. :D

CWOTUS's avatar

I’ve been thinking about it, but I don’t need a bra yet. Maybe this would be a good excuse to start wearing one.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m male, and I carry my cellphone in my left pants pocket about 90% of the time. And as we all know, pants pockets, depending on their depth, end up very close to the male organ.

Am I running a risk?

Seek's avatar

I did, back when tiny phones were the thing. I can’t imagine carrying my HTC monster in my bra. Don’t know where I’d fit it.

I’ve never seen compelling evidence to suggest that cell phones cause cancer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso It wasn’t just a post…there was a link to a news channel that covered it. I included the link in my details.

I agree that there is no compelling evidence to suggest that cell phones cause cancer. I just thought it was weird that anyone would carry one in their bra!

Pachy's avatar

Never heard of that, but I have a friend who stores his in a trunk.

ucme's avatar

@Plucky Ha, yeah I forgot about that, Mrs. Brown is hilarious.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I don’t have enough room for an iPhone in my bra, so no. When I had a tiny piece of shit flip phone, I’d slip it in my cleavage if I needed both of my hands to do something, but not in public.

I recently stopped carrying a purse, so I either keep my phone in my back pocket, my book bag (at school), or in my hand.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ve stashed mine in my bra, a few times, when I’ve gone for a walk.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I know a woman who keeps her phone in her bra all the time. I have never seen her use a handbag or the pockets of her clothing, it’s always in her bra!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you know why she does it?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III obviously she wants to be kept abreast of all of her phone calls and text messages.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t. She works on the doors at nightclubs so I understand the lack of handbag but I don’t know why she doesn’t just put it in her pocket!

Dutchess_III's avatar

snicker @elbanditoroso!

Why doesn’t she just leave it behind the bar. Why do people feel like they have to have their cell phones with them 24/7? God forbid you should miss a message or a phone call.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I carry mine on morning walks, in case the kids’ school calls. And when I walk, I’m usually wearing shorts or yoga pants with no pockets.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree, there are good reasons for having it, but sometimes it’s just ridiculous. We were at a friend’s house the other day. Her 18 year old daughter went to the bathroom and left her phone in the living room. The daughter got a text, and her mom went and banged on the bathroom door “You got a text Mary Lee!!!” WTH??

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Not my bra. I reserve that space for $5 bills from my pole-dance routine.

FluffyChicken's avatar

If I don’t have any pockets I do.

filmfann's avatar

for years I have kept my phone in my shirt pocket. If I get breast cancer, I would say it’s the phone.

JLeslie's avatar

No. But, I sometimes stash money, ID, credit cards, etc. I haven’t done it in a while. I did it a lot when I worked in retail and when I used to go out dancing when I was younger. My cell phone is too big to carry in my bra. I guess if I had bigger boobs I might do it. I do sometimes wind up carrying it around in my hand, and I worry about losing it. If I am with my husband or friends and don’t want to carry a purse I just leave my phone at home.

I do believe cell phones carry a cancer risk.

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