Meta Question

ucme's avatar

What reactions have you gotten from those you live with in relation to Fluther?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 29th, 2013

Either your s/o, child or whoever. Might be something they’ve said when you’ve been logged in, maybe in response to a reaction of yours. Or perhaps just a passing remark related to this little old website we like to call home.
Stick to positive comments only regarding other users, can’t be doing with petty little sniping.

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30 Answers

bkcunningham's avatar

My husband calls Fluther my imaginary friends. LOL I waste entirely too much time here.

ucme's avatar

I only ask because the other day in response to me laughing at something here, my daughter asked…“what have you done now?”
She said it in such a dry way it made me laugh even harder, bless her.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

She thinks that it’s silly. Flutherverse.

She thinks that arguing with people on the internet is ridiculous.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Hubby thinks it’s interesting but he has no patience with online activities. Mom wants to join, but I told her maybe not a good idea. Friends just laugh and say I like to ‘fluffer’ lol

Seek's avatar

The hubs just doesn’t get it. He’s a social butterfly, and doesn’t understand why anyone would want to have internet relationships.

However, he’s getting better. I think that I’ve talked enough about some of you that you might as well be IRL friends. My IRL friends live so far away from me, I only talk to them online, as well. ^_^

janbb's avatar

He left.

ucme's avatar

@janbb Most definitely his loss :)
The wife still refers to it as “that flutter thing”…“outsiders” just don’t get it at all.

Seek's avatar

Jason calls it “Twitter”. He really doesn’t get it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Mommy wants to talk about Jesus with ya’ll- lol, I knew I shouldn’t have told her about a few of our conversations. :)

Seek's avatar

I’m game. Hook it up.

Sunny2's avatar

My spouse is a computer-phobe. He thinks I’m “working,” even though I’ve shared some of the interchanges here. In his defense, he has Alzheimer’s.

Blondesjon's avatar

My wife doesn’t get it . . .

ucme's avatar

Yeah, where is the mrs @Blondesjon? Not seen her around for a while.

Blondesjon's avatar

Not in the trunk of my car, I can assure you of that.

ucme's avatar

Course not, I thought maybe she was bound & gagged to the bed…only when the kids are sleeping though.

hearkat's avatar

My fiancĂ© signed up, but I don’t think he’s been active. He’s not outspoken about his opinions, although he is very knowledgable on many topics.

Bellatrix's avatar

My husband doesn’t want to Fluther although he did once answer a question and post a recording of his voice for me. It was very sweet of him because he isn’t interested in Fluther, FB or anything like this online.

My kids aren’t interested in partipating but they get it I think.

_Whitetigress's avatar

Anytime I have a debate with my wife, she says, “Ask Fluther!”

augustlan's avatar

Real-life friends will say things like, “what is it you do again?” or “so how’s it going with that site you manage?” I doubt many of them even remember the name. Before I worked here, I invited several of them to join…most of them just didn’t see the appeal.

My kids get it obviously even though they aren’t on often during the school year. My husband didn’t really understand my feelings about people here at first, but I think he understands it better now that he uses chat while gaming. He browsed around on the site one time when I hadn’t been here very long, and his libertarian-self was very nearly disgusted by how liberal we tend to be, haha. He sure was happy when Fluther gave me a job, though. ;)

jca's avatar

I have told very few people about Fluther because I would not want my friends and family to figure out who I am here and then learn all of my innermost secrets. The few people I have told about it, I don’t think have taken much of an interest and one person joined a few years ago but he was conservative and this site was not for him.

I think it takes a special type with thick skin who can spell and use proper grammar and punctuation, plus someone who is somewhat liberal. Plus someone has to have some free time to come on here and learn how the site is used best and get into it. In addition, it takes a bunch of times coming on here to make it part of the sites that a person uses regularly as a habit.

Cupcake's avatar

My hubby introduced me to fluther. He was a very active member. Then we got married. :)

My teenager says, “Did your real friends say that or did people on fluther?”

ucme's avatar

Cheers folks, good stuff.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I don’t discuss it with others. When I am here I like being able to talk freely and without fear that someone might be reading my posts.

You guys are the only ones I talk to about these issues. Don’t you feel special?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LuckyGuy I do, I think you’re pretty cool. :)

wilma's avatar

You are my secret.

ucme's avatar

I don’t quite follow @LuckyGuy‘s logic, surely the people/person you live with are aware you’re a member here & that being the case, you’d only have to tell them not to pry, which they should comply with, can’t see the issue at all.

wilma's avatar

@ucme I get where @LuckyGuy is coming from. I am the same. This is my private place to be anonymous and perhaps vent or otherwise ask a question or leave an answe,r that I don’t really want others in my life to necessarily read.

ucme's avatar

@wilma Yeah & that’s perfectly understandable, but why would you simply not just tell them you’re a member but it’s something you’d rather they didn’t pry into.
Both my children & my wife are aware of my participation & don’t care about my involvement, but I know i’d trust them to keep away if things were different.

wilma's avatar

@ucme that might work for some of them. For others that would be like me saying” I have a secret, and I’m not telling you.” They would go looking for it.

ucme's avatar

Nosey buggers then.

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