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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Anyone else have a short attention span and find it difficult to get into movies?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) May 29th, 2013

I don’t know how many movies that I start and stop quickly because they don’t “grab me”.

I have a hard time sitting down and watching movies. Seriously.

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17 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Oh yes, why do you think I fluther? My work is done and I’m working ahead most of the time, my brain moves too quickly, so I use fluther to slow myself down.

Comedies and action flicks are about the only thing I can sit still for, books are a whole other subject.

Plucky's avatar

I don’t but my mother is horrible that way. She will constantly get up during movies. She’s even gotten up and started vacuuming! I’m one of those people that absolutely can not miss even one second. I even sit through horrible movies…thinking it just might get better, which it rarely does.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

My partner suggested that I watch Downton Abbey. I’m worried that it’ll bore me to tears and I’ll end up shuttin’ ‘er off. ;)

Pachy's avatar

I love good movies that unfold slowly, like a good book.

flutherother's avatar

A lot of movies are quite poor and hardly worth the effort to follow. I like watching good movie a second time. I know it won’t disappoint and I can concentrate and appreciate the things I missed the first time.

Kardamom's avatar

I can’t relate to that feeling at all. When I watch a good movie, I savor every moment, and then I relive those wonderful moments in my mind for days on end.

I don’t recall the last bad movie I saw. It might have been Anchorman with Will Ferrell. I had to turn that one off.

Seek's avatar

I’m the opposite. I watch entire TV series in one sitting, then am upset when it’s over.

There should really be a 12 step for this.

ucme's avatar

I mostly love watching films, whether it’s with the kids, the wife, or just on my own.
Some though cough Valkyrie cough bore the crap out of me to the degree where I yell out fuck this shite! & give up on it.

tups's avatar

I do have a short attention span, but oddly not when it comes to most movies. It can happen on certain days that I can’t get my mind around a movie.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t but my boyfriend really does. Getting him to watch a movie is difficult because of this!

sparrowfeed's avatar

I’m that way.

sparrowfeed's avatar

I can’t watch a movie but I can watch re-runs of Tyra Banks and Maury on Youtube.

Berserker's avatar

Perhaps it’s not so much a lack of attention, or short attention span…rather than it is that a lot of movies just don’t grab you. I’m easy with movies and have no trouble getting into them, even when they’re real bad. As long as it’s fun somehow.
However, I have seen some movies so utterly boring that my thoughts quickly wander elsewhere. It’s like I see the picture, but the rest of me is elsewhere. When that happens, I usually turn it off. Doesn’t happen often no, but I’m just suggesting, maybe it’s not a short attention span, it’s just perhaps a lot of movies just don’t do it for you.

woodcutter's avatar

I seem to think of other things to do if the story drags too much early on. It has to grab me soon if I am to ignore the pain in my back I get from sitting too long.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@Symbeline Movies that I never have a problem with his horror. Heh. :)

Berserker's avatar

You have good taste in movies. :D

sparrowfeed's avatar

Movies with good looking lead actors help.

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