Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Does this mean fewer people will be given jail sentences?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 29th, 2013

From this article titled

State budget cuts could result in fewer inmates at correctional facility”

I mean, what the hell? Either someone deserves jail time, or they don’t. You can’t just throw people in jail, or not throw them in jail, based on a whim….can we?

I mean, say something happens and an otherwise regular guy goes to jail for 6 months. He loses his job. Say he has a wife who is a stay at home mom, and 3 kids. His wife is stuck out there with no income. That could come close to really wrecking your life.

But the following month, for the same crime, you get a slap on the wrist and a fine, and, with any luck, your boss never needs to know.

It just can’t work that way!

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6 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Same thing it meant in California with early release of Lindsay Lohan, They run them out after processing them in.

Linda_Owl's avatar

Our much ‘vaunted’ Justice System is so fouled up, that almost anything can happen.

Berserker's avatar

Doesn’t the super awesome justice system work like a big corporation though? gotta tighten our belts, yo

Dutchess_III's avatar

If they’d just legalize marijuana our jails would empty by about 50%.

rojo's avatar

And, does it mean the cops will stop enforcing certain laws?
Or will certain acts become fines instead?
And can we petition to keep Linsay Lohan in jail and make all the Kardashians her cellmates and promise that it will NOT be televised?

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