Social Question

bob_'s avatar

What color of panties are you wearing?

Asked by bob_ (21944points) May 29th, 2013 from iPhone

Inspired by the lovely @Blueroses.

Answers about boxers or briefs are also welcome.

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77 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Navy and gray horizontal stripes,
You da man @bob_ !

tinyfaery's avatar

Orange with a red flower design.

bob_'s avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes. Yes, I am.

@tinyfaery Cute!

Oh, and I didn’t answer myself. Black boxer briefs.

Berserker's avatar

Lol. I’m wearing wolf fur undies. also, white, I’m boring :D

Berserker's avatar

Random, but here’s a song about underwear.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Gray hipster panties – pretty boring.

Seek's avatar


And this bra. It’s redonkulously uncomfortable, but SO damn pretty. ^_^

Sunny2's avatar

Just plain old white cotton. Nothing interesting going on here today. (but I have lacy blue nylon ones waiting for an occasion)

rojo's avatar

Kelly Green

ucme's avatar

The bra worn by the model in @Seek_Kolinahr‘s link looks like her tits are wrapped in cabbage leaves.
I go commando, just because I can.

Seek's avatar

I happen to like cabbage.

FutureMemory's avatar

Sorta purplish. They came in the mail once.

Berserker's avatar

@FutureMemory Lol. Random mail undies.

bookish1's avatar

boring black boxer briefs

WestRiverrat's avatar

Going commando today.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Deep purple, with pale pink and turquoise flowers all over.

OpryLeigh's avatar

None not being kinky, I’m just in bed about to go to sleep so am free of restrictive clothing!

Coloma's avatar

I don;t wear panties. I am wearing a skirt with the breezes blowing through. lol

Bellatrix's avatar

None right now. Still in bed – the day is just starting.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Tighty whities like 98% of all my undies. Boring.
I save the black ones for special nights.

Commando is too scratchy and uncivilized. I like to keep the naughty bits soft and sensitive.

rooeytoo's avatar

I believe this question is politically incorrect and could be construed as sexual harrassment. Nonetheless leopard print cotton, the perfect mix of exotic and comfy.

linguaphile's avatar

Black boy shorts.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Black. They’re Cool-Max exercise panties, under my exercise shorts. The fact that I worked out today makes me even cooler than the Cool-Max.

rooeytoo's avatar

Is there any womens underwear that is comparable to mens boxer briefs? I hate elastic legs cutting into me where my legs meet my body? I can’t find any here.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@rooeytoo They make boxer briefs for girls. Boxers, too. I’ve seen them at Target. Boy cut may also work. Or buy panties with no elastic – get lace or something. Perhaps you’re just wearing a size too small.

rooeytoo's avatar

@livelaughlove can you tell me a brand name please for boxer briefs. I have tried all of your suggestions and none are satisfactory. Thanks!

hearkat's avatar

None. I wore a skirt to work, and wore a split-slip underneath. When I got home and changed, I skipped underpants and just put on my capris.

Coloma's avatar

It’s healthier for women to not wear panties, this is why I am a skirt girl. I have worn panties MAYBE a dozen times in the last 30 ears. lol
I own about 4 pairs of paanties and they are in immaculate condition because they rarely get used. haha
‘Blame it on the be free, wild child, au natural 70’s. :-D

Thongs are only for seduction purposes otherwise, screw underwear.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I can’t imagine going even a day without underwear. I can’t even sleep without it. I feel really uncomfortable going commando. I’ve tried it in pajama pants, shorts, jeans (ouch), and my prom dress. Nope, can’t do it. I feel naked and it irritates my skin with all the friction of rough materials. I don’t know how people feel comfortable in a skirt or dress with no underwear. I’d prefer not to worry about someone getting an accidental glimpse of my cash-and-prizes. And at 23 years of age, I’ve never even considered wearing a slip, so I think I’ll stick to wearing panties – they make me feel secure. :)

I do have an aversion to thongs, though, and only wear them when there’s a threat of a VPL. I don’t think there’s anything even remotely sexy about a thong unless you have a killer body with a great ass.

augustlan's avatar

None, at the moment.

filmfann's avatar

Tighty whities.

am I getting to you?

johnpowell's avatar

Time to get this party started.

rooeytoo's avatar

@johnpowell – took forever to download, but yeah they’re pretty boxers and are nicely coordinated with your hoodie.

johnpowell's avatar

@rooeytoo :: Oh Australia. That probably blew your data cap too. You guys have the worst internet. And I have been watching the new season of The Block and I hate the twins with a passion. I’m rooting for Trixie & Johnno.

augustlan's avatar

It only took a second, here. Well worth the wait. :p

rooeytoo's avatar

@johnpowell – We are skipping The Block and watching The Voice instead. But I have heard others say they are not fond of the twins either!

Our present PM is spending billions to get us a National Broadband Network, so far it is not very impressive, but we live in hope!!!

johnpowell's avatar

@rooeytoo I am really liking Hose Rules.

Bellatrix's avatar

@johnpowell what the heck are hose rules? I never watch The Block.

rooeytoo's avatar

Ryan, how are you watching Aussie television??? Are these shows on in USA? You always know these secrets!

jca's avatar

None right now. I am in bed and never wear underwear to bed.

@livelaughlove21: I wear thongs and I can tell you the benefit is that there’s no panty line underneath pants (or skirts). When I see a woman with a nice skirt on or nice pants and she has panty lines all over her ass, I think “why doesn’t she wear a thong? Her ‘look’ is ruined by panty lines.” Plus another benefit of thongs is that once you get used to wearing them, when you wear regular underwear (bikini or whatever) it feels like you’re wearing a diaper. In the words of Kelly Ripa “we swallow our underwear.”

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jca The VPL I mentioned stands for “visible panty line.” It’s the only reason I wear a thong. I don’t do panty lines.

I have to wear thongs every day at work for that reason and I change into regular underwear as soon as I get home. It’s not that they’re uncomfortable, it’s that I feel ugly in them. Like I said, the only people that look sexy in a thong are women with fantastic bodies, which I unfortunately do not have. So, I’m “used to” thongs and have yet to feel a diaper sensation in my regular underwear. I stay away from bikini underwear unless I’m just sleeping in them because I’m not into the granny panty look. I wear hipsters mostly, which make the ass look great. :)

Seek's avatar

If VPL is an issue, I go without.

snowberry's avatar

White undies with black and tan polkadots

ucme's avatar

Panties always sounds so fucking childish.

rojo's avatar

Ok, It’s a new day and I changed my undies (better @ucme ?). Now they are black/grey and I can truly say “Nothing comes between me and my Calvins”.

Seek's avatar

Hopefully you’re out of your Calvins by that point, @rojo

rojo's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr actually the briefs are Calvins.

Says so right there in big bold letters around the waistband. Which brings up the question: Who are they advertising to? Am I going to impress partners by wearing a particular brand? Are you really monitoring my underwear when we are in an amorous situation? (Mmmmm, That’s impressive!) Am I going to get kicked out of the bedroom if I wear Walmart brand?

ucme's avatar

The word is better @rojo, but the mental image of you changing kegs is, well…not :/

Seek's avatar

Why are you wearing Calvin’s briefs?

and I think I was unclear with the pun about coming in your Calvins…

rojo's avatar

Ok, feeling stupid now. Did not even pick up on that.

Not sure why I never even picked up on that when Brooke Shields said it.

ucme's avatar

Brooke used to be gawjus, she now looks a little man-ish in the face…just thought i’d toss that in for no good reason.

rooeytoo's avatar

google doesn’t seem to know what BD pants are and neither do I?????

Coloma's avatar

Different color skirt today, still no panties. haha
I did get a complement on my skirt while out shopping this afternoon. :-)
Live on the edge, of course at 53 if someone wants to look up my skirt, well…knock yourself out. lol
I also received a complement on my nice skin, not a wrinkle at almost 54. :-D

augustlan's avatar

@rooeytoo I seem to remember “BDs” standing for underwear (maybe a brand?) back in the early 80s. I can’t find any confirmation of that online, though. I might be wrong.

rooeytoo's avatar

@augustlan – maybe it was short for BVD’s???

snowberry's avatar

When I search for parent company of BD underwear, I keep getting hits for Bangladesh Underwear. Is there a connection?

augustlan's avatar

@rooeytoo Shit, that’s what it was. BVDs, not BDs. I am lame.

rooeytoo's avatar

Here is the next part of the question, what does bcd stand for??? :-)

johnpowell's avatar

Pants are Ben Davis. They are workware and durable as hell.While not made in the USA anymore (Dominican Republic) they never got worse when they moved manufacturing unlike Dickies.

And how do I watch AU tv shows? I belong to a torrent tracker that only does AU, CA, and UK tv shows.

ucme's avatar

Someone who constantly whines on about the standard of questions here is not only happy to answer one about his undies, but is more than willing to elaborate further & give out the fucking brand…guffaw!

johnpowell's avatar

Well, I have given up and embraced the inner Yahoo. And I barely visit anymore and don’t give a fuck if the place goes to shit. I no longer care. The owners stopped caring and I have joined them. Do you need help with a dream?

ucme's avatar

Fighting a losing battle still has merit, so long as it was fought well…kinda, sorta thing.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Solid black, today. Boyshorts. Very comfy.

bob_'s avatar

Now, now, kids. Be nice to each other.

ucme's avatar

That was nice as fuckin pie, for us two anyway…wachoo talkin bout willis?

bob_'s avatar

Put that way, you might actually be right. Carry on, then.

ucme's avatar

Nah, moved on now, just a brief encounter.

FutureMemory's avatar

@rooeytoo I was indeed referring to john’s Ben Davis pants when I said “BD”.

rooeytoo's avatar

Thank you all for the info on @johnpowell‘s trousers. They are very nice. Khaki’s are my favourite.

I need lessons on utorrents. I try and try but never seem to master the art of them.

Blueroses's avatar

Zen: If panties have no color, do they exist?

Berserker's avatar

you mean like seethrough panties?

ucme's avatar


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