Anyone have any interest in a bra with built in pockets?
Asked by
rojo (
May 30th, 2013
Seems like someone was asking about keeping things in your bra earlier but I couldn’t find it.
Take a look at the BoobyPack. Is this something you could see a use for.
Incidently, take a look down the page at the “Stupidest Products for Women”. Which would be your vote for the dumbest?
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35 Answers
There is already a very useful version of this: it’s called a nursing bra and you put pads in the pockets to absorb the leakage. I suppose you could tuck in a few credit cards, a folded $20 bill or your car keys.
And there have been times when I have been trapped in a several-hour-long colossal traffic jam on an interstate where I would have killed for a female urinal cup. I could have peed into the empty coffee container instead of holding it until I thought I was going to explode.
@gailcalled…Did you ask because you knew one had been invented? Or not? :)
(Gosh, this looks disrespectful next to the avatar of HRH, doesn’t it? Apologies, mam.)
I think it was this question you’re referring to.
Well….NO! I mean, for what reason? should there be pockets in a jock strap?
@DarlingRhadamanthus: I don’t understand your question because I did not personally ask any questions.
As it happens, the urinary crisis i experienced on the Mass. Turnpike ten years ago did lead me to buy a female urinal cup to leave in my emergency basket in the car…along with a crank radio, flashlight, blanket, hat, spare batteries and a first-aid kit.
But…but…a bra is pockets.
@DarlingRhadamanthus I think @gailcalled was refering to the second part of the question regarding the stupidest products for women. It was one of the items shown.
@Dutchess_III Yep, that was the question. Thanks. Jocks don’t need pockets, most mens clothing already have several. I believe the boobypack is in lieu of a purse.
What about the combination vibrator/razor?
A reigning monarch is known as HM Her/His Majesty, any senior member of the royal family goes by HRH Her/His Royal Highness.
O….. Off with @@DarlingRhadamanthus’ HEAD!
yup, let the fucker eat cake!
I am famailair with the pocketless and purselessness when dancing several women use bras as pockets.
Cellphones, credit cards, cash, id. Not saying its tasteful. And most women don’t go to the restroom to withdraw these items either. Though a zippered pocket makes it sound like instead of a casual gesture one might be left fiddling for several minutes.
Personally I wouldn’t wear the products I saw, either. At least not as a top. Maybe a cami.
Oh side note exercise clothes do come with and option for ipod and creditcard pockets.
Jaffa, more of a biscuit really, but there you go.
That was kinda the whole point.
Well, just off with her head then. No biscuits, please.
You say you want a revolution?
@rojo, the last thing I would want is more bulk around my boobs. No.
I don’t want pink pubes either.
@gailcalled…I did not mean to offend, I misunderstood what you were writing.
@ucme and @Jeruba,...Yes it is indeed HM. (Horrors for having written that!) I had just finished watching a documentary on HRH Prince of Wales, he was foremost in mind and the slip was an honest one.
Well, with all the “off with her head” and the inadvertent royalist gaffe (especially this week) I was not in good stead all round on this one.
Oh, goodness, that’s surely contrition enough. Back on with her head again, then, I say.
Queenie celebrated 61yrs on the throne today, only 2 more & she beats Victoria becoming Britain’s longest serving monarch…like forever!!
@ucme, wasn’t this the 60th anniversary of her actual coronation? She became queen in February of 1952, when her father died.
@Jeruba Yeah, but it gets complicated. She took over the throne in 1952 when her father died, but it was only made official a year later because it was considered inappropriate to conduct such a grand ceremony that was a coronation during a time of mourning.
So, it could be argued that both timescales are indeed correct…boring eh?
@ucme, yes. Actually I remember all that. My father was a citizen of the Dominion of Canada at the time, even though a resident of the U.S., and he brought home a rented TV so we could watch the coronation. I was pretty small, but I remember it.
My point was that today’s anniversary events were for the 60-year mark on the coronation. She reached 61 years on the throne in February, but that wasn’t what was celebrated today.
@Jeruba Well in light of the fact that you belatedly altered your original comment, then yeah, but it’s a trifling point anyway, one which, i’m sure, Charles ponders over to this day.
How is Phil doing? They said he was sick on the news last night. Haven’t seen anything since.
Think of The Green Mile at the beginning when the little shit guard first brings John to jail, he repeats three words as he marches him onto the wing…there’s your answer in quiz form, how fun.
Interesting twist when things get erotic. No, strike that.
What about a bra with built in stereo speakers on each side? Comes with our without the subwoofer in the panties.
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