Social Question

What is wrong with me and how can I be a better person?
I want to ask this question to get insight and advice from anyone who has ever felt the same way, or someone who knows anyone that is like this.
My problem is that I have no ambition in life.
I am female, in my early 20’s, and don’t care about working or going to school.
I have no ambition to finish college or get a real job. I don’t see the point and don’t really care. This is a problem because the first questions people ask one another when meeting is “What do you do?” and I always feel odd for saying I don’t do anything.
I have no ambition to make money for myself, or to work a 9 to 5 job.
I only want to live my life and experience things. This hurts me because I KNOW I should make something of myself and I should be more independent and have goals.
The only thing I really want in life is to be loved, spread love, have experiences, have a family of my own, and be married to my soul mate. I am an idealistic dreamer, but I need and WANT to wake up. I feel like a dreamer while everyone else has a nice condo and a nice car and have things to show for….
But…. I don’t feel the “drive” to do any of that. Does anyone have insight into this? Have you guys ever felt this way? I want to change and become a better person – self sufficient, independent, etc….
Everyone is climbing the ladder of success and it hurts me because they have the nice trappings of success, but at the same time I don’t care for it.
I want to live away from the crowd and have a family and live a very simple life. Love my husband and my kids and live in nature…. Does this sound weird? Please help!