Social Question

bookish1's avatar

Do dreams impel you to action?

Asked by bookish1 (13161points) May 31st, 2013

I’m talking about the dreams we have at night. You know, about our crushes and stuff, haha.

Last night I got a call out of the blue from an ex whom I haven’t heard from in half a year. She said that she had dreamt about me two nights in a row, and knew that she had to call me. It was a very nice occasion to catch up with her.

And I just woke from a dream about a certain French rascal who still makes me weak. I know I’m going to be restless until I write him, trying to sound intelligent and charming in a tongue other than my native one rather than further embarrassing myself.

Have dreams ever encouraged you to take a course of action? Does it have to be something that you’ve already decided on, and the dream just confirms it, or have dreams pushed you toward decisions you wouldn’t have made otherwise?

This is in Social. Have fun.

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8 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I’ve been motivated to get in touch with someone after I dream about them, especially if I haven’t been in touch for a long time. I had such a dream a few nights ago but haven’t been able to work of the nerve to follow through. Dreams, I believe, are sometimes an inner voice we need to pay attention to.

picante's avatar

I’m a prolific dreamer; some of my best ideas originate during REM. If I’ve dreamt that something bad has happened to someone, I will follow-up. I know that’s silly, but I do it.

If I have a frequently recurring dream of someone, and I determine there is a thread of rationality to the dreams, I will be spurred to take some action. As to romantic dreams, I let them evaporate. They’re only a reflection of my feelings, nothing more.

ucme's avatar

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairytale
You can take the future, even if you fail
I believe in angels…ahem, yeah, I once dreamt I was in Abba :P

RandomGirl's avatar

I’ve had a few dreams of things happening in my house (remodeling projects, things breaking, people doing stupid things, etc.) that always make me get up right away and see if it really happened or not. One time, I had this sort of a dream, in which someone was up on our roof and put his foot through the roof and through our living room ceiling. I woke up and had trouble remembering if it had been real life or not, so I went and looked, and it was fine. A few hours later, a friend of my dad’s came over and they went to look at something on the roof – and the friend put his foot through the roof and the living room ceiling! It was weird. (I didn’t even know in advance this guy was coming over.)

Mariah's avatar

The most relevant thing I can think of is that I once wrote a creepy short story based on a dream I had. That kind of counts as being compelled to take action, no?

I once dreamed I was an awesome long distance runner (I have terrible endurance) and woke up all inspired, but I didn’t follow through. :(

zenvelo's avatar

Generally, no. But if I dream of someone I am friends or close to, I will usually use it as an excuse to call them and tell them. It’s a nice icebreaker, especially for old sweethearts.

But a dream about hiking or something like that does not drive me to do anything at all.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My daydreams do. My nocturnal adventures would get me arrested.

marinelife's avatar

Not often.

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