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ucme's avatar

How should I react if a bully truck driver beats up on a guy wearing spectacles in a diner?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 31st, 2013

Go Superman on his hillbilly arse or what?

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26 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

Post it on Youtube.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Sounds like you’re planning a trip. In the south you kick the guy with glasses. In downstate NY either look the other way or video it. Where I live Western NY you just tell Jethro to cut it out or you’ll tell his mom. People are very polite ‘round these parts.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I don’t understand the spectacles thing, my old karate teacher wears glasses.

My rule, if its 1 on 1, stay out.

ucme's avatar

The only trip I plan on taking is down sarcasm street.
The point of the spectacles is we’re recreating a scene from Superm…oh forget it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Run and don’t look back. Truckers have buddies in trucks across the entire US and are a tight brotherhood. Or find a biker, they have buddies, too.

Hey @ucme, you didn’t ask how to pick up a hooker at a truck stop?
You hang your towel on the steering wheel I hear…lol, true story.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yeah I bet they are, all big girls playing hoot ya horn!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme I can’t WAIT to hear what you say after visiting the states!! You should have plenty of good jokes for us.

JLeslie's avatar

Is this question regarding a trip to the states? You have been watching too much Top Gear.

ucme's avatar

No, not really @JLeslie, just a light hearted bit of fluff, nothing to concern yourself over.
Besides, I wouldn’t make the mistake they did when writing shit on their cars, oh no!

JLeslie's avatar

Hahahaha. No, not really watching Top Gear, but you wouldn’t make the same mistake they did. LMAO.

Are you coming to visit though? I can’t wait to hear the stories also.

ucme's avatar

No, I meant not really planning on making a trip, pay attention dear or I shall be forced to give you a detention.

JLeslie's avatar

I was day dreaming a bit.

Berserker's avatar

Don’t truckers just sit around all day, being busy driving and having bad cholesterol problems? That specky dude would crescent kick him in the head and dislocate his face. It would be the end of it.

ucme's avatar

@JLeslie I’ve told you before, quit crushing on me, flattering as it is, i’m already spoken for ;-}
@Symbeline Certainly Large Marge would take the fuckers out.

JLeslie's avatar

Not about you silly. So full of yourself you are.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Large Marge…I seem to remember her, but from what? Can’t pinpoint it…she was a trucker, and scared the crap outta some guy or something.

ucme's avatar

Tee Hee.

ucme's avatar

@ucme Yeah she was off one of Pee Wee’s movies, the one about his bike I think, scary woman :D

ucme's avatar

Oh dear, talking to myself again…I was of course talking to @Symbeline, my bloody fingers are too manly for this iPad :)

ucme's avatar

You got it, shoulda had her own movie.

filmfann's avatar

@ucme added a link

ucme's avatar

Yeah, I posted that same link a while back in another question.
She’s so fucking sinister, a touch over acted maybe, but still.

Blondesjon's avatar

all shall kneel before zod

ucme's avatar

love the suits

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