Could the gang here at Fluther critique this logo?
Both graphic artists and lay-people too. What does it look like, evoke, and of course, do you like it? Thanks!
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43 Answers
Looks like a j and a sunrise. It is a happy logo. I guess maybe it is an i, but I don’t like that type of i.
It would help knowing what kind of company this is for.
The small j and the colors/shapes make me think this is for children.
The colors are great and it really stands out (whether it’s a white background or not). It is also easily reproduced and branding friendly
The only critique I have is that it looks like everything else on the web right now. On the other hand, there is a reason everything else on the web looks the way it does right now.
Nice work man.
@JLeslie – It is a “j”
@filmfann – it’s for a designer, who usually uses bright colors. The palette can be changed rather effortlessly and the name of the designer will be printed under it.
@Blondesjon – Thanks so much! (I’m using the “flat-design” approach, which is all new to me. Usually I’m the glowy, drop-shadowy designer and I wanted to try something new.)
Looks like a mining operation on one of Jupiter’s moons. I like it.
It doesn’t open for me. :/
Total layperson here. I see a sun, a green planet, a blue sky, and a J. I think the colors work nicely together, and evoke youth, newness, and optimism, although I’m rather averse to that shade of orange. I like the way the J is positioned.
Yes! Thank you.
I see immediately that it is a “j”. I also see blue sky above grass, and what is possibly a sun between them. If I had to guess what the logo represented, I would say something for children (playing outdoors), or something farm-related (maybe fresh produce).
Because of the balance between the “j” extending deep into the ground and the large sky above, it might be something that involves energy, or maybe water cycles (though I would probably choose to represent that differently).
@bookish1 – What wonderful adjectives to use “youth,” etc! The colors can, and _will_be tweaked, although everything you see is what I wanted to convey.
@glacial – That’s food for thought, especially since it’s for a designer’s website.
Also, does anyone see an “eye”? Their last logo had a big eye as its centerpiece, and I wanted to retain that, although it’s not strictly necessary.
I’ll post other color-treatments tomorrow… I’ve been getting tuckered-out so early these days! Thanks all!!!!
t is very clean and cheerful; I see an umbrella (of course, my family made its money by manufacturing umbrella frames so they were a constant presence in our life) and/or a jaunty little person. Rather than an eye, I see a head.
@serenityNOW I like it very much too. If you want to play with colors that are color-wheel coordinated, try out Color Scheme Designer. It’s like a automated color wheel. Click the RGB value to the lower right of the color wheel. Enter any RGB hex triplet you want to use as a starting point. You can click the color wheel thumbs at the top left and get coordinating colors in monochrome, compliments, triad, tetrad, analogic or accented analogic. Have fun with it, but the colors its in are great. Like everyone said, blue sky, orange rising sun over a green planet. Nice.
^^^The OP said, four answers above yours, “Also, does anyone see an “eye”? Their last logo had a big eye as its centerpiece, and I wanted to retain that, although it’s not strictly necessary.”
Yes, I saw what the OP posted just after I wrote it so I deleted it. Unfortuneately you saw my post the three seconds it was there I guess.
I like the logo, but I think it would be better as an SVG- smaller file size, more resizable, easier to edit, etc.
I was expecting it to suck. But I actually really thought it was good. Kinda reminds me of the Obama campaigns logo.
The gang…drive by fluthering, colors, colors, colors, colors…
Yeah, it’s sharp, as logo’s go-go.
@johnpowell – Why were you expecting it to suck!?
@rexacoracofalipitorius – Hey, it’s an Illustrator file – vector.
I only made it a jpeg so people could view in their browsers
Guys, you’ve all been great. It’s very hard to be objective with some designs, especially if you’re given free reign over a project. It’s very nice to hear such positive comments.
Nice and earthy. The “j” looks like a plant rooted into the ground.
@ETpro – I’ve been using Kuler, and they just came out with an app for the iphone where you can take a picture with the camera and it bases a color scheme on what’s in the viewfinder. (I don’t know if maybe you need an Adobe account/subscription to use it) but I like yours, too. After all, who knew of looking for color-palettes for the color-blind!
I’m skipping everyone else’s answer so I can comment before being influenced, then I will read the other answers.
I like it a lot. The letter j would be the name of the company/product/idea and the rest of it looks kind of like an umbrella, so I’m thinking of something that is protective or has several things under one bigger idea. Love the colors.
I didn’t see the eye, and it also kind reminded me of the Obama logo, which I like.
@Kardamom – Cool! (I liked Obama’s branding a lot. Very tasteful and inventive. I can only imagine how many iterations went into that one, to produce something so simple.)
@serenityNOW : Ditto what @Kardamom said. Last night when I looked at it, it made me think of that logo, but I got confused and thought it was the Democratic Party logo. I forgot it was just for Obama.
“For the first time, a candidate used art and design to bring together the American people—capturing their voices in a visual way.” I don’t know if it was the first time, but there’s a whole book about it apparently: Designing Obama. I’m gonna have to check that out.
@serenityNOW :: Nothing personal, I haven’t seen anything you have done before. But generally when people ask these questions it gets difficult to remain polite.
@johnpowell – understood. I didn’t think it was anything personal, but you can never be too sure.
Looks like a J sunrise cyclopse magic mushroom of scaled circles.
I think of landscape companies, holiday rep agencies, trash collection and recycling.
The lower case makes it subtle and not overbearing. The colors are modern and fresh. The j also looks like a person – with the stripes over the head representing ideas.
I like it!
That being said, it’s not a log for every industry. It’s got a healthcare, service or education bent. What industry is it for?
@figbash – It’s for a graphic designer – the colors could be muted, or changed all together; I just kind of like them. I’m still working on the lettering underneath.
I’m a super anonymity freak, but I think I’ll post a treatment or two with some dummy-text under it; it may help people with their suggestions.
Hi all – added some type; now I have a whole host of other challenges, but it’s still a work in progress
By the way, is there a good designer’s site that I can upload to, that you all can recommend? I like doing this on Fluther, because I get some honest feedback from non-designers.
Thanks for the feedback!
Of all of these typefaces, I like the top, upper right the best.
I recently saw this web site when looking for a graphic designer and like some of the typefaces and fonts used here. Modern and classic –
I prefer the font on the top upper right as well! And I came to that opinion before reading what @figbash wrote. I like the spacing between the letters. The lines are very simple and the logo draws the eyes naturally down to the text, rather than the eye beginning on the text or getting stuck somewhere between the text and the image. I feel like there’s better compositional unity on the top right one than in any other layout.
I also like the one on the top right. It has just the right weight and spacing.
@figbash, @bookish1, @Kardamom, @JLeslie – Upper right works for me, too! @bookish1 – Really cool perspective of the direction the eye travels. I didn’t even think of that! Thanks for the feedback everybody. I think we have a lock!
@serenityNOW : Glad to be able to help. I know nothing about design, but I’ve studied art and art history, and I really like thinking about the composition of art and photographs.
@figbash – I just checked out Bloom’s site. He’s excellent with type. I love the design in the upper-left: the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I like the sweeping lines; that’s hard stuff to pull off, even if ultimately it looks simple. I do have one issue with his site, and it may just be my bad-eyes, but the font-size when you roll over his portfolio pieces is quite tiny. I have to blow up my browser window to read it, but I almost think that’s secondary – his work speak’s for itself.
@serenityNOW Get your eyes checked, man. I’m pushing 70 and I can read the fine print on Arron Bloom’s site just fine.
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