Social Question

filmfann's avatar

What groups are their own worst enemy?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) June 1st, 2013

I can’t imagine any group being more their own worst enemy more than gun owners.
They rant on television that if we try to take their guns, they will kill us. They send ricin infused letters to the President and to members of the government. They claim we need more guns in our schools to protect the kids. People are killed every day by gun owners.
I know many gun owners, and they are not all nut jobs. Most are very responsible, but they resist the most reasonable restrictions.
In short, gun owners are their own worst enemies.
What other groups are?

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51 Answers

ucme's avatar

Suicide bombers, quite literally.

cheebdragon's avatar

Any kind of extremist.

To be fair, no one likes to be told what they can buy, when they can buy it, or what to do with it. Automobiles kill more people daily than guns do, there are plenty of rules, regulations and fucking taxes for owning a car. I feel like one of the biggest if not only reasons the government try’s to stop anything is just because they can’t tax the fuck out it and get their cut. They get a % from prescription drugs, motor vehicles, hunting permits, alcohol, all are leading causes of death, with the exception of hunting maybe.

ucme's avatar

Vegetarian vampires…that must suck.

cheebdragon's avatar

Word. Peopletarian vampires too.

Berserker's avatar

@cheebdragon Tobacco, too. Sometimes I wonder, if hard drugs didn’t wreak immediate damage to users, it would probably be legal.

ucme's avatar

Vampires with dentures…aww come on, ya gotta be shittin me!!

Berserker's avatar

Vampires with straws. You know…cuz they suck.

LOOL I crack myself up.

cheebdragon's avatar

I wouldn’t say it’s immediate damage, maybe gradual. The government has a lot of propaganda about drugs and their effects. Prescription drugs cause more deaths than illegal drugs.

cheebdragon's avatar

Glittery vampires are killing the street cred for all vampires.

ucme's avatar

Zombies with a persecution complex…“I wanna eat this fucker, but it’s so terribly, terribly wrong”

cheebdragon's avatar

Zombies against violence. ZAV

cheebdragon's avatar

Gay Nazi Bikers for Christ (oh, the things you can learn from google…)

Black Gay Nazi Bikers for Christ, too.

ucme's avatar

Jehovas witnessessessesss

Berserker's avatar

Gay Nazi Bikers for Christ/Jehovas witnessessessesss/same

ragingloli's avatar

“Vegetarian vampires…that must suck.”
Not if they only suck the blood of vegetables.

cheebdragon's avatar

@ucme I know, what kind of sick fuck doesn’t like birthday presents. Lame.

ucme's avatar

@ragingloli I just knew Stephen Hawking would get a mention somehow…poor bastard.
@cheebdragon Jesus, “what about my xmas presents eh!?!” :D

dabbler's avatar

U.S. voters ?

YARNLADY's avatar

Tea Baggers
Occupy protesters

dabbler's avatar

Tea baggers I can see, they got hoodwinked into the Koch-sucker agenda (Americans for “Prosperity”) then found themselves wondering why they were asking to be liberated from their own social security and medicare benefits, in the name of freedom.

I don’t see how the Occupy protesters caused themselves harm, except for some individuals who were on the unlucky end of police pepper-spray and police choke-holds. That certainly was not what they were advocating for.

tinyfaery's avatar


peridot's avatar

Women, who carol about “sisterhood”—then are fouler to each other, on balance, than any man could ever be, and in sly, below-the-radar ways. Who want to be treated as equals, but seem to think that jiggling body parts around and sweetly smiling while being nasty are how to garner it.

That section of the black community who demand respect while being a twitch away from near-constant violence, liberally call each other “the n-word” (which I am forbidden to use on account of being white), then pull the race card whenever things don’t go the way they think they should.

filmfann's avatar

I will add the Westboro Baptist Church to the list. These ignorant fucks are driving people away from their church with their circus antics at military funerals. When I become Shah for life of this country, they will be the first ones up against the wall.

Pachy's avatar

Tea Party,

bookish1's avatar

@peridot: It’s a sad truth of humanity that the lower a group is on the social hierarchy, the more they step on each other and people below them. You should see how nasty transgendered people can be to each other (in real life and online). I left a trans support group IRL in disgust because its members set up bogus standards for how to be a True Trans person, and then shunned or attacked those who didn’t fit in.

Such behavior, of course, is nothing compared to what marginalized groups face in society at large. It’s just sad all around.

YARNLADY's avatar

@dabbler Many occupy protesters trample the plantings in their area, urinate and defecate in public, interfere with other people who need to conduct daily business, and engage in multiple, escalating acts of vandalism.

Berserker's avatar

@peridot Haha that reminds me of the OVC. (online vampire community) I can answer this question seriously, haha.

For those who don’t know, these are individuals who meet online, although apparently there are plenty of real life meet ups and shit. People who consider themselves vampires. Not story book vampires, but people who say they get energy from certain sources. Psychic vampires who gather strength from nature, such as storms, sunny days, stuff like that. Sanguinary vampires, who get a kick from drinking a spoonful of blood, usually provided to them by a donor. These donors have another name, I forgot what it was. Black swan or something. Sexual vampires, who gather energy while having sex, and the ever so disliked emotional vampire, who gets off on manipulating people’s emotions.

Now I do not deny that any of that is real. Maybe your bus driver is motivated whenever it’s warm out, maybe your grandmother is in a good mood whenever it rains. As for drinking blood, well cannibals have existed and they still do. I don’t see why one can’t condition oneself to drink blood. There’s too much iron in it, so your stomach will reject the blood, but I suppose you can get used to it eventually.

Anyways. Most of these people adopt the term vampire, or living human vampire, and most of them seem to be into the Goth culture. No problem here, I was a goth in my teens and early 20’s. The problem here is that they perceive themselves as outcasts because of these energy gathering methods, and cry out to be accepted by all. But they do so by condemning absolutely everyone who isn’t a ’‘vampire’’, treating everyone like dirt. They enclose themselves in little forums and websites online, and cry persecution any time you don’t admire them. Lol. At least, this has been my experience in the OVC. In which I have always stated that I wasn’t a vampire of any kind, but rather a person interested in this. I eventually lost my interest because most of these people are so bitchy and full of themselves. Thing is ’‘vampires’’ have created their own persecution. It’s not like being a homosexual or lesbian in some shitty country where you can get hung for it, it’s not like being a victim of racism, it’s not like being sexually harassed at work. Anyone can have certain things that gives them strength and energy, not just goths and emos. But by excluding everyone who for some reason doesn’t go with the dark vampire shit approach, everyone is just going to keep thinking they’re ridiculous attention whores, and the whole energy thing will keep being ignored. I mean some of these people I met were like 50 years old, and they acted like I did when I was 16. What the fuck? There’s always these big wars and drama and shit in these types of sites, I mean even more than what is common in an online society. Vampires indeed.

Sorry, lol. [/RANT]

For the record, I may bash the OVC completely, but I did make a few good friends, and I’m not saying they’re ALL like that. But, it was my experience that many were…incidentally, I’ve never met a single person in real life that associated themselves with this. And don’t get me started on otherkin.

ucme's avatar

That old timer, self appointed leader of the westboro loons looks like Adam West, the guy who played Batman in the original tv series…probably why he’s so bat-shit fucking crazy.

cheebdragon's avatar

Republicans maybe, but certainly no more than democrats.

Blackberry's avatar

People. We essentially have the tools to make our lives better but don’t do it because we’re lazy, or stupid, or greedy, or full of hate etc. I know I could do more to make my life better, but I’m not going to because well, I don’t want to lol.

johnpowell's avatar

@cheebdragon :: legitimate rape

Just one of many that prevented president Romney.

cheebdragon's avatar

@johnpowell Shockingly, Romney does not represent all republicans. Do all democrats think there are 57 states? I doubt it

johnpowell's avatar

Yes, saying that there is 57 states is exactly the same as aspirin between their knees and Rush Limbaugh’s slur that Sandra Fluke is a slut.

“Everybody goes to clinics, to hospitals, to doctors, and so on. Some people go to Planned Parenthood. But you don’t have to go to Planned Parenthood to get your cholesterol or your blood pressure checked. If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood, and that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.” April 8, 2011, Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.

I could go on and on. And we haven’t even touched on minorities.

cheebdragon's avatar

@johnpowell I’m sure you could, but for every dumb republican quote, there are just as many dumb democrat quotes. It’s a different political party, not a superior one.

woodcutter's avatar

Those who use street drugs. It’s all in good fun…till it’s not.

cheebdragon's avatar

“It’s all fun and games until the cops show up.”

Berserker's avatar

it’s only wrong if j00 getz cot

johnpowell's avatar

@cheebdragon :: If you think the scale of stupid (or harm to females) is similar I have no reason to carry on with this. Enjoy the bubble.

Paradox25's avatar

Poor voters who continue to vote for political candidates for ‘moral’ reasons, union teachers who predominantly vote for mainstream Republicans, many mens’ rights advocates (this coming from a Warren Farrell fan), outdoor sportsmen who vote for political candidates with poor enviromental protection records, and many more groups that I won’t bring up here. I agree with the OP here as well.

YARNLADY's avatar

Gay Pride exhibitionists

cheebdragon's avatar

@johnpowell lol really? What bubble am I in exactly? I acknowledge that there are stupid republicans, I have never claimed otherwise because there are stupid people in every group. I have never said that I was a Romney supporter. I did not vote for him and I do not agree with all of his views.
Maybe I’m in a bubble because I’m not delusional enough to believe democrats are infallible or that rainbows and sunshine shine from Bill Clinton’s ass?
Both political parties have made huge mistakes, anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking fool.

woodcutter's avatar

@cheebdragon “It’s all fun and games until the cops show up.”
Ha. Even if they don’t get caught by the cops, they are screwed because they have caught themselves.

filmfann's avatar

@YARNLADY I couldn’t agree more with Gay Pride Exhibitionists. They want to be accepted, but end up hurting their cause by scaring people away.

bookish1's avatar

@filmfann: I can see where you’re coming from, and I’m about as gay as a flower.
But if you’re talking about the guys in assless chaps and bondage gear, don’t be so sure that they want to be accepted.

Only in the 1990s did the Western gay narrative gradually become “waaaah, please accept us” and “see, we just want to get married and have 2.5 children and a mortgage, just like you superior straight people.” But not every queer person feels that way, by far. It’s just the only narrative we hear about because there’s a lot of money and moral self-righteousness behind it.

filmfann's avatar

@bookish1 “superior straight people” was a new one on me, but then again I am still trying to figure out the “gay as a flower” comment. That, like some gays, could go either way.

Berserker's avatar

@bookish1 GA. Besides, heteros often act just as flamboyant or ridiculous as some gays. But you know, since being hetero is ..’‘normal’’, nobody’s gonna give a shit unless you’re someone famous, like Miley Cyrus.

and gay parades are awesome anyways Frankly I don’t even understand why accepting gays should still be an issue. And can’t they act how they want? We’ll only fully accept them when they act how we want them to? As long as they’re not breaking the law, then it’s like whatever dude.

bookish1's avatar

@filmfann: What I wrote was kind of flippant, and I also wrote it pre-caffeine this morning. I’m sorry if I was unclear. I meant that the assimilation model of gay rights (we just want to be normal like you, and serve in the military, live in a nuclear family, etc.) is a very recent invention, and even though it is the predominant narrative you hear in the media now, this point of view is not shared by every queer person by far. And you’ve never heard “gay as a flower?” I’ve even heard straight people say it!

@Symbeline: brofist As a friend of mine once said, every day is Straight Pride Day.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Symbeline I am specifically referring to the pride part of the parade. They show how proud they are by making fools of themselves.

At least in the Mardi Gras and Mummers parades, people are supposed to make fools of themselves.

cheebdragon's avatar

Gay pride parades make me wish I were gay, they look kind of fun and very colorful. Mardi gras looks scary, it’s just asking to be robbed or assaulted by a drunk jackass.

I have coincidentally ended up at Disneyland on gay day (I don’t know what they officially call it), I’m not sure how often they have them because I rarely go to Disneyland and yet somehow I’ve been to 2 gay days so I’m guessing it might be a weekly event.

johnpowell's avatar

@cheebdragon :: Remember that I have hung out with you a lot on chat four years ago. It is good you are more critical now. But back then you towed the party line. Which seemed a bit hypocritical since you (I could be wrong) got food stamps. Unfortunately I am not a chat mod anymore so I can’t dig up transcripts.

cheebdragon's avatar

@johnpowell Why would you think I was ever on food stamps? My friend Susan was recieving food stamps a few years ago, there were 2–3 times where she needed cash for gas or something so she used her EBT card to get $20 of food in exchange for $20 cash from me. Is that what you are talking about?

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