What will Pat Robertson be saying about the rash of twisters in OK?
Asked by
bossob (
June 1st, 2013
My first thought: It’s God’s way of punishing the ranchers who take indecent liberties with their livestock.
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22 Answers
It’s the same drivel every time, with one variation. If it’s a red state, they didn’t pray hard enough. If it’s a blue state, they’ve brought the wrath of God down on their own heads for their sinning ways.
My question is, how is this bobbleheaded fool credible to anyone whatsoever?
It must be because they haven’t completed the concentration camps for the homosex y’alls yet.
Not having a clue who this guy was, I googled his image & well…his face is weird looking, like it was fashioned outta play-doh & turd.
Maybe he has storm damage to the brain or something similar.
Nah, @ucme, just another self-styled holy mouthpiece with more chutzpah than functioning brain cells.
He kind of disgusts and offends me, in case you couldn’t tell :)
@peridot Well if he’s a bible thumping evangelic wack job then every right minded person would be disgusted by his very existence, that’s a given.
@ucme: Here’s a video of Pat Robertson interviewing Jerry Falwell 2 days after September 11, 2001 and agreeing that America had it coming because of the American Civil Liberties Union, the gayandlesbianagenda, ‘the abortionists,’ etc. Pardon me, I need some antacid now.
@bookish1 I just picked my jaw off the floor, fucking insane old goats!!
31 October 2012: Pat Robertson declares that Mitt Romney will win the presidential election and serve two terms as President of the United States of America.
9 May 2013: Pat Robertson tells his viewers to avoid false prophets who shoot their mouths off.
All you need to know, really. But if you’d like to know a little more, Jimmy Kimmel compiled several other false prophecies transmitted by the homophobic, anti-Semitic hypocrite.
@peridot The sad part is that Pat Robertson has said quite a few things that make a vocal minority of Conservatives think that he is too Liberal to be part of the Republican party. What does that say about Conservatives?
1 June 2013 around tea-time: British user on little known US website is made aware of Pat Robertson-the putrid dumb cunt.
@jerv Horrifying to think about, isn’t it…
@ucme You have my sympathy for the loss of innocence and possibly your tea as well
@peridot Fortunately, I already ate…which is just as well.
Y’all he already commented on this – did you see it?
Here it is on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1QR7aT4pM4
He engages in his usual victim blaming he says:
“it’s their fault” for building a home in a place where the “very necessary” heat exchange that God has in place takes place. (He blames people for building a home where Tornados are likely to occur at least 3X in this short 2 min. video.)
He also states that if enough people had prayed God would have stilled the storm..so it’s the fault of the people in OK for not praying enough.
Yeah. This from the same man who blames women if their husbands cheat on them. Not to mention the countless other stupid things he’s said.
Aww, that’s so cute! He’s actually trying to bring “science” into it. golfclap
@SavoirFaire Obviously, Pat Robertson’s god isn’t the voice he is hearing.
I am awaiting Pat to just flat out say God hates trailerparks.
Senility seems to be drawing its grey curtains across Pat’s mind.
@geeky_mama I love how they play Viagra commercial before Robertson cheating video.
“What will Pat Robertson be saying about the rash of twisters in OK?”
Of course it’s God’s plan for bringing families closer together through terror and tragedy.
My first impulse was to write a joke, but I feel too bad for the people in OK affected to make light.
It’s the current plague of people legalizing the gays and marijuana.
Seriously, though…..who cares what he says or what he thinks.
@filmfann Oh, I think the voice he’s hearing is his god, it’s just that Pat Roberton’s god happens to be his own ego.
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