General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Are Africanized bees suffering from colony collapse syndrome?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) June 1st, 2013

They seem to be doing well, what is their secret to surviving colony collapse syndrome? Could a cure come from the killer bees to protect the old honey bee stock? Or can we just let them advance to pollenate our foodstuffs flowers? If there are no bees then there is no fruit.

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4 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Hard to say, but “they” ( researchers/scientists ) think it has to do with LT use of systemic pesticides. Maybe the African Bees are not as sensitive to them, or…they are not numerous enough to be feeding in hardcore Ag. production areas. Maybe Monsanto is cloning them to be super bees. lol

PhiNotPi's avatar

I’ve never heard of Africanized bees experiencing the collapse disorder. It may be observation bias (nobody really keeps track of those hives, but people can report numbers when a honeybee hive collapses). Or, it may be possible that they are more resistant to the pesticides, or they might not be exposed as much.

JLeslie's avatar

Just the idea of Africanized bees is upsetting to me, and now you have to let me know that they also are surviving better than our european bees even regatding colony collapse. Damn that Brazilian scientist for bringing the African bee to the Americas. I was hoping they would event something that kills the Africanized bee and not the more tame European bee. I guess either the pesticides don’t affect that bee, or the pesticide is not actually the reason for the colony collapse that has been observed. From what I have read the pesticides are not conclusively proven to be the source of the problem. I wonder if other countries are having trouble with colony collapse? I’ll be following to see what other people say.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all Thanks. My question is now on this question

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