@zenvelo Wow that answer brought me down to earth quickly. I appreciate your answer and have no interest in drama or self inflicted trauma.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Hopeful and most likely yes. Whatever choice I make doesn’t exactly bring in the same future place, no? Nice to get some perspective, though.
@augustlan I slightly do doubt my resolve. He was and is a good friend with a mutual sexual attraction that despite years together though it waxed and waned was still strong. Distance has allowed us keep things where they should be. Now my safety net is gone.
Steps, boundaries sound good. Historically not a strong suit esp with him. We do share a lot of common friends and acquaintances so we will end up spending time together whether I intend to or not. Worse we have instant camraderie. I just have to remember past is the past and that is where I want it to stay.
Actually I have no idea if my best friend is interested. He said was leaving in the next 18 mon. if things don’t change. When asked what “things” was work and then evasiveness. He never makes the moves on women they pursue him and he is not interested in most white women. Things were going through a good phase when ex gave the news. I have come to realize how much I value him and what integral part of my life he is. Now with him so focused on my ex it just feels like bad timing to bring anything up.
@LuckyGuy Thanks for breaking it down so simply. Everything else is distraction. Truth is sex with ex couldn’t be just sex for me. I hadn’t thought about it so clearly.
@Bellatrix Good ideas. Though the whole thing about being fragile strikes me as odd. Honesty is good. So is slowness. I feel like I may be risking how comfortable my friendship with best friend by being honest with him. I have told ex that I am interested in my other friend. He is supportive of that but is sex deprived so he brings up sex in conversations in assorted ways.
@Buttonstc Yes we did break up for a reason. I have never gone back to an ex for those purposes. I just need to remember to keep everything bottom lined and not on extraneous details. Writing and repetition should help.
@jca I am always saying that very thing myself.
@glacial True I think I feel like I have everything to lose but I don’t know why and it absolutely feels melodramatic which isn’t me.
@marinelife If I tell him now it feels like it could be read as a reaction to the ex returning and now him leaving rather then genuine emotion.
@LornaLove He’s judgemental but he came into my life shortly after I broke up with my ex. He was also getting over from a relationship. So being that I really haven’t had a serious relationship since he is basing assumptions on the predictablness of human nature and my past pain.
His predictions are about 85% accurate when it comes to other people. He tells me he wants to be wrong, because the majority are jaded. But yeah it indicates lack of faith in me.
Which leads me to conclude he has a low opinion of me though he denies it. Which gives me second thoughts about whether or not risking getting involved is wise. When I need a little extra support on this he is standing in the wrong corner mocking me and my resolve.
Well I feel a reasonably more thought out about this and have some good ideas. Thank you.