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I really need help with this UTI infection?
I posted this a while ago here
Since then, I completed the first round of antibiotics, then was given another. After a day or so it returned. So was given the 2nd dose again. Seven pills into the third dose (which was correct for the urine culture). I developed breathing difficulties.
Then a few days later came out in hives. I am currently covered in hives and have been very itchy and uncomfortable. The urine was not sore when I stopped the antibiotics. But today a few days later it is sore in the morning. I have been given more antibiotics but I am so scared to take them since having having such bad reactions to them in general and I am so uncomfortable with the hives. Which I have decided to treat topically since I have been on so many pills and am scared of reactions now.
I have dropped another urine sample to see if it had cleared. I haven’t taken the last box of antibiotics (which was given after the bad reaction ones).
My questions:
Can a homeopath treat my UTI (I cannot go through more bad reactions).
Are there any other pills that can treat it? Or ways. I get the results of my second sample (urine this week).
It seems up to this point to only be sore in the morning then eases. I am in such distress I hope this makes sense.
I probably need to ease the pain (if it does continue later on today) until I see my doctor. Plus with the hives too (I am using calamine lotion and bathing in cider vinegar.).
ANY help appreciated.
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