Social Question

rojo's avatar

Is this song particularly powerful?

Asked by rojo (24187points) June 4th, 2013

I am just wondering if this song I’M Through by Vic Chesnutt is particularly moving or am I just entering the doldrums a little ahead of schedule?
The pictures in the video are a little disturbing also.

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9 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Doldrums, I barely made it through half, the tone in his voice is driving me insane. Sorry, the paintings were nice.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Weren’t they “Where the Wild Things Are” pictures?

gailcalled's avatar

No. Artist here is Alex Kuno.

Maurice Sendak wrote and illustrated Where the Wild Things Are.

marinelife's avatar

I thought it was a moving if depressive song about a relationship ending.

Berserker's avatar

Hm, all my attention was given to the cool pictures. Don’t care for the song itself.

ucme's avatar

His singing had a similar effect on me to the one that video in The Ring had on it’s victims…quite powerful then :(

dxs's avatar

I don’t really think it’s that powerful, more depressing. I couldn’t listen to all seven minutes…too slow for me. His voice is pretty interesting, though, so I can appreciate that.

gondwanalon's avatar

The song is weak and the anthropomorphism of animals in the pictures is pretty sick.

rojo's avatar

Thanks to those who took the time to listen (or at least try to). It is a very melancholy song.
Pretty sure it is just the doldrums; I put on The Wall last night on repeat and listened. This is a definite sign.

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