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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Should I take part in a triathlon while sick?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) June 5th, 2013

I’ve been training for awhile. The race is this coming Saturday. The entry fee was $120. I came down with something four days ago and have been sleeping all day. Feel fatigued when walking around and my head is aching/stuffy, ears ache, plus I have a fever. Head cold?

Should I take bow out of the race, or bite the bullet and do it, if I don’t feel any better?

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21 Answers

figbash's avatar

It sounds like no matter what, you can’t get your money back, so the risk here is your health and whether or not you would be able to finish the race.

Can you make this call Friday morning?

KNOWITALL's avatar

If you feel fatigued just walking around, I can’t imagine it would be beneficial to wear yourself out doing that. Or get to the doc and get some kind of shot to get over it quickly and pour fluids down your throat constantly.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@figbash I’ll wait it out and see how I feel Friday.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’ve been drinking lots of fluids and taking Zycam. Getting lots of rest, too.

YARNLADY's avatar

Absolutely not. You might be contagious. Stay home.

rooeytoo's avatar

I would go and give it a try. You can always drop out if you feel like you are dying. It is outside so the contagion would not worry me too much.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I really would like to do this. I have a few more days and will take good care of myself during that time.

gondwanalon's avatar

If it is a sprint triathlon then see how you feel on Saturday morning and then even if you feel really good just take it easy and not push it for a fast time. It would be a very bad idea for you to attempt full Ironman triathlon distance event when you have been feeling poorly.

I’ve showed up to a couple sprit triathlons (and full marathons) with my heart in constant atrial fibrillation. I just took it easy and completed them anyway. I know my heart and I know what I’m capable of. If you are unsure of yourself then don’t participate. Confidence in your athletic capabilities is important.

Good health!

Mama_Cakes's avatar

If it’s a head cold, I can deal with that. It’s just the fatigue that I’m worried about.

Honestly, this is my first race and I’ll be happy finishing. I really don’t care about my time. I just want to do it.

OneBadApple's avatar

Unless you feel dramatically better on Friday, I vote that you just take the hit and skip your triathlon. Everybody who trains long and hard for events like this understands that they are rolling the dice, hoping to feel strong and great on race day.

Unfortunately, Mama Cakes, this time it looks like your roll might come up ‘snake eyes’.

In 2006, I trained hard for six months to run my fourth Disney World Marathon and felt ready to KILL my previous best time, but came down with bronchitis a few days before the race. It was painful to just stand at the Finish Line, coughing and cheering for my friends as they came in, but sometimes…...that’s just the way it goes….

Sunny2's avatar

Consider that if you have an infection, breathing deeply as you must do in a running race could move the infection down into your lungs and into your sinuses. It’s a risk. You might ask for advice from your physician.

jaytkay's avatar

I would either
1) Start and tough it out and finish or drop out if it hurt.
2) Skip it and sign up for the next possible 5k or 10k.

After training I would really like to see how I could do.

Also, I bike to work 12 miles and I know that if I feel bad when I wake up, I will feel much, much better after I ride.

Starting is hard, but I do it because know that I am always happy after a few minutes of riding.

dabbler's avatar

You didn’t mention how long a triathlon this is, some are pint-size and then there’s the iron-person type and ultras at the other end. If it’s a short enough contest I think @jaytkay‘s idea to give it a start and see how you feel is viable.
Do be honest with yourself that morning before the race and during it about how you are really feeling. Go into it with a promise that you will drop out if it gets rough beyond normal fatigue.
And, I hope you get better by Friday and kick some butt in the race !

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Unless you feel much better today and Friday I wouldn’t chance it. A triathlon is stressful enough for a healthy body. Doing one when your body is under stress from an illness is too much. The downside to trying it is so much more than the upside.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Went for a walk and I was sweatin’ like a whore in church. Fever breaking?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m not sure. Be careful though. That’s not a good sign for the triathlon.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’m going to pass on it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think that’s a good idea. We like having you around here.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Nurse thinks that it could be West Nile. Race is definitely a no-go.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Yikes. Nothing you to mess around with. You’re young and strong. Get to the doctor ASAP.

jaytkay's avatar

Get well soon, please.

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