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filmfann's avatar

Do you ever blindly follow your instincts?

Asked by filmfann (52608points) June 5th, 2013

This weekend I was supposed to take some furniture up North, but I got a weird feeling this afternoon, and canceled all plans for no obvious reason.
I just have a gut feeling I need to avoid this trip. My wife isn’t thrilled, since I can’t explain why.

Have you ever done this?
What was the fall-out?
Have you ever ignored your instincts, and paid a price for it?

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14 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I will add that this isn’t the first time I have done this, and on occasion I have avoided trouble because of it.

chyna's avatar

There are too many stories about people who didn’t make a train that wrecked, didn’t make it to the World Trade Center on 9/11, missed a plane that crashed for this to be scoffed at.
Of course, you may never be able to prove that your decision to stay home prevented an accident or worse, but if you have a creepy feeling, follow your instincts.
I’ve had that happen a couple times and not gone somewhere but don’t know if I would’ve had a bad incident by going.

YARNLADY's avatar

Sometimes I wish I would just ignore a feeling. Out of a clear blue sky I asked my mother-in-law about my nephew three weeks ago. I hadn’t heard any news about him lately and I was curious.

He was taken to the hospital the next day for a serious stomach ache and has been there three weeks, while they stabilized him and now recovering from gall bladder surgery.

Now, I’m afraid everyone will think I had something to do with it. MIL even asked me why I asked about him.

filmfann's avatar

Last year, the name of an old neighbor popped into my head for no reason. I checked my company website, and found he had retired 2 years before.
I told my sister about his retirement, and she decided to call him (she rarely does this). No answer. A few days later, she called his Mom, and found out that he had died at the same time his name popped into my head.
I don’t ignore my instincts.

bookish1's avatar

I tend to pretty often for reasons of safety.

About a month ago, I was really enjoying dancing at a concert in a small club. But I developed this suspicion that the guy next to me had taken a knife out of his pocket and was going to shank me. He definitely had something in his hand and kept looking sideways at me strangely. I got out of there and went outside to smoke a cigarette. I came back in and made sure to keep clear of him.

I never know if I attract unwanted attention because I look androgynous, or because I look like a gay guy, or whatever. But I have to go with hunches and watch my back because no one else is going to do it for me.

Sunny2's avatar

^^ That’s scary. I have occasionally had a feeling like that but put it out of my mind. I’m pretty good at denial.

Bellatrix's avatar

I can’t recall ever having strong enough feelings about something to not go somewhere, but if I did, I would listen to my instincts. My dad, who was normally Mr Punctual, ‘accidently missed’ getting to his ship before it left in WW2. It sank, all hands lost.

Blueroses's avatar

I always listen to that inner voice.

I’m a pretty damned good driver (pizza delivery in college will reinforce that) and several times, while just relaxing in the car, I’ve had a “watch that driver” or “watch that intersection” feeling and avoided an accident every-single-time.

I’m still late, because I have to check on the other drivers and wait for cops, but (knock on wood) I’m never involved.

Pachy's avatar

Though I’m sure there were times I paid some type of price for following an instinct, I only remember all the time it paid me. I believe that what we call instinct can actually have a lot of subconscious thought based on knowledge and experience driving it.

augustlan's avatar

Probably I have followed my instincts, but I’m not really aware of it enough to know whether it’s been a good or bad decision to do so, you know? I tend to blame my changes of mind on me being a flake.

picante's avatar

Often and without regret. I believe it’s one of my better “senses.”

KNOWITALL's avatar

My instincts and first impressons are pretty spot on, I never ignore them and yes it’s helped quite often, even saved my life a few times.

bookish1's avatar

Oh! I forgot an even better story. I saved myself from being hit by a garbage truck at the intersection just outside my apartment complex a few weeks ago. It was harrowing. I was trying to turn left, and got a green arrow. However, I had a sudden feeling that I should go through the turn slowly, and lo and behold, a city garbage truck did not stop at his red in time, and squealed through the whole damn intersection. If I hadn’t hesitated before turning, that dumb shit would have t-boned me and I would be history.

Paradox25's avatar

I’ve always noticed throughout my life when it comes to judging other people and the effect they may have on my well being or happiness, that there are certain idiosyncrasies which I look out for. When certain characteristics are visible upfront to me, even when I don’t know the person well, I tend to either be on guard or outright avoid them.

My life experiences have clearly demonstrated to me when people say certain things or have certain characteristics in their behaviors that those individuals usually cause great trouble or heartache for me. This is why I’m so picky about who I decide to date, befriend, converse or associate with in any capacity.

@chyna That’s why I don’t believe in ‘coincidences’.

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