Social Question

(Possibly NSFW) Where do you fall on the Kinsey Scale?
For those that don’t know (I know you’re out there), the Kinsey Scale is also known as the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating scale, and it attempts to rate an individual’s sexuality on a 0–6 scale. The ratings are as follows:
0 – Exclusively heterosexual
1 – Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 – Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 – Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 – Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 – Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 – Exclusively homosexual
X – Non-sexual
There are a few online tests with which you can score yourself. Here’s one. I scored my husband first, and he got a 0. Sheesh, so straight he doesn’t even deserve a number. Boring breeder. My results, however, read, ”The test failed to match you to a Kinsey Type profile. Either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person.” Well, that’s me…
So, where do you fall on the list, according to this test or another? Do you agree with the score you received? Why or why not?
I think of myself as a 1 or 1.5, but apparently I’m too strange for an integer. ;)
This is just for fun, folks. Let’s keep it light.