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KNOWITALL's avatar

What are your hidden talents/ strengths?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29997points) June 6th, 2013

Just trying to lighten things up a bit with something 100% positive, and perhaps draw us closer as a collective.

List your talents, strengths, whatever makes your heart sing!!

1) I’m a speed reader and obsessed with books and history.
2) I love animals and would love to have a shelter someday.
3) I absolutely love my my friends, but my family and I are not very close.
4) Music is important to my soul, and I can’t live without it.
5) God is the foundation of my life.
6) I love politics and learning about issues and people around the world.

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59 Answers

bookish1's avatar

I try to be kind and I am a very good listener.
I love teaching and think I am pretty good at it.
I have persistence and have already had to make a lot of life changing decisions.
I am an abstract-random thinker, which means I deal with abstract ideas best, and can tackle tasks in any order.
I’ve known what I wanted to do with my life since high school, and I’m doing it.
I’m a good writer, and I can also speak and write in all registers of French.

hearkat's avatar

I don’t really keep anything secret or hidden – which I view as a strength. What people know about me depends on their exposure to me. I don’t have any creative talents or obvious skills. What most people compliment me on is my honesty, and my ability to explain complexities in a simple fashion.

elbanditoroso's avatar

They’re hidden so that I s can spring them on people. If I announce them to the world on Fluther, they will no longer be hidden talents.

Headhurts's avatar

I don’t think I have any talents or strengths.

muppetish's avatar

I’m not a terrible vocal performer (at least my Shakespeare professor says so!) and have good instincts as a director. I would love the opportunity to dabble in directing a performance one day. Most people don’t anticipate either of these qualities as I am terribly introverted and a touch socially awkward. My stage presence is very different.

Paradox25's avatar

I’m great at reading and comprehension, but I’m lousy when it comes to expressing my own thoughts.

antimatter's avatar

I love to gain knowledge,
I love animals but prefer cats above all
I love history
I love life.
I am an environmentalist and is a active member of groups.
My religion is my foundation.

dxs's avatar

Well they’re hidden, so I don’t know. :)

Pachy's avatar

What’s hidden is that I really have no talents and strengths. I just fake ‘em.

Mariah's avatar

I think my greatest strength is my diversity of interests! I am a computer science major and I go to a tech school and I’m obsessed with math, but I’m not just a total left-brainer. Other things that bring me joy: drawing, playing piano, writing, hiking, making jewelry, birding, singing. I could go on and on. I have had some seriously prolonged downtime in my life and as a result I have developed about a billion hobbies that I love, and I’m never bored.

Another strength of mine that I had to go through hell and back to achieve, is being not very easily shaken. Having been through some of the shit I’ve been through, most day-to-day annoyances really don’t bother me anymore.

rojo's avatar

If I knew them they wouldn’t be hidden then would they?

Berserker's avatar

Making dragon ships.
Sharpening axes. With my teeth.
Raising bears.
I like pillows.
Breaking shit for the hell of it.
Appearing at your doorstep in the foggy dawn, going ’‘rooooo…’’ in a low voice, and in unison with my fellow savages.
Not knowing what it means to be conquered.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Symbeline Wow, what an interesting list, raising bears though, is that for realz?
I’m entranced with bears and wild life in general.

Sunny2's avatar

I’m a pretty good flower arranger, but my husband is better.
I look like I’m more organized than I am.
I can make a seal sound and the seals will answer.
I can draw pretty well if given an assignment, but I have nothing to say in a drawing on my own.
I can pronounce words in several foreign languages. Unfortunately, I don’t necessarily know what I’‘m saying or singing.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I am the greatest shower singer the world has ever known.

Seek's avatar

I will murder you at Jeopardy.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr You and my husband, his head swells when he makes it through a whole section or beats me. :)

ucme's avatar

I will leave you weepin into ya mama’s bosom after I thrashed ya arse on the pool table…doosh!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No non no. Careful who you’re talking to @ucme. I’ll take you DOWN in pool AND foosball!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme @Dutchess_III I had a pool table in my living room for most of my life, I want in on this contest!

bookish1's avatar

@KNOWITALL : Yep, Symbeline is always serious on here. She trains bears to carry around her pillows when she goes a’viking ;)

ucme's avatar

I had a feeling you gals liked playing with balls ;-}
Seriously though, i’ve won shed loads of cash from pals & blokes who think they’re hotshots…you’ve met the rest, now meet the best…baby!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme And humble, too…haha! I better start practicing for your American tour.

Berserker's avatar

The only thing I’m good with in pool is taking the sticks, and sharpening them into spears. With my teeth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was very beautiful in my pool playing days, nice body too. I’d pretend to be a ditz at first till they let their guard down, then I’d clean the table. :) Hey! They wanted to believe it!

Berserker's avatar

@Dutchess_III Reminds me of that Fresh Prince episode where Uncle Phil pretends to suck at pool, looses twice and on the third game, kicks everyone’s ass and racks up the cash lol.

ucme's avatar

Not fair shooting pool with women, they go down to take a shot & reveal a cleavage to die for, puts me off my stroke.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You don’t have to look! (I don’t wear low cut shirts anyway. Never have.)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t if I know I’ll play pool, makes me self-conscious and I need to focus!!

ucme's avatar

I forgot to mention another talent, I can knit with spaghetti…just a little something to pasta the time.
I don’t wanna look, but my penis just takes over…no really.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme I bet your kids and wife roll their eyes at you a lot don’t they?! :) You’re a riot.

OneBadApple's avatar

You know, they broke both of Paul Newman’s thumbs for doing that…..stuff.

I can cut grass really straight and even….

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL I just told the wife what you said typed & she gave you the thumbs up…what a bloody cheek!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@OneBadApple I loved that movie, what was the name again, I have to watch it again.

@ucme Somehow I just knew based on the pasta quip…lol
Any talk in London about my boyfriend, David Beckham’s retirement or no?

ucme's avatar

Ha, she now rolled her eyes at your infatuation with Beckham XD
I read somewhere he wants to go into acting, pantomime season here he comes!

OneBadApple's avatar

@KNOWITALL It was ‘The Hustler’

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme She doesn’t think he’s cute? Dang brother, you must really be hot if she thinks Beckham is unattractive, wowza, I bow before your perfection!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Knit with pasta!!!

Argonon's avatar

Well I’m good at cleaning and organizing..not a very exciting talent(?) but atleast I get paid to do it and I have a clean room all the time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can shoot pool with pasta.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

All of @Symbeline‘s answer just turned me on. ha ;)

cookieman's avatar

I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Marvel Comics.

I am unbeatable at Whack-A-Mole.

I have a decent singing voice.

I am hung like a gerbil.

DominicX's avatar

I have a lot of weird things memorized, that may or may not be useful: countries and their capitals, counties of England, regions of France, counties of California and their seats, presidents of the US, prime numbers up to around 1000. I never made myself remember these things; most of it started when I was very young.

I pride myself in being able to pronounce almost any language (not guaranteed that it’ll be perfect, but if I have the IPA in front of me, I should be able to pronounce it well enough). I’ve taught myself to read many languages including Greek, Russian, Japanese, Armenian, Georgian, and Sanskrit.

Oh yeah, and I still have most of my gymnastic abilities like being able to do back-flips and such. ;)

YARNLADY's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

You guys may not know this but I’m secretly a super hero…

Kardamom's avatar

I’m very good at finding super-cool pictures of Mushrooms online. I especially like this one, because it looks like jellyfish.

I also can whip together a tasty cheese platter for a party, that looks like I agonized over it for hours. All you do is pick out 5 different cheeses, make sure they’re different colors and textures and sizes and shapes, add some grapes to the platter, put the stuff on a clear plate, even if it’s one of those plastic ones from the dollar store and voilĂ .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Got succulents?
I’m still trying to figure out what I do…...I’m pretty good at pissing people off without meaning to! Wait….

Kardamom's avatar

I made some nifty succulent planters out of some stumps we had laying around the yard.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what you said. Did you make a nifty succulent out of your hubby? (I’ll remember the cheese platter @Kardamom)!

Pachy's avatar

We pachyderms are experts at lazing, playing and peanut grazing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can catch baby bird screaming and running around the house in a single bound.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^^That was a horrible sentence! I’m not awake yet.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I thought I was reading some obscure poetry for a minute there :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

Maybe I’ll get famous! Wow. That was a REALLY bad sentence!

rojo's avatar

I would like to know how screaming and running around the house assists you in catching a baby bird.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what I mean! That was my first sentence of the day. The baby bird was screaming and running around the house. I was bounding after him. Meh!

More picturesque: I can catch baby bird screaming and running around the house in my bathrobe in a single bound.

rojo's avatar

How in the world did that baby bird put on your bathrobe?? How big was it (it wasn’t yellow was it)?

Or do you mean you were bound in your bathrobe? We usually just use the belts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL!! Yes, it fell right off of him, then he was nekkid as a blue jay. Except he’s a robin. I recognize that one.

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