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Dutchess_III's avatar

How do I manipulate these old color slides?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 7th, 2013

I wound up with some slides from 1971. I’m trying to scan them into the computer to see what I can come up with. I can’t get a coherent image. Do you know of any tricks for me? Do I just have to take them in to get developed and request a CD of them at the same time?

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25 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

Here is a step by step Guide on how to scan slides. I think you need to make sure that your scanner has a specific slide scanning device (or is suitable for scanning slides, some scanners are not).

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Kardamom has good taste and has the right answer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…I don’t think my scanner has those kinds of capabilities and I don’t want to spend a ton of money on this. Can they make prints off of the slides?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You can get an old timey “photo shop” to make a negative ( take a picture ) then print from that negative.

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III I believe you can take the slides to a regular photo processing place (a higher end place, not just Target or Costco) and they can make prints and probably a disk from your negatives. Might be a bit pricey though. It said in the link that I posted that you can get a pretty good slide scanner for less than $100. Maybe check some photo places to see how much they would charge to make prints and a disk and compare the prices between that and a scanner.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, found this on Ebay. (They’re all the same scanner) Looked good until I came across this review: “Never buying anything from this manufacturer again! Terrible product which ruins photos with rollers, makes big white stripes on digital files, only does UNMOUNTED slides (who on Earth has those?) and doesn’t do Kodak?!?!. Kodak slides and film just don’t show up. Ridiculous, worst thing I’ve ever bought.”
All my slides are mounted.
My husband said he heard of an attachment for a camera that fits on the front of your lens. Said you slide the slide into the attachment and the camera takes a pic…I’ll have to look in to that.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Hmmm, that sounds interesting, a piece that fits right on your camera.

Here is a Company that can make prints and disks from your slides.

Here’s another Company that provides the same services.

Just make sure you ask lots of questions, especially with regards to how your slides will be handled to make sure that they don’t get damaged.

Dutchess_III's avatar

AK! first link…..88 a slide! I probably have 300 slides!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

If you are a member of COSTCO $17.99 minimum or $ 0.29 per slide. Here’s the website have a look

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where does it say you have to be a memeber @Tropical_Willie?

CostCo sounds best by far. If only the nearest one wasn’t 60 miles away….

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Costco is member only “club store” like BJ’s and Sam’s

Dutchess_III's avatar

AAAKKK! There are only two in Kansas and they’re $200 miles away up by Kansas City! I should sue them for this statement “Kansas has 2 Costco Locations to serve you. From Lenexa to Overland Park these locations are guaranteed to be within driving distance of all your home needs” Guess they don’t realize there are people who live in places other than the KC area in Kansas.

rojo's avatar

I have some old slides from the 70’s and 80’s that have faded. I scanned them in then used a photoshop type program to manipulate the colors to try to get them back to what I thought was a normal color range. It looked ok to me be someone else though that the color was off and they were too “orangie”. I am still working on them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are they mounted?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

ScanCafe between .29 & .22 per slide.

DPSDave .25 per slide.

Not a fun job to do yourself. Especially if you don’t have the electrostatic cloth, air can, and light table.

Of course you could send them to me for museum grade super high 5400dpi resolution with full retouching. I get $50 per scan! Each one takes about an hour to complete. So I should have your order back next year some time… maybe.

rojo's avatar

Yes, and it is not the best quality scanner but is made for slides and negatives. I think it cost about $120.00 when I bought it a few years back and is down below a hundred now.
Biggest pain in the butt is that you can only do four at a time (or is it five?) whatever, it would be nice to have a stack loader and just do 40 at a time.

rojo's avatar

I have a friend who sent all of his old slides off to be copied. I believe he said they went to China. It was an act of faith on his part to load over 3000 slides into a box and ship them overseas not knowing if he would ever see them again. I think he said it cost him about $300.00 plus frt.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That would be scary, @rojo.
So, after you scan them you have to retouch each on individually?

Maybe it would be best to get my own scanner. My sister has several hundred slides from our years growing up. I don’t know if she’ll let me take them for a while (she has control issues,) but it would be worth a shot. Perhaps I could lend her my scanner.

Wow. I’m coming across a BUNCH of slides. I had this plastic sack sitting in a basket in my room. I was pulling 35 mm film canisters 3 at a time to get developed. Blast from the past. From 15 years ago, when my kids were so much smaller.
I’m done with the canisters, and now I’m coming upon all these slides, from the 60’s and early 70’s.
(Maybe I could take up a donation?)

Sure thing @RealEyesRealizeRealLies. Do you take hot checks? :)

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Hot checks from hot chicks… YES! My box awaits your delivery.

rojo's avatar

Yes, I can have a pre-set criteria that the computer uses on an entire bunch but to try to get the color more normal I end up doing each one individually.

I inherited all of my Dads’ slides too. I guess because of age, they are in worse shape colorwise than mine. I STILL have to put them on disc. for my sibs. (Hey! Its’ only been a little over two years, gimme a break!).

BTW I still have two rolls of shot film in my refrigerator. I have no idea what is on them but the last time I had a 35mm camera was years ago. It will be fun to have them developed and see what is on them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trust’s fun @rojo! And it’ll bring tears to your eyes.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Thanks for the links. I just don’t like the idea of shipping them off….. :( I don’t know what to do. If it wasn’t for the fact that on the 20th I’ll be getting my last check, and I don’t know if unemployment will happen, it wouldn’t be so hard.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, score! fb. One of my old HS classmates is a commercial photographer. He referred me to Molar’s in Wichita. I called. It was getting close to 5 so I tried to to keep it short, but I can tell the guy would LOVE to talk for ever. He really knew his stuff, man. Going to have a visit with him next week. :)

Kardamom's avatar

Good Luck @Dutchess_III let us know how it works out.

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