Who is better, Muhammad or Jesus?
Asked by
josie (
June 7th, 2013
I am no Christian. I am nothing. I embrace no mystical faith. But there is clearly a conflict among those who are not like me. And it gets down to Jesus, or Mohammad.
We know plenty about Muhammad, less about Jesus. But we certainly know that Muhammad took the words of the angel Gabriel and wrote them down, willingly, so that his followers would kill non believers without a guilty conscience. That includes you and me. His favorite wife was Aisha, who was betrothed at age 6, and with whom the marriage was consummated when she was 9. Not nineteen, nine. Today, that would put in Muhammad in prison, and a lifetime sexual offender status when he got out. On the other hand, Mohammad encourage his followers to kill women who gave into their sexual impulses.
Jesus seems to have encouraged everybody to get along. The violent passages in the Bible are Old Testament. Jesus seems to have been a peaceful sort of fellow. When people were about to kill a girl who had given in to her normal sexual drives, he reminded them that nobody is without weakness and suggested that she should be spared.
Nobody knows if Jesus had a wife or girlfriend, but nothing indicates that if he did that if he did,she was nine years old.
Mohammad was arguably a sexist. Jesus was apparently not.
Etc. etc,
Who is better?
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33 Answers
Well, Jesus was a gay homosex man, so that makes him better.
Not that it matters to me, but how do you know that?
He had 12 “apostles”, none of whom was female, and he told them to “eat his “flesh”” and “drink his “blood””, which are clearly euphemisms for sucking his phallus and drinking his ejaculate.
@ragingloli ~ Not to mention his relationship with Judas. Spending time with him alone and eventually kissing Judas in the grove.~
They are both Manifestations of God and neither is better or worse then the other.
@josie I’m not joining this for long. Isn’t your faith you faith, and there is no better or worse? We need to embrace diversity and respect other’s beliefs.
@ragingloli I don’t think you can conclude that Jesus is gay solely based upon those factors.
Muhammad has the weight advantage, but Jesus has the reach and is wiry. One kidney punch though, and the Christ is down. If he can jab from the outside, I give it to Jesus in the sixth round.
Jesus hung out with twelve dudes and a hooker. He was sarcastic and had a decent sense of humor, at least how I read the stories. Also, he was apparently a great guy to invite to a party. Apart from the whole “abandon your families” thing and the liberties he took with other people’s livestock, Jesus is someone I could hang out with.
The nine year old wife thing just kills it for me.
Love the disrespect for peoples beliefs.~
Better for what?
They both made great PB&J sandwiches.
Don’t forget Jesus was a carpenter, and probably pretty buff. Muhammad even wrote that Muslims should not oppose Jesus or his followers. Ya, that gets forgotten a lot.
Are you serious?
The answer is obviously Bunk
Muhammed, of course. Have you already forgotten the Thrilla in Manila ? And the Rope-A-Dope ??
Come on, man….
Flying Spaghetti Monster.
All we have to compare is the teachings their followers recorded. Neither did any writing. Given his education, Jesus (if he actually existed) probably could read and write, but we know that Muhammad was illiterate. Comparing what each supposedly taught, Jesus is the clear winner. The teachings of Muhammad actually justify the murderous outrages currently being committed around the world by the Jihadists. Does that get a fatwa issued against me?
The answers to this question cause wars. My lips are sealed.
In situations like this I refer to the embossed, rubber bracelet on my wrist. The acronym stands for What Would This Guy Who Doesn’t Care Do.
That’s like asking who performs oral sex better, Santa or the Tooth Fairy & what does daddy xmas say when denture goblin sucks him off…“blo-blo-blo”
Well, based on their best sellers, I would have to say Mohammed talks a lot more smack and has had his fare share of battle, while Jesus was more of a stoner-hippy pacifist. So in a ring, I think Mohammed would kick Jesus’ ass.
I do wonder however, who would win, if it was Jetpack-Jesus Vs Mecha-Mohammed, it would be like Goku and Vegeta all over again.
Hmm… where does Abraham figure into all of this?
Angels vs God’s son, angel came to Mary, angels do God’s bidding or are cast out. So Jesus wins. Duh.
Muhammad did not write anything down, he was an illiterate. The bedouin society in which Muhammad lived was very patriarchal. It is impossible to compare then to now. So don’t try to do that.
” But there is clearly a conflict among those who are not like me. And it gets down to Jesus, or Mohammad.”
Let me remind you that there are more religions than Islam and Christianity in the world. I wasn’t aware that it gets down to Jesus or Mohammad?
Mohammad recognized Jesus as a prophet. If this conflict exists, it is because of misunderstandings.
Fighting over religion is such a stupid and ignorant thing IMO. It is not the religions we are fighting over, but the ways in which they form themselves in society. When we look at the foundations of various religions, there are more similarities than there are differences.
No one can know if there is divinity or not, afterlife or not or how it is, so therefore, we can keep on discussing it to the end of time, but we will not find any conclusion in this life.
The one that doesn’t get you killed when you insult him.
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