Alliteration: What's the longest sentence you can come up with?
Asked by
ucme (
June 8th, 2013
Where all the words begin with the same letter, there’s another definition, but we’ll stick with that one for the sake of this game.
Don’t have to be tongue twisters, can be anything so long as they’re coherent & stick to the rules….go!
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42 Answers
Randy Rita romped randomly.
@ucme I specifically thought you would appreciate the thought I put into using a UK English word in there.
Very thoughtful of you m’dear, nice line too…Jonathan Ross would have trouble with it though.
Brazen Betty’s bagongas bring bucks bountifully.
Only one ornery old octopus occupied Oliver’s ordinary, obviously old outhouse.
Five fine firefighters finally free fleeing French family from fierce forest flames.
@ucme Oooh, I chose “f”, too!
Far from fortunate, farmer Frank’s family finally found five freshly formed figs, from formerly fine, fragrant flowers; foolish fellow, forcibly fled for forbearing from feeding fleetingly flourishing fruits!
Okay, so we now know @glacial is the smarty pants…tsk, there’s always one who has to spoil it :D
Speaking of F, lets try a Fluther one…
First & foremost Fluther folks form friendships from food fights.
@ucme No fair issuing a challenge, and then saying I spoiled it by trying to meet it! :(
Err, I was clearly joking, come on, keep up.
Fannie Flagg Fluthered frivolously for fifty-five fortnights.
@ucme Aww, you know I don’t take it personally. :)
I should hope not, it’s like walking on eggshells around here sometimes :)
My mother merrily made many magnificent, miraculous, monstrous meals, mostly making meeting men more manageable, moreover missing many moments mastering motorcycle maintenance, mathematical manipulation, Mickey Mouse memorabilia, mostly making mashed mangoes, melon marmalade, macaroni, many moments mandating mixed messages.
^^ Yeah, got right to the core there didncha?
Five hundred funny flutherites fuming fussing & fighting fast for funzies.
Totally too tired to talk to tou.
Zomg, zombie zealots zoomzipped, zenzen ztyle!
Vikings victoriously vanquished Victorian vaginas, viva vulva, victims!
Fucking fuck fuckering fuck fucks, for fuck’s fucking fuck.
Wonderful waffles waffling wildly whilst waffled.
Geliebte Gisela! Geliebter Gregorius! Günstige Gelegenheit. Gatte ging? Geschäftsreise! Garmisch? Gelsenkirchen. Gute Geldgegend! Genau. Getränk gefällig? Genialer Gedanke. Gerade Gewürzgurken gegessen. Glas Grog? Gern! Gieß, gieß! Genug! Gesundheit! Gleichfalls! Gutes Gesöff. Glücklich? Gewiß, gewiß. Geht ganz gut, gell? Gib Gas! Gemeines Gesindel! Giftiger Gartenzwerg geifert Galle! Genug gesehen! Große Gemeinheit! Gespräch gänzlich geschäftlich, Gewürzgurkengeplauder. Gerede! Gerade Gedrucktes gelesen – Günthers Grass. Glaube gar nichts, greife Gewehr! Gustav, Genosse! Grausam gränklicher Gemahl. Gnade! Güte! Göttergatte! Gemetzel geplant! Geh Ganove! Gesäß getroffen!
Heinz Erhardt (1958)
It’s about an affair and the husband is about to return early from his business trip.
The Germans have always been strange like that….
Cue the ‘Dragnet’ theme:
Dunnnnn da DUN-dunn
Or the original Batman theme dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner Batman…liked his food did he?
Here in the U.S., we refer to it as “da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da” , which could mean that he was also fond of his father….
No, that was more…duh duh duh duh duh duh…duh duh duh duh duh…duh duh duh duh der der…duh duh duh duh der…da da da da dada dada…duh da da da dadadada…
I can’t believe that I was just able to match all of that up to the music….
When we were first married and the Hawaii Five-O theme came on TV, we would make a
face at each other like we were thinking hard about something, turn our heads to one side, and hold one had flat and twist it back-and-forth in time to the music, like we couldn’t reach any conclusion.
It sounds childish and stupid, I know. But try it the next time you hear the theme song, and get back to me…
I used to dig out my mum’s ironing board, place it on the floor near the telly &...well, wipeout!!
There is no “der” in Hawaii 5–0. Actually, that’s not how it goes at all.
“Well, YES I am returning a third ironing board…....... Because they keep BREAKING for no reason !!.......Why do you people sell such low-quality JUNK ??......I want to speak with the manager !!”
Here’s a tricky one…bow nah now nah now nah now diddle duh der der der bah nah now der der der der der der bah nah now dur duh dur duh dur…
OH, that’s EASY !!.... It’s the theme from
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Just coz ya don’t know what it is, I may give hints for the bewildered among us.
I’m mumbling “bow nah now nah now nah now diddle duh der….” and my husband is staring at me… Please, give hints before he files for divorce!
Ha, okay then, it was a very popular US series in the late seventies & featured two cops & a striped car…
- CHiPS ??
– Miami Vice ?
OK, I’m out….
I practically gave the bugger away, there was a third guy, cool black dude, liked to cuddle grizzlies :D
Please tell me that you don’t mean the dreaded…....‘Mod Squad’.....??
@ucme I follow.. pretty good rendition.
@Dutchess_III CHiPs in a car? What were you smoking in the 70s? ;)
@glacial At last, someone with brain cells…wow, I hope you do follow cuz that’s just gonna sound wrong :D
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