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Dutchess_III's avatar

How does having a yard sale outside trash the inside of your house?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47232points) June 8th, 2013

I will never do this again. (The last time I said that was 25 years ago, so it’s a maybe safe bet that I won’t.)

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4 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s pretty darn successful so far, considering I barely put any thought into it. It’s technically my daughter’s sale, I just loaned our yard. However…hallelujah! My husband’s gotten into the spirit of things and he’s hauling stuff out from the garage that I’ve been wanting to get rid of for years!
In fact, it is so successful, people snapping stuff up left and right, that we had to put up a precautionary sign.

YARNLADY's avatar

To answer your question, the stuff that is outside came from the inside, hence the mess.

I’m glad to hear you are having a success. The last time I tried it, I was out side all day and had potentially $250 worth of regular household stuff plus two pricey antiques, but all I sold was 5 $1.00 records.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man…Rick and I have sold close to $200. BUT we’re selling high end stuff, too. Lawn mowers, chainsaws, a 42 TV, a trailer. The girls (Who coordinated all of this) aren’t doing as well because their stuff is .25 to $10.

ibstubro's avatar

Most people seem to have gotten too lazy for yard sales around here. Instead they throw the stuff in boxes and bags and bring it to our auction where we sort it pull out anything of individual value, and box the rest back up to be sold as “box lots”.

Actually, it’s a pretty good deal for them…they are rid of their junk and sometimes get checks for $100’s with little work. We sometimes do a lot of work for out 25% commission.

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