So what state is on top of your stupid list and why?
Asked by
Pandora (
June 8th, 2013
I just read this article and it has put Texas on top of my list of stupid states. Every time, I think we can’t get worse, another state pulls out in the lead. So it had me wondering if other jellies have a particular state they think should be #1 on this list and why.
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58 Answers
I’d have to agree. lol
Now California has it’s share of nuts and corruption but can’t beat the beauty, diversity and the weather. Texas OTOH….
Alobama, everyone knows the president’s first name is Barack…no wait!
Before opening the question, my first thought was Texas. I don’t know why, as I’m not well versed in all the states. Maybe the media.
@ucme Alobama? I know you spell better than that and you probably trying to say something, but I am simply not getting it.
Al Obama, must be pretty stoopid if they don’t know the name of…oh, never mind.
Texas. The ones still trying to secede.
Another vote for Texas. They’ve elected Louis Gohmert to five congressional terms. “Nuf said
@ucme. Ahhhhhhhh! Got it now. :)
Well, the media wins on that. I remember the day they had Obama killed by seal team 6. LOL
That was even on a news paper, I believe.
@thorninmud Wow! Looks like it may be texas in a landslide win unless someone comes up with something better. LOL
Arizona. They’re perhaps the most vindictive and xenophobic, to say nothing of nastiest, state around.
Texas is a close second.
I would say Texas, but they aren’t really a state; just ask a Texan and they’ll tell you that Texas is it’s own Republic.
I’m just holding my breath here…
Come on, boys and girls. There must be 5 or 6 states which pass the Stupidity Crown around on an almost daily basis.
But….........OK, yeah…....Texas did present us all with the gift of George W. Bush……...oh, alright….I stand corrected.
So nice that Cheryl Strain is also training her 12-year-old son Rory to shoot, because “God forbid, if anything should happen, he will be ready”.
You know, this is exactly what (the late) Nancy Lanza of Newtown, CT said and did regarding her (late) son Adam Lanza.
Load ‘em up, everybody !!
It would have to be a three way race with Texas, Arizona, and South Carolina.
LMBO! Texas is still taking it with a landslide.
…Laying very low in Florida…
@Espiritus_Corvus Yeah, during the republican convention I would’ve named Florida number 1. But then you had Alabama, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Ohio, Virginia, Texas (again) and a few states I don’t remember, that wanted to arm teachers. That would’ve tied several states. But I think Texas continually continues to ooze stupidity.
Wow. This question makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
There is no state that is the most stupid. Every state has its bright shining moments of flaming stupidity. That being said, some of the government leaders in Texas are incredibly stupid, but again… every state has those.
I love the “Texas is stupid” stereotyping, though. Reminds me of “All black folks are ghetto and love watermelon and fried chicken!”
Carry on. Don’t bother to reply, either. I’ll avoid the douchebaggery that’s sure to continue.
Sorry. I really didn’t start the question to offend just one state. I was actually hoping for more stories of other states. I live in Virginia and I’ve heard countless of stupid things go by, however I can’t believe a state will let someone shoot and kill another person for 150 dollars because he didn’t get laid. As a woman, I couldn’t help but feel doubly offended. He life is invaluable because she was a prostitute. It is vulgar. Why couldn’t he just take her to court like anywhere else and sue her for his money back. Is a prostitutes life only worth 150?
I also don’t know why they considered what she did as stealing. He handed her the money. I have been ripped off by car mechanics and yet I continue to let them breath because I am pretty sure it is illegal in most states to shoot them dead for swindling me.
I also do know people who live in Texas who are disgusted by this story.
That story is unbelievable! They decided it was legal for him to shoot her for a $150 misunderstanding? That makes me sick. The author of the article says it should not apply because prostitution is illegal? That is ridiculous also! I really don’t care if it is illegal or not the deal they had made.
I don’t have any state at the top of my list, because you can find stupid shit in every state.
@KNOWITALL LOL! GA. Although, DC technically is not a state.
@JLeslie Yeah, by their own thinking you can shoot a little kid selling lemonade who doesn’t have a vendor license if the kid takes your money and doesn’t give you the lemonade. What no lemonade left. Shot to the face!
But I can’t help but think there is more to this story. The girl looks latin. So not only was she a prostitute but she looked latina
and he was a white man. So what is one less latina, hooker in the world. Certainly not even worth 150 dollars.
Well, I live in Texas & in my opinion – Texas wins the ‘stupidity crown’ hands down! After all, the Republicans have elected John Cornyn & Ted Cruz as their Senators, & they keep electing Rick Perry as their Governor (but NOT ON MY VOTE!).
@Pandora I hate to think ethnicity/race came into it, but I don’t rule it out. I think more likely it is becaise she is a hooker. Even a white 5th generation American girl who is a hooker would be seen as less than worthy, and then add in she was “stealing” his money. She is the criminal right?~ Since the law is worded in a way that people can shoot for basically any reason, I guess by the letter of the law he is not guilty, but by the spirit of the law, how can anyone be ok with this verdict? Disgusting.
I still don’t get it. I don’t know of any state that will pass the death penalty for stealing. If that was the case than there are a lot of people in wall street who should be dead. So how is it a citizen in this country can get away with killing someone?
I can understand if the thief broke into your home and you were afraid for your life. But the person you invited to your home and handed money too is driving away with your money and you are not in danger! He to was a criminal for trying hiring a hooker. By the letter of the law, he was doing something illegal.
I too hate to think that ethnicity came to play into the whole thing, but it is the reality that does exist.
Yeah, can’t fight you on that one, tiny. Rick Perry and Rick Scott.
The Ricks.
The Tricky Ricks….
@Pandora I too think of it in terms of protecting myself from harm, but I think there are laws that a person has a right to protect their property. I guess one can argue property can extend to any sort of theft.
Sad to admit I don’t disagree about Texas, my birthstate. But with its finger-wagging governor and racist “Toughest Sheriff in America,” Arizona, where I’ve also lived, gives us a good run for our money.
Ms. Frago may have been committing the criminal act of prostitution and later robbery, but her john, Mr. Gilbert, was in the act of committing a crime also; the solicitation of a prostitute, and during this act he also killed someone by firing an AK-47 assault rifle into a fleeing vehicle, hitting Ms. Frago four times in the neck. She spent the next few months as a quadriplegic and was treated for severe, constant pain before she died. In many states, solicitation is a felony and, if anyone is killed during the commission of that felony, the perp gets charged with murder. Mr. Gilbert would have gone down for felony murder. It is incredible that he got off completely, not even drawing a manslaughter charge. (What the hell is a 28 year-old guy soliciting prostitutes for? Jesus. What is wrong with him? Isn’t this usually the purview of greasy middle-aged bastards with pinky rings?)
I just saw a report from Jasper, TX. This is the place where, just a couple of years ago, three rednecks chained a black man to the back of their pickup and dragged him for miles until his head tore away and there was nothing but a bloody torso left. A couple of days ago two cops beat the living hell out of a black woman because she was on the station phone too long trying to get bail money from her mother. Broken teeth, concussion, dislocated shoulder, 6 months in jail for resisting arrest with violence. Written complaints were buried. Video was denied. Finally a councilman came to her rescue. Reportage on this incident brought out what has been happening in Jasper since the dragging/lynching incident. Place is and always has been an unapologetic racist hell hole from the police administration on down, according to a city councilman.
Another Texan here who hopes my state of humanity is in no way confused with my state of domicile.
@dxs IMO, the biggest problem with Florida is that there is one corrupt party which dominates the state from the Governor’s office and legislature down to the PTAs and Urban League. They would like the people to believe there is actually some sort of political philosophy associated with the party, but there isn’t. State government is corrupted throughout and it is run by greedy careerists funded by privatization opportunists, construction companies, insurance companies, etc.&etc., at the expense of the natural beauty of the state and the welfare of the people.
I can’t pick the most stupid state. The US is pretty stupid as a whole.
Since someone mentioned Florida…
I hate Florida. I’ve been there twice, once in Cape Coral and once in Orlando for my honeymoon. Both times the residents seemed extremely rude. Even people in customer service positions were assholes. I’m from South Caronlina, and nearly everyone here is nice – to your face, anyways. So, it was a shock to be in a Southern state without that Southern hospitality factor.
@livelaughlove21 Very little southern culture is left in Florida, maybe in some poverty-stricken small towns in the interior, but you won’t find anything genteel. The Yankees came in here and took the best of her long ago.
I guess on Fluther we must name a Democratic state but that’s stupid . I name Arkansas. At least I lived there and have stories I could tell whether it’s Democratic, Republican or what.
Texas is way too big to write off the entire state as stupid. Basing that conclusion on George Bush, right? I thought so. Oh, yes; we were so much worse off when he was Prez. You think America is bad now; just wait another year with Osama Obama.
Osama Obama. So original. So intelligent. So perfectly Nurse Ratched, the sanest one on the ward.
I forgot to mention why I hate Delaware. The entire state of Delaware is smaller than many counties in other states, and yet in its wisdom the founders found it appropriate to divide it into 3 very very small counties. Thus, a relatively small news item in the local newspaper of Delaware’s New Castle County quickly becomes state news, and state news is quickly launched into the national spotlight.
They routinely brew tempests (gossip) in teapots, and serve it up to the nation as if it were true. I’ve lived it.
And the police are all thugs, and the politicians are no better. But that’s another very very long story.
@Espiritus_Corvus Ah, I knew I smelled something fishy about this sentence. At least all these small minds are pretty confined in one small area. Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure there are more bigots in Texas as there are in other states, like Arizona (to name one). It is good to know what city to avoid at all cost if ever I find I must travel through Texas.
@snowberry , I use to live in New Castle years ago. That is a valid point. I do miss not having to pay taxes at the store. (Do they still do that or not?) The roads where nice too and the minimum wage was higher than most other states. Least it was in the New Castle area. The further away you moved from Dover or Wilmington, the more bigots you encountered.
I love Florida! I am not here to defend the politics in the state, and I admit it is not as friendly as some other states, but I love the weather, love all the northerners that have come down and brought some liberalness to the state and have even improved some of the primary and secondary education, I don’t know where the state ranks on education as a whole, back in the past it was pretty low like most southern states. I also love that people can dress however and no one cares. Northern FL is still pretty southern, but the west coast is mostly midwest and the southeast coast is mostly northeast and then in the middle there is a mix. I find the service to be good, so @livelaughlove21 comment about that surprises me. But, Disney and Orlando can be people from all over the country, it’s hard to generalize that part of the state. My experience in general is having older employees makes a lot of service things better. Supermarkets, retail shopping, all much better than most of the south in my opinion. I have never considered FL the south, that ended about 30 years ago when the Jews started moving down from NY. Think Seinfeld and The Nanny.
@Pandora No sales tax in Delaware, but they get you in other ways, such as property tax, which is funneled right back to the consumer anyway. So it makes no difference that I can see.
California, The taxes are way too high, And of course there is also Gov. Jerry Brown. HA
Not one mention of Kansas or the Westboro Bapstist Church or the abortion killers. Whew!
LOL @WillWorkForChocolate! I forgot you are from Texas. But I haven’t said anything. I was born there.
Re that $150 hooker killing….the acquittal was based on some stupid, obscure law about a person having the right to use deadly force in retrieving stolen property after dark. WTH???
I was born and raised in Texas too, for the record
I think stupid state should be defined. If not , it sounds like a teenagers question. What about high crime state? Low educational level state? Or the worst thing ever mostly Republican state? How about horrible climate state?
I just don’t think stupid state encompasses what the questioner really wants to know.
@Dutchess_III I still don’t see how he got away with that being he had physically given it to her and she had been in his home for 20 to 30 minutes. It was an escort service and he even admitted that he assumed he was paying for sex. Apparently it was never verbally promised. If you call a plumber to your house, and see you needed an electrician, you still pay the plumber for his time. You don’t give him the money and then shoot him as he tries to leave.
I don’t see how the prosecuting attorney let that go. As @Espiritus_Corvus pointed out it seems there is deep racism and corruption in this town. They just let it slide because he was a good o’l boy. I don’t know how they are not under federal investigation.
@Aster, I thought of asking which state is the most ignorant or corrupt, but I felt stupid covers it all.
I didn’t ask about the lowest educated because often that has to do with the economy in the state. The states with the lowest income are going to have the worst education because quality teachers will move to states that pay higher. You are not going to get a college degree and then go to a state that pays you a little more than the guy working at subways.
Oh, I totally agree with you @Pandora. 100%. It was the wrong verdict. But….it was the law. Hopefully they’ll change the damn law so that it isn’t so vague. How can you justify shooting someone dead just because they stole something from you?
I say North Carolina because there is nothing to do.
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