Social Question

How do I calm my nerves over the next 48 hours.
This question is more for users who know a bit about me and have been following the year long drama situation with my girlfriend.
For those who don’t know, but would like to join in, here are the basic details of the story.
I have known my girlfriend for close to 6 years now, but have never spoken to her parents except for once, when I said hello to them before they hung up on me, after realizing I’m white.
My girlfriend has spent the best part of a year out of the country, finishing her university studies after a year away. While she has been out of the country, she has been forced (physically) to live with her parents, as they like to control her.
To be together again, she has to run away from them or sneak off somehow, so they don’t stop her, and come back to Spain where I have been working and saving and making a nest for the past year.
Over the last year, we have spoken on skype in secret twice a day every day, making our plans.
The flight is booked, our marriage papers are ready, her travel permissions are all ready, and today, is finally the day that she sets off to come back.
In about 4 hours, her parents will be going to work, leaving her alone.
When they leave, she will take a small bag of hand luggage, and leave the house going to the airport. All her important stuff is already here in Spain as it has been posted ahead in secret.
The problem, is that she is coming from so far away, from Taiwan to Spain, via Zurich and Madrid before coming to Palma.
Her journey is going to take so long, that while here it is Saturday night and she is leaving in a few hours, I wont be seeing her until Monday mid afternoon, and really, my nerves can’t quite take it.
I am looking for ways I can calm my nerves over the next 48 hours, while I wait to see if our year of plans will go ahead without incident.
As far as I know, there are several factors to worry about:
- Her parents catch her trying to run off and there is violence or problems.
- Immigration control decide to be the usual bastards they are famous for being and don’t let her in to the country for some reason.
- She gets lots, robbed, or her aircraft crashes etc.
How can I calm my nerves, over the next 2 days, while I am out of contact with her waiting to see if she shows up safe and sound?
For those who have asked me for updates on this story, and talked about it with me over the past year, follow this question for the next couple of days to find out how it all turns out.
I will be posting the good/bad news here, on Monday night.