Social Question

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Single people, have you experienced monophobia?

Asked by Michael_Huntington (16005points) June 8th, 2013

Monophobia-the hatred/fear of single people

I have. I remember going to a restaurant alone at valentine’s day and I got stares from the waitress, the busboy, the cook, and other patrons. We were born single! It wasn’t a choice!

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22 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Shout out to my man @blackberry
#yolo #swag

CWOTUS's avatar

That’s a thing now? I don’t always like it (more often I do), but I wouldn’t call it a phobia just because I don’t like it!

glacial's avatar

I am usually too engrossed in a good book or a delicious meal to notice, but when I do – yeah, it’s annoying.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve never encountered this. On my first job I was almost always alone when I went out to eat. I got more flirtation than strange looks.

Berserker's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That’s cuz you’re probably one hot mofo! :D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline I never thought so but I guess I give off something. You’re pretty smoking hot yourself lady.

ucme's avatar

I thought the funny/playful topics had been banned now, last few times I used some they were swiftly removed.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Well, you thought WRONG.
eriously, I only want single people to answer my thread. Preferably hot single women with refined taste in literature and film.

ucme's avatar

Can’t think of any valid reasoning other than that, just an observation.

Bellatrix's avatar

I’m not single, I’m freezing right now (winter here) but I do like literature and film. If I do have to go away on my own and go to a restaurant, I still feel a bit odd. I’ve noticed many more people going to the cinema and restaurants alone and I think it’s great. Personally, I always think ‘good on you!’ and they must be really together people.

bossob's avatar

@Bellatrix ”...I’m freezing right now (winter here)...” Nicely played!

flip86's avatar

I go to the movies alone quite a bit because my girlfriend doesn’t like theaters. I always get weird looks. I really don’t understand why people find it strange to do something by yourself.

gailcalled's avatar

I am single; I have refined taste in literature and films; I am hot.

I have no problems with sitting at a restaurant, movie or concert by myself. Often it is more fun because I do not need to negociate with my partner, and I can also chat up my neighbors with no sense of awkwardness. And sometimes it is nice not to have to talk to anyone.

As I get older, I find idle chatter very overrated. The Quakers have a good point about the value of silence

Either I am not very observant, or I have not had people staring at me because I am on my own. How very odd that folks would do this.

jordym84's avatar

I’m a young, cultured, single female and I do things by myself all the time, including (but not limited to) traveling, eating in restaurants and going to the movies, and I have never noticed anyone looking at me strangely for doing so. Maybe you feel insecure about doing things/going places that are normally associated with couples and imagine that people are looking at you weirdly? Just a thought…

augustlan's avatar

I think when I was younger I found it more difficult to go do things by myself. Not so much because people stared, but because I worried that they would. I was very self-conscious back then, but am comfortable enough in my own skin to not worry about stuff like that now.

@ucme Where’s a topic editor when you need one, eh? Honestly, though, we’ve loosened up on topics lately.

ucme's avatar

@augustlan Just wanted clarification because I stopped with the “funnys” when mine began being removed & i’d like to use them again, so I will, because it seems I can…small things please small minds.

ucme's avatar

Single peeps are single for a reason…you lot smell something rotten ~

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’m not single, but I’d probably be shooting a curious look at someone who goes out to a restaurant alone on Valentine’s Day. Not because I’m afraid of single people, but I refuse to eat alone in a restaurant (even fast food), so it’s interesting to me when people feel comfortable enough to do it. It also makes me feel kind of sad, which is stupid because who says they want someone to eat with?

More power to those that go out and do things alone, like the movies. I guess being in a relationship since I was 17 has led me to feel really uncomfortable being alone in a social situation. Even if my husband isn’t with me, someone has to be. Shame on me. :)

Kardamom's avatar

I like to eat and I like to read, so going to a restaurant by myself is never a problem for me. I just bring my book or a magazine. I housesit regularly, so I’m often alone. I also don’t mind going to movies alone, occasionally, because when I’m by myself, I can get one of those big plastic plates of nachos with jalapeƱos with no one to express their disgust. Plus I really wanted to see Dark Shadows, again, and no one else wanted to see it twice.

I don’t think I would want to go to a concert by myself, not because I would be afraid of any disapproving glances, it’s just that I tend to whisper comments to either my SO or my best friend during concerts. That’s part of the fun. Music excites me, and I feel the need to share/express my excitement with someone who also shares that same excitement.

I can spend hours in Trader Joe’s by myself, because I’m a label reader, and I tend to chit chat with the staff, especially the one’s that are doing the food demos.

Last summer, when it was super hot, I spent many hours pushing a cart around Target, not buying anything, simply to enjoy the benefit of the air-conditioning. No one from the store bothered me or told me to leave.

Unbroken's avatar

Huh I have found that when I have a bad attitude or insecurity about being single is when I perceive the most problem with it.

Usually I do bring a book or something knitting a puzzle book. An ipod. I almost always have these on hands. But these are not props as much as things I enjoy doing.

If I go to a play or a museum or travel alone I find I enjoy it more if I am going to enjoy it at all without having to consider another or make chatter. There are moments I wish to share with people. But finding the balance is hard.

I thought I would enjoy traveling someone. I just found my equilibrium upset. I found myself tense and biting my tongue to refrain from the perceived idiocy of statements. Of wanting to do something but having to consider the other and the person spoke over my attempts to part for a couple of hours.

Standing in a grocery store line with another is odd because then youu have to switch to conversation other people will presumably will overhear. Small talk an art that I have a limited capacity for. No matter that I have read guides and practice it with clerks and such.

I do meet people this way and enjoy that. But I have problems working in concert with people. One person can hold my focus otherwise I feel awkward or ridiculous or perhaps that I am performing. I don’t think I always like this to this extreme. But now it has definitely become more pronounced.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m so used to being and doing things alone that I feel strange anytime I’m in a relationship. I feel like no matter who it is, they always be invading my space. It’s something I’ll have to deal with sooner or later.

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