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Dutchess_III's avatar

WTH happened to my waffles?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 9th, 2013

I mixed up the batter, poured the individual waffles, closed the iron…and they’re, like….well, I couldn’t get the iron open when it was time to check them. I had to use a crow bar. So, got it open and it tore the waffles in half, so half of them are stuck to the top and half to the bottom.

My husband thinks it’s hilarious. Yeah….I’ve worked for 15 minutes to get it all scrapped off, and then I’ll try again….but I need to know what I did wrong!

Maybe I didn’t grease the iron well enough (although it is supposed to be non-stick….lying waffle iron.) Or was it because I used olive oil, trying to cut back on germs and calories?

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18 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Others may know more about this than I, but when I use the recommended amount of vegetable oil in the batter and also wipe both sides of the iron with a little oil (any kind), no sticking.

Berserker's avatar

I had to use a crow bar.


livelaughlove21's avatar

I always use Pam Cooking Spray made with Olive Oil and I’ve never had a problem.

How old is the waffle iron?

dxs's avatar

Pfft…non-stick. My non-stick pan lies, too. Spray it with oil next time and don’t believe its lies.

tedibear's avatar

Did the iron seem hotter than usual? That might have done it. And, as @dxs says, pffft for non-stick. Brush on vegetable oil (canola is my choice). Sometimes the sprays will leave a sticky residue, so I don’t use them on non-stick.

Did you use olive oil IN the waffles or on the iron? That might have contributed to the issue. try melted butter or an oil that can take the heat better than olive oil.

Headhurts's avatar

I would say because you didn’t grease the plates enough. I normally use a little butter.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did wipe it with oil before I poured the batter. I used to have a basting brush around here somewhere that I’d usually use, but I don’t know where it is, so I put oil on a paper towel and wiped it down. I’ve almost got the mess cleaned up (it’s been an hour) and I’ll try it again…..

@livelaughlove21 I got it at auction a few years ago. It looks new.

@Symbeline No, not a crow bar. But I DID have to use a lever (a spoon) to pry it open wide enough so I could get some leverage to puuuulllll it apart with my BARE HANDS!

Getting ready to try again…I am a fool.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. That son of a bitch is GREASED, locked and loaded, ready to go again. I am a fool.

@tedibear… may have been too hot, too. I kind of thought it was when I opened it…but it’s a self regulating thing. But I’ll watch that this time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think I burned the first batch, plain and simple. They’re turning out fine now.

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III Silly, you know that Jellies only eat pancakes (usually whilst nekkid).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah,that was it! I had clothes on whilst cooking them!

tedibear's avatar

@Dutchess_III – That’s what happened to our previous waffle iron. I set it, let it heat, came back and the canola oil was starting to smoke!

filmfann's avatar

You need to use a quick shot of Pam cooking spray on the iron before adding the waffle mix.
Usually I can make 4 waffles in succession before spraying again, if you are cooking for a group.

btw, on Fluther, this is pancake territory.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m feeling persecuted!
I don’t use spray oils. If a pan needs to be greased I use butter or liquid grease. It’s hard to grease it up with just a paper towel, which is what I did the first time. I gotta get me another basting brush.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Dutchess_III Is there any particular reason for your refusal to use sprays?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Expense, I suppose. I am assuming that a can of spray is more expensive than an equivalent amount of vegetable oil, but I don’t know. I just never have used it. Never even looked at buying any!

JLeslie's avatar

I thought one should not use Pam on a hot pan. Can’t it ignite?

@Dutchess_III I’m glad your waffles turned out ok in the end. All too much trouble for me, I just toast up an Eggo. Not the same I know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, it’s not something I do very often. But I have 8 waffles in the freezer now, ready to pop in the toaster!

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