(Potentially NSFW) Tell me something odd about yourself.
We all have our little quirks. Things that freak us out, habits, guilty pleasures, pet peeves, etc. that others would probably find strange, interesting, or just plain gross. Tell me one (or more) of yours!
One of mine: I can’t stand the smell of pork chop grease when they’re being pan-fried. I can’t even wash the pan without gagging. And I don’t usually have a weak stomach.
I’ll share more later.
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30 Answers
I haven’t had a date in 12 years.
I see dead people.
In my dreams.
- I will only ever set my TV volume to an even number. If anyone else sets the volume, and they set it to an odd number, I will change it by 1 point when they are not looking.
- I deeply enjoy chaos, madness, confusion, panic and general mayhem. and will often find myself day dreaming about insane scenarios, that then cause me to laugh out loud alone to myself, and make everyone wonder what is wrong with me.
E.g. I may find myself laughing at the idea of a silver-back gorilla on acid, dressed in bullet proof kevlar and a pink tutu, smashing the shit out of a KFC or something. People running and screaming, shouting “why!?”, hehehe.
- Once a year at Christmas, I mail one of my turds to the UK, to an old land lord who kicked me out for “shitting in the trash”, something I did not do, it was a piece of coffee flavor chocolate that was unwanted and spat out. Now, I send a yearly Christmas turd to them, and chuckle to myself at random for about 3 days after. Merry Christmas lol.
- I love the smell of new books, magazines and blu-ray/DVD cases. Sometimes in stores I’ll subconciously smell a magazine in public and get weird looks from people.
- I’m extremeley obsessive about not being spoiled by movies that I’m looking really forward to seeing.
One of my breasts is bigger than the other two.
I really like numbers. Each number holds certain characteristics and personalities in my mind and I associate them with certain people/places/events.
I dream about basements. A lot.
When doing Sudoku, I write the numbers in slowly with the greatest caligraphical care. This week I like short, fat, art deco numbers. I find the result as satisfying as the win.
@Espiritus_Corvus I enjoy that too. I actually do the same with crosswords when I do them.
I used to pluck my leg hair out one by one when I was anxious but almost too paralyzed by my anxiety to venture out.
I have started doing it a bit again.
@rosehips Yes, crosswords too. And I always make sure not to cover up the numbers on the crossword.
I am sorry your anxiety is so severe. I wish there were simple answers to these things.
I’ve been going bald since I was twelve. And my feet are size thirteen.
I have grapheme-color synesthesia, which is that thing where symbols such as numbers and letters have a innate color in my mind’s eye. For me it’s letters, numbers, days of the week, months, etc.
I also have an innate dislike for numbers that are not divisible by four and I don’t know why.
I really really really love birds. I only took up birding recently but it’s become an obsession. Today alone I took two separate hikes just hoping to spot something interesting in the woods. Birds find their way into my dreams all the time, and recently I have become capable of lucid dreaming because of it. I’ll see some really interesting bird and I’ll think “Wow, usually I only see those in my dreams! Wait a minute…”
I have died in a dream and I did not die in real life.
I once went 19 consecutive days without eating anything whatsoever. I mean, I had medical intervention in the form of IV nutrition, but…it’s still a fun fact to throw around.
Until very recently I had a malformation (complication from surgery) in which the contents of my digestive tract were sometimes able to find their way into my vagina. So that was fun.
I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 20 mostly due to an overinflated awareness of my own mortality.
I really, really like soldering, and I hope to learn to weld someday.
Oh gawd sometimes I think I am just so weird.
@livelaughlove21 I suppose though I thought trichotillomania was compulsive head hair yanking. Though admittedly I never looked up the condition.
EC I never cross out the answers I completed or check them off. I also use pen if I mess up then I either have proof of my struggles documented or I go on to the next if it gets too messy.
As to anxiety it rises and falls. It’s natural and tells me that I am out of my comfort zone. Which tells me I will grow or see it as a seminal part of my development. Which may be fallacy but it is a comforting one.
My methods of dealing with it may not be healthy but I have faith I can change it.
@Mariah Wow. That is impressive. I especially like that you have moved on to things that may be odd but give you enjoyment and fascinate.
Wow, I was going to confess that aside from necrophilia, zoophilia and the limited set of other things that either cause permanent harm or involve sex acts without informed consent, I like just about every paraphilia known to humanity and a few that haven’t made the list yet. But after reading all the above, I feel a lot more normal. Thanks, everyone.
Apparently I’m the only person on Facebook who doesn’t play Candy Crush (whatever the heck it’s called). That makes me odd, right?~
I love snow, rain and cold, cloudy days. I haven’t found many people who agree with me.
I used to have brown eyes. They have changed color to what the Department of Motor Vehicles decided was green. Sometimes they seem to be hazel, sometimes almost blue, sometimes green. It isn’t even uncommon. As you age your eyes can get lighter or darker. Never knew that.
When people ask what I am (my stereotype) I say Viking.
I have Dermatillomania.
I hate whales and mimes.
There’s a hyphen in the middle of my first name.
I live in Alaska, and I’ve never gone hunting or fishing.
Oh goodness. I have way too many oddities.
- Like @poisonedantidote I must have the TV volume on an even number (I have trained my partner to do so as well).
– I have synaesthesia. I see words as I hear them. I also see colour in music.
– I have misophonia with several different sounds and repetitive sounds.
– I really dislike different foods on my plate touching. I also eat one type of food at a time (ex: If I have fries, veggie burger and a salad on my plate, I only eat one of them at a time).
– I have a speech impediment but it sounds like an accent (so it’s not noticed as an impediment by strangers).
– And I have a myriad of mental disorders which the powers that be have bestowed upon me so graciously… Avoidant personality disorder, Social Phobia/Anxiety, PTSD, HSP (highly sensitive person – although I don’t think it’s a classified disorder), including autistic tendencies. Psychology is fun!
– I’m a bit of a germaphobe (mysophobia). The worst for me are public handles (doors or bars on a bus). I use my sleeve or tissue for public stuff without even thinking about it (which must look odd to other people).
– I’m really scared of pitch black darkness, no matter where I am or how many times I’ve been there (like my garage at night).
– I love the smell of dog feet, especially when they’ve been napping for a while.
– I have a weird way with animals. They generally really like me and I can sense their mood or whatever.
– I like to run around the house with my wooden sword, pretending it’s a light saber (waving it around my partner like I just don’t care).
– I spend my time Fluthering when I really should be working on my school work. :P
I can’t really compare with the above. I won’t turn my calendar over until the 2nd of each month.
I have wrinkles on my scalp. Here’s an example. People made fun of me when I was younger, saying my brain was showing, or that I looked like a Shar Pei. I can kind of hide it if I don’t cut my hair too short.
I can play the harmonica while holding it behind my back….
One of my breasts is larger than the other two. Shit, @ragingloli beat me to that one.
For some reason, my feet sweat all the time. Tennis shoes or other shoes that require socks are super, but it’s difficult for me to find cute flats or heels to wear, because without socks, my feet start to slip in them. I have to find cute shoes with cloth-like insoles and that’s not easy.
I always smell any new paper I get, whether in the form of a book, magazine, notebook, etc.
I must always read lists from the bottom up. I don’t know why. I can’t read a list unless I start from the bottom.
I have to have an even number of Tic Tacs in my mouth so they’re evenly distributed.
I hate the sound of people chewing and swallowing food.
Coffee is my largest guilty pleasure. I have developed a tolerance though, and I need an espresso machine.
For some reason, I think that bartending is a cool job to have.
Aesthetic, as Dr. Hannibal Lecter said to Clarice Starling:
“I think it would be quite something to know you in real life….”
(and from now on I’m going to be smelling all the mail every day….I KNOW IT….
@OneBadApple I think my friends certainly think it’s something to know me, lol. Mail smells pretty good, by the way.
I don’t like anyone changing the station on my car radio. If my passenger goes to change it, it makes me really uncomfortable (I don’t say anything but it bothers me a lot inside). I’m quite OCD about the way (and reasons) I decide to change the radio station so other people doing it messes with my routine.
@Mariah I have always thought that 1 was purple. 2 was orange, 3 was yellow, 4 was red, 5 was blue, and 6 was green. When I grew up, I realized it was because of the spinner on the colored pie sections for board games. At least that’s what I think I remember.
When I make a sandwich the two pieces of bread have to be consecutive and properly aligned and nothing is allowed to hang outside of the crust.
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