Do you have a favorite Pandora station?
Asked by
filmfann (
June 10th, 2013
Okay, this was asked in 2008 and again in 2009 , but I think it deserves another go.
How did you find that station?
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10 Answers
Yes! Michael Buble’s station is pretty much all I ever listen to and it’s been that way for at least two years now (well, for as long as I’ve had a Pandora account, which has been a while). Once in a blue moon I’ll switch it over to Jason Mraz, Alcione (Brazilian singer) and a few others, but I always end up going back to MB’s. I love it mostly because of all the other big band-type songs they play, especially the oldies (Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammie Davis Jr, et al).
Garage Rock during the day. Folk at night.
@jordym84 I love Michael Buble too! He has some great taste in music beyond his fabulous voice, and awesome catchy band.
I have more Pandora stations then I listen to Pandora. I love moody music. If I get too comfortable well it feels good but also like I am missing out.
I actually prefer Jango. You can create your own stations.
Mine is a combination of techno and metal. lol
Good stuff!
I have one that’s just a list of stand-up comedians. It all started with Mitch Hedberg. Now I’ve got a list of, like, 20.
About 5 years ago, I created Torch Song Radio , which is mostly music from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, covers of standards, and focusing on slow music rather than upbeat.
A couple weeks ago, I was fiddling with it, and found a button that told me how many people are listening to it: almost 2 Million! I was floored, since I never really promoted it.
I’ve created a Priscilla Heardman station that is my go-to winding down at night station. She is a clear soprano folksinger and I get lots of great female singer/songwriters on it.
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