If you see a speck of something in your glass of milk that turns out to be a tiny bug, do you fish the bug out and carry on, or do you throw the whole glass of milk out?
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77 Answers
Fish out the bug.
Milk’s expensive.
I assess size and relative time in the liquid. If both are small, I fish out the bug and drink.
Toss the milk down the sink, i’m fussy like that.
I eat the bug along with the milk. It’s an extra serving of protein.
I know it’s wrong to throw the milk out( it’s what I would do if I were alone), otherwise make such a huge fuss over the issue that whoever was with me would say, “leave it, I’ll drink it!” I would not even approach the glass!
For those who would throw it out….why would you do that?
I wouldn’t be drinking milk, but I often fish small bugs out of glasses of water/soda/etc. and keep drinking. Only if it were, ah, dissolving or breaking apart then I would toss the drink and start again.
Depends on the bug. If it has visible legs, I fish it out.
I would take bug out and drink the milk. Unless it were a huge disgusting bug like a cicada or something like that.
If it were a spider I would scream like a five year old girl, drop the glass on the floor, and go have my stomach pumped take it out.
Swallow it – drink it – the protein won’t hurt, and it is unlikely the insect is going to do me any harm.
Fish out the bug and carry on unless it’s a worm or something.
I would grab my biggest tablespoon and dig it out. Hopefully it didn’t go for a big swim while I was digging. Then I would dump the “contaminated” milk and bug down the kitchen drain. If I still felt gross about my milk, I might pour out a bit. But all the while I would remind myself that I was being ridiculous and wasting money. Then, if I still couldn’t bring myself to drink the milk, I would pour it in a bowl over cereal and eat it.
I just touched it with the tip of my finger and picked him up that way.
Happens to me. I just drink it. If it’s really big I take it out with my fingers.
He had an invisible penis, @ragingloli. But I have x-ray eyes.
Fish out the bug, keep calm and carry on.
Fish it out and carry on.
Is there such a thing as a lactose-intolerant insect?
Larger bugs I fish out, smaller ones I just swallow with the liquid. It’s just a little bug, it’s not going to kill ya.
Then again I also willingly eat bugs from time to time. Tarantulas and scorpions taste like lobster and shrimp :P
Well, they are all lactose intolerant, @elbanditoroso. I mean, they all die, so it’s quite obvious that they are lactose intolerant.
@uberbatman I’m sneaking a scorpion in your next drink….
Fish it out, eat or drink whatever.
Considering all the hidden things we ingest without our knowledge a little bug doesn’t bother me at all. Infact, I was sitting outside by my little garden at 6:30 this morning having a cup of coffee and taking in the morning when I fished a little winged thing out of my coffee. lol
Your bug must have had a caffeine allergy.
@Dutchess_III As long as you pull the venom sac out so I don’t die then fine by me :P
I fish it out with a spoon and drink the milk. I know where my hands have been.
Since milk is designed for calves, I would dump the whole shebang into the compost. If the bug were still alive, I’d offer it to Milo, who still enjoys animal protein.
No cheese, no cottage cheese, no lasagna, no cream cheese, no sour cream, no butter, no yogurt, no ice cream, no milk shakes, no fettuccine, no mozzerella, no cheddar cheese, no buttermilk biscuits, no pizza, no quiche, no Swiss cheese, no cheese stix….
….no reason to continue living.
I’m pretty sure like 70% of my diet involves dairy in some form or another :P
^^^ I live, very happily, with my choices, incluing wearing pajamas and flip-flops out in public.
To each their own, I just know I wouldn’t last a week. I’d give up meat before dairy.
^^Been there, done that also. I cheat very occasionally w. the dairy but never with meat.
I think I will have a roast and swiss sandwich at Arby’s today. On a gluten-type bread. :)
I could live without meat, don’t eat much as it is, but no way am I giving up dairy. Cheese, ice cream, sour cream, yogurt…no way, no how!
Odd how to me it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice. My aging GI tract is happier, in general, this way.
Give it to the dog, I’m not eating a bug.
No way I could see something that close to me. I wouldn’t know there was a bug in my milk until I felt it squirmy buzzing down my throat. I’d spend the rest of the day wondering what type of creature I swallowed.
@gailcalled ” I live, very happily, with my choices, incluing wearing pajamas and flip-flops out in public.”
Pictures… or it didn’t happen.
This was too tiny to give to anyone! However, there was a ginormous earthworm on my kitchen floor today. Damn cat.
I fish it out and keep on chugging.
Unless it’s a tarantula. Then I drop it and move to a different state, swear off milk forever, and commit myself to a mental institution.
I’m with ya on that! Or, if it was an armadillo too.
If it was just a small bug, like a gnat, I’d probably take it out and keep on drinking. If it was a bigger bug, like a dirty house fly or a beetle or a roly poly, or a big spider, or even a ladybug, I don’t think I could continue drinking.
I know I couldn’t possibly drink the milk if I found one of These in my glass.
@Kardamom What in the hell is that??????
I agree with the peeps that said it depends on the size and the type of bug.
I’m pretty sure if its anything other that a gnat, it’s getting dumped.
@Katniss That is a potato bug. They’re huge and really scary looking.
@Kardamom That thing is almost as nasty as a spider!
Eh I wouldn’t bother fishing it out, just drink that fucker down! :D
I’d pick the bug out with a large spoon and toss the milk and bug out the back door. It might live to try it another day. Then I’d forget about it and go on with my meal.
No way in hell I could continue to drink it. The whole thing gets tossed down the drain.
@Symbeline Come on, you’d throw a bunch more bugs in there and make a smoothie.
I’m hardcore.
Besides…don’t let it ever cross your mind…if a bug ever got the chance to eat you. ’‘points at everyone in here’’
I think this is just an act, another bullshit interwebz meme, @Symbeline is actually a fragile, demure, beautiful girlie girl who loves all things pink, Barbie dolls & sugar & spice & all things nice. This dark, gothic side is nothing but a cry for help, think Jekyll & Hyde, only she turns from Gisele into…Paris Hilton XD
Barbies, old ass horror novels and cute pink shit I’m all up for, but come on bro, Paris Hilton? you so harsh
Yeah, that was a low blow just for the lulz. I do believe there’s more to you than all that dark shit though, cool as that is, you have many layers & I for one don’t define you with one single identity…you better than that sistah :)
So, I take it out, classify it, then either frow it away or put it back in my coffee?
Have you never, by mistake, swallowed a mosquito or black fly while talking too fast while outside at dusk?
Yup. And them nats stick and wiggle in your throat!
@gailcalled Yes! I hate that.
Has anybody accidentally snorted a bug up their nose?
I was standing over a pen of piglets one day, looking down at all the cuteness, when a fly zoomed into my open mouth and hit the back of my throat. I coughed instinctively, he was forcibly expelled, and went right on his merry little way.
And you got desperately sick and only hand sanitizer would cure it, right @augustlan? :)
Haha, only all natural hand sanitizer! ;)
@ucme That’s good enough for me, bro. :)
I remember this one about they lady who wanted chicken nuggets
Wait @dxs! I don’t think it was worth a 911 call, of course, but if the lady was telling the truth, she ordered Chicken Nuggets. They took her money, gave her change, then came back and said they were out of nuggets and told her to order something else. So she said, “OK, a Big Mac.” And they said, “No, the price has to be comparable to the nuggets.” So the lady said “Just give me my money back, I’ll go somewhere else.”.....And they refused to give her her money back? IF it’s true, that’s a valid complaint! But not a police issue, of course.
@Dutchess_III That’s true, but is it really worth a call for an emergency?
No, of course not @dxs. I said it’s a valid complaint but certainly not a police issue.
Oops. I meant to post that in this thread.
Yeah…I was getting confused…but I just got up!
@Dutchess_III I’ve been so far behind on sleep these past couple days. A lot of things have been going on.
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