General Question

wildpotato's avatar

Is it damaging to compress the sides of a memory foam mattress?

Asked by wildpotato (15229points) June 12th, 2013

We are driving from Jersey to Chicago for a funeral, so plans have been made hastily. The idea is to take my queen size memory foam mattress (~57” wide) and squeeze it into the back of my minivan (~50” wide). The minivan has a metal loop sticking out of each side where the rear seat clips on when it is folded into place. It is impossible to fold these loops down or to remove them temporarily. The loops, in the place where they stick out, recude that 50” to 44”.

Would the mattress be damaged by 1) the side compression in general, or 2) by the extra-severe compression with the small surface area of the metal loops?

I know that memory foam gets shipped compressed, but I assume that that compression is more or less even across the entire mattress. I can’t seem to google up any info about compressing it unevenly. Any thoughts or experience in this, guys?

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6 Answers

RareDenver's avatar

It might forgive you, but it will never forget ;)

Coloma's avatar

It should be fine. I have a memory foam too and they are designed to mold to whatever form they are presented with. I wouldn’t store it like that for years but a few hour car ride, don’t stress.

janbb's avatar

I agree – should be fine.

wildpotato's avatar

Sweet, thanks ladies!

filmfann's avatar

You’re going to sleep on it in the van?

It should be fine. Memory foam isn’t one directional.

wildpotato's avatar

We gave it a shot and it worked really well. Thanks again!

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