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ucme's avatar

What are some of the craziest 911/999 emergency calls you've heard of?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 13th, 2013

Just saw this hilarious story & thought i’d ask you buggers which mad examples you know of…which is fair enough when you think about it Bo}

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11 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

That’s hilarious!! I heard one guy called himself in for drug use….lol, pretty funny stuff. Also I love the ones where people try to get someone in trouble for selling them fake drugs. Silly druggies.

ucme's avatar

Imagine how the poor woman felt :(

OpryLeigh's avatar

The 999 call about the stolen snowman gets my vote!

ucme's avatar

@Leanne1986 I remember that one, stupid cow, bet she got a frosty recepti…I know, you saw what I did there :)

Pachy's avatar

How about the guy who called 911 in a panic to ask what the emergency call number was!

Just kidding.

gondwanalon's avatar

The craziest 911 call that happened to me personally was when I was in the parking lot of the Home Depot. A woman called 911 because I marked her car’s paint while I was backing out of a stall. There were vans on both sides of me as I very slowly backed out while constantly looking left and right. Suddenly I saw a car zip past me. I slammed on the breaks of my small pickup truck. I made a thin black line down nearly the entire length of her car from my bumper. There wasn’t even the slightest dent on her car. After we exchanged insurance information I told her that this is not an emergency situation and to drive to the police station and fill out a report as I was going to do, But no she had to call 911. HA! My insurance company said the she was at fault. Crazy old bag!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know for a fact that in 1991 or so Wichita 911 got a call from a lady saying that her friend’s 4 year old son was stuck in her mailbox. When the dispatch picked up the phone, she could hear smoke detectors shrieking in the back ground (she couldn’t know that they just HAPPENED to go off JUST as she answered the phone,) and she could hear a bunch of little kids running around screaming “FIRE FIRE!”
My friend The person who called 911 had a very hard time convincing the dispatcher that she was not calling about a fire, there was no fire, there was a kid stuck in her mailbox.
I The lady’s friend actually took a picture of it all, but she doesn’t know where the picture is any more.

Coloma's avatar

I called 911 one night when I came around a corner in the dark and almost hit a huge black cow/bull standing on the inside curve of the turn. OMG! I was so scared sitting off the road in the dark flashing my lights at other cars and hoping nobody would hit the beast.

OneBadApple's avatar

Our local paper had a story about some woman who called 911 from a Burger King, complaining that they refused to serve her ‘Whopper’ with the ingredients that she wanted.

The police arrived, and she was arrested (finding out, I guess, that things were going to be done “their way”...)

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