Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you think about this domestic violence case?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 13th, 2013

See this article for the details.
The wife is a teacher at a Christian school. There was some domestic abuse against her over a weekend a while back and the police were called to her home.
When she went back to work on Monday she told her principal to watch out for her husband showing up. He did show up, and the school went in to lock down.
Now they’ve fired her, as they feel her situation is a threat to the other children in the school.

Do you think this was the right thing or the wrong thing for the school to do?

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11 Answers

ucme's avatar

I think the school was right, yes it’s shitty, yes it’s unfair & yes she deserves sympathy, but the kids welfare comes first. Staff should come with no baggage, simple as.

Plucky's avatar

I don’t think they should have fired her. Maybe give her some time off to deal with her personal life. But fired? Eh, seems excessive. She is being fired for the actions of someone else.

@ucme Everyone comes with baggage.

ucme's avatar

Not when it comes barging through the school gates though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Plucky He had already shown up at the school once, and was arrested. He was a danger to the children.

ragingloli's avatar

This just conforms to what I have come to expect from “christian” schools.

bea2345's avatar

In other words, the victim has no rights to the support and protection of the authorities (and her community). That the husband actually went to the school to threaten her should be an offence, as it is in some countries. No, it was not right. I imagine the prospect of some nut with a gun has the school somewhat nervous.

johnpowell's avatar

I wouldn’t have fired her. Maybe had her do things like grade papers for a lot of classes from home until it got sorted out. You can email or drop that stuff off at her house. It would free up other teachers to cover her classes since they wouldn’t have to do the tedious work.

LornaLove's avatar

I think she has been victimized twice, once by her husband and again by her school.

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t think it was right for her to be fired. There have to be other options. Restraining orders, transferring her to another area – far away from her ex. Letting her work from home as has been suggested, until she can resolve her personal problems.

Plucky's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes, I know that. I still don’t believe she should be fired for something she did not do. She wasn’t putting the children in danger. The husband is to blame for that.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I don’t think she should have been fired. I understand their concern about protecting the children, but I don’t think this was necessary. I hope something good comes from this situation for her and her children.

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