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ucme's avatar

Something you were told or heard recently that initiated the "really?" response?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 14th, 2013

My daughter informed me last night that her maths teacher played James in this movie.
I was really taken aback for a moment & very impressed, from now on Mr.Terry will receive renewed respect at parents open evenings, certainly from this “star struck” dad…i’m shallow like that :)

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15 Answers

LornaLove's avatar

He is really sexy! Does your daughter get good grades in maths? I know I would!!

CWOTUS's avatar

I was reading a story in The Times of India this morning (a front-page story, mind you) regarding the progress of the annual monsoon across the subcontinent.

Apparently, it’s about halfway advanced up the country, according to an official with the Indian Meteorological Service who spoke on condition of anonymity. Like the monsoon is a state secret, and revealing it could subject this guy to huge penalties.

Later on, I found the same story that ToI used for the basis of their story in the Economic Times, where it was more elaborately stated that “the official who spoke requested that his name not be divulged, as he does not have authorisation to speak to the media” ... as he explained to the reporter.

Ah, India. Gotta love it.

ucme's avatar

Hmm, I just looked him up & the name matches, as does the age & he definitely has the look of him as a child, but it says he lives in Cardiff.
We’re way up north from there on the east coast, hoping this isn’t just another schoolyard rumour that the kids want to believe is true…& me.

rockfan's avatar

One of my friends had no idea that milk and milk fat was in a Snickers bar.

Seek's avatar

It still weirds me out that people younger than I are allowed to be grownups.

bookish1's avatar

Yesterday, I heard Senator John McCain on the radio citing the example of the Vietnam War as an example of why the U.S. should immediately intervene in Syria.

Seek's avatar

Because Vietnam was such an obvious success, and not at all a waste of life and resources?

bookish1's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr : That’s the thing that blew my mind… He was saying that gradual military escalation does not work, because he fought in Vietnam and he knows… So we should intervene massively and immediately in Syria. This was the logic he was using. Relying on the narrative that “we could have won” in Vietnam if the military had been better equipped, or if we had had a better plan from the beginning, etc.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^^ /ƆI/, /ƆI/, /ƆI/.

marinelife's avatar

I told my husband an actual tornado had touched down in Maryland yesterday during the severe storms and he said “Really?”

peridot's avatar

About a week ago, I was accused of “hollering at” someone online (aka presenting a far more rational argument than the offender, and gaining the upper hand in the discussion in doing so). Then both offender and his “heroine” either disappeared or ignored my return request for rational explanation for their actions.

Had me shaking my head and laughing the rest of the day. :D

ucme's avatar

Yay, its ‘official after consulting with my daughter, Mr.Terry is indeed James…whoo-hoo!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

That it is not against the Geneva Conventions for a government to use chemical or biological weapons on their own people.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

American car horns beep in the tone of F.

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