Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

It's graduation time in the US. If you went to a high school graduation this year, did they do the pledge?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) June 14th, 2013

Did they do the pledge of allegiance during the ceremony?

Did they sing a patriotic song or two?

I’m just curious, because the one I went to they did. Many people try to say these things are being taken away and forbidden in schools and I see no evidence of that, just people spreading falsehoods from what I can tell. I know some states enforce the pledge every morning, while others don’t. The majority of the states do the pledge from what I can tell.

One other question I have is did they dwell on the students who will be going into the military? To the point that they sounded more impressed with those kids than those going to college?

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9 Answers

dxs's avatar

We recited the Pledge of Allegiance every day in high school and during graduation and the awards ceremony. At the awards ceremony, they made a special recognition to the students going into the military. A standing ovation was given.

Katniss's avatar

Sadly, no.
My son graduated 2 weeks ago and there was no Pledge of Allegiance.
They had a congressman that graduated from the same school give a speech and he took the time to recognize the veterans in the audience and also the graduating students that have chosen a military career. I really appreciated that as my dad is a Vietnam war veteran.

I have mad love for all past/present/future service men and women.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I went to a college graduation and the pledge was not recited, and nor were any political songs. I heard something said about troops, but it was just a comment in passing.

mangeons's avatar

I just had my high school graduation earlier this month and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance while standing at the beginning of the ceremony. There wasn’t a specific mention of those going into the military that I remember, but those students going into the military were recognized at our school’s Honors and Awards ceremony the previous week.

OneBadApple's avatar

When my kids and their cousins were small, they were burying a dead bird in the back yard, and one of them suggested that a prayer should be said. They were all too young to come up with a prayer, so they just stood there and recited….

The Pledge of Alligience

dxs's avatar

@OneBadApple They definitely stole that idea from Aunt Bethany.

OneBadApple's avatar

Well, since the kids were overheard burying the bird around 1982, and the Griswolds said Christmas grace in 1989, it is much more likely that Aunt Bethany stole the idea from THEM…

Katniss's avatar

Is your house on fire, Clark?

sinscriven's avatar

It was at my sister’s middle school graduation.

The more I hear it as I get older the more the whole concept kinda creeps me out.

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