General Question

What's the best way to manage this schedule?
Lately it’s been getting hard for me to find free time. My job is six days a week and I help elderly relatives on the seventh. I also have a wonderful, but slightly clingy, boyfriend who lives an hour away and doesn’t drive.
In the beginning, the job was five days a week, tue-sat 12–9. Nights and weekends are totally normal and reasonable for this type of work (wine buyer.)
Until six months ago, stores selling alcohol couldn’t be open on Sundays. That changed and I got stuck with the Sunday shift because the only other manager was already working a six day week.
I asked the boss about creating a 3rd key position, and he said there isn’t enough money. He firmly- but kindly- said that there’s nobody else who can take this shift right now; someone needs to cover it; and if I won’t, he’d have to find someone who would do the work. —I got a reasonable raise.—-
I’ve been here a year. This is my first “real” job in this field, what I hoped would be the stepping stone to a career. My last few jobs have also been a year each, so if I quit now, it’s a pattern.
However, I’m giving myself six months to either raise revenues and create a new position, or to leave.
My relatives have tried to find other solutions to their needs ( getting to doctor, errands, chors, etc.) I am driving my aunt’s car until I can afford my own; there’s no public transit here. So they are helping me a lot. Still, there are times when I’m the only person who can do things. We have a small, scattered family and I’m the only relative who lives near them.
The boyfriend is so great, but our schedules are totally opposite (he has a 9-to-5 job). His last car died of old age and he is saving up to replace it. Since I live with relatives, out in the sticks, we hang out at his place in the city. When our schedules rarely overlap (basically my only free time), he wants to spend all of it as quality time together. He’s a social person and always wants to be on the go, hanging out with people, doing cool stuff- but sometimes I just want to quietly read a book or something. That hurts his feelings, and then he’s like, “why don’t you want to hang out with meeeee?” :’(
The only time I have all to myself is work nights before bed. I stay up way too late because I’d rather paint, read, or hell, mindlessly surf the internet, than get enough sleep. Having time to unwind feels more essential.
I’m getting really frustrated at having all my time parceled out like this. The stress is causing me to make mistakes at work and have a bad attitude with everyone.
The one thing I want most is a giant blob of unstructured time where I can be all by myself, doing whatever I want. My boyfriend and relatives know this; my workplace doesn’t. Anyway, the obligations keep stacking up and there is just no time.
I’d like to keep my job, my relatives, and my sweetie in my life, but in a more manageable way. But it’s awfully tempting to tell them all to go fuck themselves, and run away to a small town to wait tables or something. Can you give me some practical advice?

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