Why are cats evil?
Asked by
flip86 (
June 15th, 2013
They really are evil. They act like your friend, rub up on you, purr at you, and then sink their claws into your thigh.
They have evil eyes, they hiss, and they lie in wait under the couch for an unsuspecting human so they can violently bat at your ankles with their claws.
Why do people keep them as pets? Dogs are much better companions and have actually evolved to coexist with humans, unlike cats.
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52 Answers
They are not evil. They are predators designed by nature to be killing machines. I have had some wonderful relationships with my cats over the years although they are very different from dogs.
haha. you asked the wrong people. waiting for shitstorm to commence. 3…2…1…
@jonsblond I’m just being facetious. I have known some pretty cool cats. I’m not a fan of owning them though. I’m a dog person.
Cats can be loyal. The thing is, there is no hiding the fact that they are predators, and not always social ones. And they are often playful as well, though their idea of “play” is to sharpen their predatory/combat skills; “Hunt the red dot!” and “Maul the hand” are favorites.
Dogs need us; cats hang around because they like us. I would rather have a companion that is with me out of friendship than out of necessity.
Cats are Gods. Gods are not evil.
Dogs however are an abomination and should be purged from this universe.
Yeah, wrong place to assert that, err…fact
Dogs are waaaaaaaaaaay better, that’s just the way it is.
The only way dogs are ‘better’ is in pieces and stir fried with rice.
They are independent, and do not exist solely to serve man (unlike dogs). This makes them evil, but it also makes them awesome.
Cats are not evil, dogs just want you to believe that. Cats are space aliens (that is why they observe everything), once we stop seeing them as evil but as friends, they will contact the mother ship and bring all their secrets to mankind, instead of enslaving us and using us for food.
Cats belong on a tennis racket & their eyes strung along the middle of the road lighting the way for safe motoring.
There have been two cats living in my house (not simultaneously). The first one was nice and loving, but would occasionally hiss or scratch if you disturbed her or picked her up or invaded her privacy. The second one is also nice and loving, but never hisses or scratches. It’s like he doesn’t know how…it’s not in him. He’s even more affectionate but desires much more attention. It’s just their nature.
Also, I heard male cats are friendlier than female cats, possibly an explanation for the cats I’ve had Another thing: sometimes they actually bite and scratch out of affection and/or playfulness. Both cats have done that. It can hurt if they’re claws or teeth are out, but it’s adorable.
@flip86, are you really be so totally unknowledgeable about cats, or are you simply bored and trying to spark a fiery debate for the fun of it? If the latter, you’ve got it! If the former, you couldn’t be more wrong about cats being “evil” nor about making such a silly generalization. I’ve owned several cats over the years. I’ve had my current one, a Siamese mix, for 13 years. He is a sweet and loving pet-friend whom I can’t imagine not living without. He can be demanding, yes, especially when he’s hungry, but when he greets me when I get home (he’s strictly an indoor cat), asks to be petted by rolling over and stretches, or curls up in my lap and bed to sleep, it’s utterly impossible for me to think of him as evil. I also dogs also, but evil, my friend, are the two big ones next door who bay continuously, growl and bark and snap when I walk to my fence or even open my door or windows, and who once wiggled under my fence and kept me trapped inside with their menacing behavior until their owner could retrieve them (he later had build a barrier to keep them in his own yard).
Don’t care for cats? That’s fine, @flip 86, lots of people don’t. But lots of people do love them – I daresay a bunch of them on Fluther. And as one of them, I say it’s a bit evil to label them all evil. ;-)
I always get kittens, so I can raise them. And they always turn out to be super awesome.
I’m with @jerv on this one. It’s how I explained my preference for cats to a friend recently. I would rather have a pet that feels like a roommate than one that feels like a child who never grows up.
Dogs come when they’re called; cats come when they’re interested. You just have to be interesting enough to merit their attention and friendship ;)
Dafuq? Don’t make me sic my evil cats on you, man! :D
MIlo here:Sez who?
Could a dog have protected you like that?
Because they think too much.
Cats are DEFINITELY NOT EVIL! I have cats all of my life. I have two cats now & I got them from a shelter (as kittens) after my other cats died at the ages of 20 & 21. You just have to keep them interested in interacting with you.
@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Why would I try to flame this site? I had no idea you were all die hard cat people. I suppose I should have guessed, since this is the internet.
Also, I previously stated that I have known some mellow, easy going cats that I liked. All of them were short haired, orange tabby cats.
^^ I didn’t type that. It was the cat.
Sucking people’s souls out while they sleep tends to cause that.
@Blondesjon my daughter works with a woman who seriously believes cats do that when they lie on you. I have no soul so I’m fine with cats.
Yes, to all of the above.
Cats rule, dogs drool. haha
You can’t slap a blanketed bias like that on anything.
I would ask,...
Why do ignorant people always think cats are evil? lololol ;-)
@Bellatrix . . . My grandmother enjoyed repeating that sentiment. She said that cats were particularly fond of babies’ souls because they were so tender.
I’m still working on why women are evil. I’m not even going to attempt cats.
Hmm, well if according to @Blondesjon‘s grandmother, children are tender, then I’m afraid that @CWOTUS has just shown that children are the root of all evil. I knew it.
Oh like dogs never kill humans or rip the faces of toddlers. HA! A Doberman attacked me a couple of years ago while I was out jogging. It cost $1000 for the Urgent Care to sew me up.
I was attacked by a “friendly” dog today. Fortunately I was just past the length of chain holding it. I had no idea the dog was there. It scared the crap out of me. It would have very likely caused far more than $1000 worth of damage to me if it reached me.
And you have the gal to call cats evil? HA!
@gondwanalon I was once charged by 2 huge Rottweilers while out walking/jogging. OMG!
I yelled and threw a rock at them but I was sure they were going to take me down. I was on a rural road, gravel/dirt, in the middle of nowhere and nothing to defend myself with, only open fields and giant trees whose lowest branches were about 12 feet off the ground. I nearly shat myself and had to go home and slam a couple of beers. lol
Well I’m still trying to debate whether the person asking this question is serious or not. However, if by some odd chance that you are serious I’ll respond with the following. My cats, past and present, have been incredibly loyal and compassionate. When my cat knows that I’m upset she comes right over to comfort me. I can except the fact that not everyone is a cat/dog person, but.
All the idiosyncrasies you name are just the things that endear me to cats, I love that they are so independently minded, go cats!
Cats are predators that never become truly domesticated. They are happy to dwell with humans only for as long as the human continues to provide for their every need. If cats had the same personality that they do now, but looked ugly, they would probably be shot on sight.
In general though, dogs are more dangerous because of their size and because of the way their pack-structure is based on a physical aggression-based heirarchy. Domestic dogs include humans as part of their pack and if a dog thinks it’s higher-ranking than you are, you better watch out. I would sooner be attacked by a cat than a dog.
On a final note: why is the internet full of cats? Because dog people actually go outside.
The moral to the story is, cat owners…really weird!! ~
No, the moral of the story is, dog owners…targets.
I have you in my sights, dogboy.
@gondwanalon @Coloma Dogs are only as vicious as their owners train them to be. If you have an irresponsible owner you can’t really blame the dog.
Well then, by ^^ that logic, cats are only as evil as their owners allow them to be! My giant male is only partially evil, as I’m the one who allows him to chew on me when we roughhouse. My little female isn’t evil in the slightest, instead preferring to nap in a quiet spot and snuggle up with me every night. And both of them sense when I’m upset and make it a point to rub all over me and purr to comfort me. See? That’s pure sweetness right there!
Cats are a lot more independent than dogs are. They don’t need people as much. That said, my cats never attack me or swap me with their claws. Both cats are hardcore when they play though, biting each other’s necks and shit. Savages.
But ever seen a cat genuinely defend itself when it’s cornered, or really frightened? Playful and sneaky cats are nothing compared to when it’s time for one to really fight haha. Saw that only once, and that dog regretted it big time. Fucking dog was ten times bigger than the cat, too.
@WillWorkForChocolate Cats have it pretty damn good. They can attack without the worry of being killed. Dogs on the other hand get mistreated by humans, trained to attack people and they get killed when they finally do attack people.
The true evil ones here are actually humans.
My old cat that died in 2010 was fearless. He attacked a Rottweiler and rode it out of the yard once, and took down my gardeners super mellow golden retriever, Roxy once too. haha
“Gadwicke” was a Himalayan mix, looked purebred and while he looked like a fancy feast cat, ( I called him the gay man of the forest lol ) that cat didn’t take any shit from sloppy, stupid dogs. haha
My dog has never crapped in the house. It doesn’t take much to impress me I guess.
My experience is completely different. I was never bitten by a cat, but three times by dogs. When hiking or riding a bike, no cat ever started wildly running toward me shouting angry meows and forcing me to yell to its owner, then getting the reply, oh, don’t worry, my cat is really harmless…
To answer your question, the only thing I can think of is this:
Cats don’t force couch potatoes to take them out for a stroll.
@Blondesjon I had heard it as “sucking out the baby’s breath while they sleep” and maybe it is possible that occasionally cats snuggling with babies accidentally suffocated them . . .
My Jaquito used to sleep in the crook of my arm with his head on my shoulder against my cheek for part of the night and then curl up with his sister Jilly. Jilly sometimes sleeps on my chest.
btw, re “my dog doesn’t crap in the house”—my cats don’t either and I don’t have to get a poop bag either.
They are/were loving loyal and wise. Jacky turned on the radio when it was cat mealtime and played fetch with his weasel ball, bringing it back like a soccer player. He took Jilly on hunts or brought back little lie mice for her to learn from. They would get up on their hind legs and wrestle like sumo wrestlers until one threw the other off the bed, then the victor would jump down and they’d tear about the house. Both of them know/knew when I am very sad/depressed and would come up with worried faces and kisses and snuggle close.
When I lost Jacky, I knew he couldn’t ever be replaced. I considered getting Jilly a dog as a new kind of companion—but then a mysterious cat showed up.
@flip86 Maybe that’s because my male cat has never attacked anyone but me when we’re playing, and other cats I’ve known never attacked anyone without being repeatedly provoked. Some dogs, on the other hand, attack just because they’re pms’ing that day. My youngest daughter was attacked by a neighbor’s bitchy ass dog. I almost had my finger bitten off by a neighbor’s dog when I was little. And a girl I went to school with had a rottie that turned one day, for no reason. That dog had been pampered and showered with love, then just snapped one day.
I don’t believe for one second that it’s always the owner’s fault. I do believe that some dogs/breeds just have that killer instinct buried deep within them, and despite the best treatment, are capable of turning on their masters for no reason.
Oh, and dogs are capable of doing far more damage than cats, with the strength of their jaws. A cat can scratch you and break skin with their teeth, but a dog can seriously fuck you up. Even little dogs.
Cats can do some serious damage. One method of disposing of a condemned prisoner back in the old days [mediaeval maybe] was to bind them hand and foot and put them in a sack with a bunch of cats and throw them all in river. As the cats fought to survive they tore the victim to pieces before they all drowned.
But my cats use their claws and teeth only in play, or as a gentle flexing of the claws as a wake-up call or a gentle hand-grabbing bite as a ‘don’t do that anymore’
My friend had a dog she dearly loved, a huge lab/mastiff mix she got from the shelter after he had sayed there neglected and unwanted for a very long time. He grew to be a loving, wise and gentle dog in many ways [I even adored him after initially thinking he shoud be put down]—but he killed cats [and gophers and squirrels and other animal life]. He had forced her to move from one house to another and then killed again alienating her new neighbors. He had to wear a shock collar and undergo extensive training. But he did accept the cat who lived in her house, even sleeping in the same room.
@WillWorkForChocolate I was bitten in the face by a dog when I was about 6 or 7. It was an Akita. The dog was about 10 or 12 years old, not at all used to being around kids and was very territorial about his spot under the table.
I was simply trying to pet him when he bit me. The dog was not trying to kill me. It quickly snapped at my face and luckily only broke my skin in a few places and left no permanent damage. After the one bite the dog stopped and I got away from it. A few weeks later the dog was killed.
That never traumatized me. I blamed myself. I knew better. I shouldn’t have gone near the dog.
On the other hand we knew another Akita(different owner)that was just as mellow as could be. She’d let kids pet her, climb on her, hug her and never once did she bite or even growl.
I think the difference in owners is what made for two very different personalities in those two dogs.
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